C h a p t e r T h i r t y F o u r

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Sting's POV

I woke up, every inch of my body aching. What the hell even happened? The coldness of the metal pricked at my wrists.

I tried to move, but fell, the sound of metal echoing out. Where the hell was I?

"Sting? Are you awake?" I heard Rogue speak. He was in the room to the left of me. We were in...cells? That was when I noticed my wrists and ankles were attached to a metal chain, restricting me from moving too much, "Minerva is here too. She's in the cell next to me."

"I was just telling Rogue about what had happened since Y/n and I were captured. I'll shorten it down for you," I heard Minerva speak from a distance, "At first Y/n and I were stuck in anti-magic columns, then I was moved to here after he realised that he didn't want my magic."

"So you and Y/n were separated for the majority of your time here?" I asked and she nodded, "So you have no idea what is happening with Y/n and Dhutia?"

"Not a clue," Minerva responded, "I heard that she almost died the other day. Apparently they rushed to revive her."

"He almost killed her?" I snapped. I was getting angry now. Just the thought of Y/n in any pain brought rage to me.

"That's what the guards outside my cell were saying," Minerva responded.

"So what's our plan?" Rogue asked.

I tried to use some magic to bust myself out of here, but as I expected, these chains on my wrists and ankles were anti-magic.

"The damn chains are anti-magic!" I growled in anger as I tried to use my raw strength to break the chains.

Unfortunately, as pronounced and prominent my six pack is, I lacked the strength to break free. I need to start working out more when I get back, no more slacking.

"There's no way you can use your shadows, Rogue?" I asked.

"Already tried that. Minerva can't use her territory magic either," Rogue responded.

"Come on, we have to think," I groaned in annoyance. We were so close to Y/n, yet we couldn't even get to her.

Y/n's POV

"You did what?" I hissed, tears streaming down my face.

"I captured your boyfriend and his friend," Dhutia shrugged, "They got further than I thought they would. They were dangerously close, so I'm just making sure they won't be a problem nor will they interfere."

"Let him go," I spoke in a softer tone, "Please..."

"Oh wow, the great and powerful Y/n is begging me," He jeered, "I already know how to take the magic out of you. Why should I do you a favour?"

I saw him flipping through the pages of a spell book whilst mixing a few things in a test tube. The liquid in the test tube was red. Did he just put blood in there?

I could smell the foul scent of it from where I was. What the hell is even in there?

Then I saw him grab a jar from his pocket which had a...catfish inside of it? He threw it into a blender before pouring it into the mixture.

"YOU JUST BLENDED A CATFISH?!" I gasped, "What else for you have in that mixture?"

"It's crucial for the spell," He shrugged, "And only some other things like tiger fur, polar bear tooth-"


"Shut up. It's time to take your power," Dhutia smirked. He came towards me with a scary look, holding the cylinder he was mixing things in a few seconds ago in one hand, and the spell book he was reading in the other.

He can't take my magic away, can he? That's why I've been here for so long, right? Because he couldn't do it.

Sting's POV

I heard a loud piercing scream disturb the uneasy silence in the cells.

That was Y/n.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO HER?!" I roared. I felt an overwhelming amount of power build up inside of me.

I felt a fluttering sensation all over my body. What is this? The chains attached to me snapped by themselves. I looked down at myself, almost gasping from the shock.

Two large clawed dragon feet were there instead of my human feet. Then I looked ahead, realising that I was no longer eye-level with the guard in front of me.

I was way taller.

Everything felt enhanced. My eyesight, my sense of smell, my hearing, everything.

I let out a thunderous dragon roar. Almost naturally, I flapped my dragon wings, breaking the walls down, freeing Rogue and Minerva, breaking their chains in the process.

I looked them in the eye as if telling them to run. They nodded, somehow understanding me and quickly making their escape.

"THE DRAGON SLAYER TURNED INTO A DRAGON!" The guards exclaimed, beginning to fight me with their swords. They slashed at me, but with one swipe, I knocked them all to the side. They were no match for me.

I used my white dragon roar on all the guards, all of them dropping simultaneously at once.

When they were all out of the way, I used my wings to fly myself to where I heard the scream. It was a metal door which had warning signs plastered all around it.

I could smell it. My Y/n was in there and so was that pathetic god, Dhutia. Something smelt off about Y/n, but I couldn't put my finger on it. It was still her, but she was missing something.

Using my white dragon wing attack, I knocked the heavy metal door down. It fell with a loud crash.

I wasn't ready for what I saw.

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