C h a p t e r T h i r t y T w o

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Minerva's POV

I wonder how Y/n is holding up. I've been stuck in this anti-magic cell for so long that I've forgotten how many days have passed. Tons of guards walk around, making it impossible for me to even attempt to escape. Maybe I'd have a chance at escaping if I was in better condition.

"Eat," The guard glowered, pushing a tray of food through the hole in my cell. It was the same food they gave me everyday. Some cow pile of a white substance. It didn't taste particularly bad. It was tasteless to be honest. Well, most of the time it was tasteless. Sometimes it's a little bitter.

I refused to eat it in the first few days, but then I realised I had no choice. My body was getting too weak and I needed to eat something.

"What are you waiting for, an invitation?" The guard sneered. They spoke to me like I was a peasant or something. I wanted to sink my sharp acrylic nails into his stupid face. I rolled my eyes at him and ate the food. Luckily, it came with water. Normal water. Well, I hope it is.

After gulping down the water, I threw the bowl and the cup at the guard.

"Ungrateful brat," The guard spat before leaving with the bowl and cup I had just thrown at him.

The cell was cold. It was empty too. There wasn't a bed so I slept on the floor. I've gotten a little more used to it, but it's still uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, I saw the guards go into panic. Dhutia was shouting. Some guards stayed put outside each cell whilst the other lot ran towards the door.

"What's the problem with the boss?" One of the guards outside my cell door asked.

"Apparently that goddess girl is dead," The other guard responded.

Goddess girl? Are they talking about Y/n? Of course they are. Who else could they be talking about?

"But she's a goddess? She can't die that easily," The guard spoke in a puzzled tone, "And she's been kept in that anti-magic column right? That keeps her healthy, doesn't it?"

"You're so behind on everything! He took her out of the column. She's been tied with anti-magic ropes and Dhutia has been keeping her slightly alive with his magic. She's literally been on the edge of almost dying since then," The other guard answered.

"Oh wow. So if Dhutia is using his magic to keep her alive, why is she dead?"

"I'm guessing Dhutia pushed it too far."

Anger rose inside of me. They killed Y/n? THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND! I'M GOING TO SLAUGHTER THESE IDIOTS!

I launched forward, my hand going around the guard's neck faster than he could react.

"LET ME OUT NOW!" I roared, my nails were digging into his neck, I could feel it.

"LET GO!" The other guard pulled out a sword.

Sting's POV

We've been walking for about a day now. Luckily, we have the map to follow and everything seemed to be going smoothly, which is a surprise.

"I think we should take a break," Erza spoke.

"Okay," I nodded and everyone looked at me in shock, "What?"

"Oh, nothing, except the fact that you freak the hell out every time we take a break," Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"Well, since he isn't freaking out right now, let's take advantage of that and take a break," Laxus spoke.

We sat down on the grass and Natsu had run off to catch some fish for food.

"We're so close to finding them. How are you feeling?" Mira asked me.

"I'm worried. What are we going to do when we find them and then we see Dhutia?" I sighed, "We don't have a very thought out plan for that."

"I know, but I guess attack and run is all we can do," Erza responded, "We won't be able to knock him down, but we can buy ourselves time to run."

"Good luck," Mavis frowned.

"What do you mean good luck? You're coming with us, aren't you?" Laxus asked.

"No, I will not be coming with you," Mavis shook her head.

"Neither will I," Zeref spoke, "I'll stay with Mavis outside of the building."

"But you're a ghost, you can't die," Rogue pointed at Mavis and then to Zeref, "And you just can't die. Surely it'd make sense if you two were on the front line."

"I can't see him," Mavis shuddered.

Wow, Dhutia really scared Mavis. She doesn't want to see him again, even though it's impossible for her to die or to get hurt.

"GUYS I GOT FOOD!" Natsu brought us back some fish. He cooked it for us with his fire breath, and we set off again afterwards.

We were getting really close, but the forest was almost pitch black. Luckily, we used Natsu's fire, my light and Laxus' lightning to light up the area around us.

"STOP THERE!" A group of hooded figures shouted at us as they emerged from the trees.

"They're a dark guild," Mirajane commented.

"Then they should be easy to defeat," I scoffed.

Y/n's POV

What the hell just happened? It was dark all around me. Were my eyes closed? Probably. I could could only hear the muffled shouting in the distance. It felt like I was just pushed underwater or something.

I felt someone's hands on my shoulders pull me out of the water and at that moment, my eyes opened too.

Dhutia had pulled me out of what I thought was water. It wasn't. It was the liquid that was in the column I was put in, except I couldn't breathe in it. When I was in that column, I could breathe in it, but now I can't. How strange. Did I die then?

I tried to ask questions, but I found that my throat was full of water. I coughed and coughed until all of it was out.

"Oh good, you're alive," Dhutia spoke.

"What, what I dead?" I asked.

"Only for an hour or something. Luckily, you're a goddess so it's not like you can't be revived. You're body isn't as weak as the normal body, so I brought you back to life. Can't have all that power going to waste now, can we?" Dhutia smirked.

Then I punched him right in the nose. He was so angry that his face turned red.

"Careful who you're messing with," He growled before pushing my head under the tank of liquid.

I couldn't breathe. He pushed me underneath as I scrambled to get up.

I felt my eyes go heavy for the second time.

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