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Minerva's POV

"GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Y/n ordered, chasing Rufus down the long Sabertooth halls, "I want your hat!"

"If I give it to you, Sting will have my head so no!" Rufus shouted back, continuing to run from Y/n.



At last, we are finally back to normal. Sting got her girlfriend back. I got my best friend back. Rogue got his girlfriend back. I got my boyfriend back.



He ran out the building as Sting and Y/n stopped chasing after him.

"Why wouldn't he give me his hat?" Y/n pouted as Sting held her close.

"I know baby, he's so mean," Sting soothed, "But I would give you everything..."

"But you don't have his hat to give me," She pointing out, looking at him with a raised eyebrow and her arms crossed.

"RUFUS!!!" Sting ran after Rufus.

"DON'T COME NEAR ME!" Rufus yelped.


"STOP SHOUTING! YOU'RE HURTING MY EARS!" Y/n shouted and Sting immediately ran towards her, forgetting all about Rufus.

"I'm so sorry baby," He pouted, hugging her and repeatedly apologising.

"Back to normal, huh?" Rogue nudged me, "I have to say though, it was quite the adventure."

"Would you do it all again?" I asked.

"Not if it meant I had to lose you again," He mumbled, shyly pulling me into him so my head was against his chest. He muffled into my hair, "I really missed you. I was so scared I'd lose you."

"I missed you so much as well Rogue," I spoke as our lips touched.

Y/n's POV

"That was one hell of a trip," I commented as I spoke to Minerva. Rogue had gone off with Sting for whatever reason.

"It really was," She nodded, "You've found out so much about yourself though, so I think it was worth it."

"Sorry for dragging you into it," I chuckled.

"Y/n, you're my best friend. Don't apologise. I would literally go through it again if that meant you found out more about yourself," Minerva smiled.

"I remember when you'd come visit me when your father kept me hidden," I reminisced.

"Yeah and you attacked him for telling me off because he told me to stay away from you and I didn't listen," She laughed, "And then you met Sting."

She wiggled her eyebrows at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"And you met Rogue," I smirked.

"Whatever," She scoffed.

"And you fell in love," My smirk grew.

"And you didn't?" She pointed out.

"Whatever," I imitated her.

"You're such a kid."

"Yeah well, Mimi, this kid is a goddess!"

"You haven't used that nickname in ages!"

"It's because that nickname was for the young version of you. You're old now, Minerva."



"What's happening here?" Rogue appeared out of a shadow, next to Minerva.

"She called me old!" Minerva pouted.

"Y/n..." Rogue raised an eyebrow.

"Rogue," Sting randomly appeared, giving Rogue a deadly glare.

"Sting!" I exclaimed, hugging his side as he put an arm around me, "Rogue is being mean to me and so is Minerva!"

"SHE CALLED ME OLD!" Minerva gasped at the realisation of something, "Surely you're older Y/n. You're a goddess. You were just frozen in time or something."

"...You're so right...!" My eyes widened, "I'M SO OLD, WHAT?!"

"Well, if you were frozen, you're still the same age that you were before you were frozen," Rogue pointed out.

"Isn't that kind of like taking a break from life and pausing yourself?" Sting wondered, "That's kinda cool you know. I need a break from life sometimes."

"Maybe if it was out of my own free will, I would've appreciated it more," I rolled my eyes, "And why do you need a break from life when you have me? You're sick of me already?"

"No! I mean like...you know when... I have a lot of work and it just-" Sting attempted to explain himself, "Forget it."

"So you're not sick of me yet?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion.

"Of course not! I love you Y/n! Do you think I turn into a dragon and fight a powerful god for everyone?" Sting held my hand.

"Point taken, point taken," I nodded.

"Anyway, can we go for a walk? I want to just spend some time with you alone," He whispered in my ear.

"Okay," I nodded.

Sting's POV

As much as I had missed the guild just being normal, I had missed spending time with Y/n. Since Dhutia took her away from me for so long, that means I need to make up for the time that I would've spent with her if she wasn't taken away.

We ended up walking up the hill and sat down to look at the stars.

"So this is it, no more crazy Dhutia, no more chaos and attacks at our guild," I spoke.

"Yep! But I'll tell you what there will be more of," Y/n chuckled as I raised an eyebrow, "Dragon turning and Goddess transforming."

"You got that right," I winked, "But I do have one question."


"Why did Dhutia not manage to steal your magic then? Because I thought he did, and then you went full goddess mode on us."

"I'm guessing it's because I never actually unlocked my real magic," She chuckled.

"Absolutely insane."

We started reminiscing about old times and laughing at some of the memories we've made together.

"Do you remember when you almost attacked the girl at the cafe? She tried to spill the drink on you!" I laughed.

"I kinda did attack her..." She pouted, "Then again, during the double date with Minerva and Rogue, you slapped a guy's hand away because he tried to get with me."

"He shouldn't have even tried to touch you," I scoffed at the memory of that pathetic guy.

"It's crazy how quiet it is, isn't it?" She spoke.

"Yeah, with how chaotic things have been lately, it feels weird," I nodded in agreement.

"I bet Weisslogia is watching over us," She smiled.

"And your parents," I smiled back.

"I feel like this couldn't feel more right. You next to me. Us together. The peacefulness," She sighed contently.

"I love you Y/n," I leaned in.

"I love you too Sting," She spoke a few millimetres away from me, before I closed the distance and our lips connected.


Author's Note:

And that's the end of The Hidden One! I hope you guys enjoyed this book!

Lots of love!!

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