C h a p t e r T h i r t y N i n e

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Sting's POV

"You're doing what?" I asked again, jolting upwards a little.

"STOP MOVING!" Porlyusica growled at me. I was back at her place because I got an infection in one of my wounds. She said I might need to stay for a while because my other wounds aren't healing as well as they should be either.

"I'm just going to find Zeref to help me with the situation," She repeated, "You guys worked with him to find me, so you already know that we are good friends."

"But what if he hurts you?" I asked, trying not to show how worried I was. I already heard about them being close friends from when we first visited Fairy Tail for help when Y/n was captured, but Zeref is still a very powerful and evil wizard.

"Zeref would never try and hurt me. I know I'm going a little defenceless, but he's my friend, Sting. I trust him so you should trust me," She spoke, putting her hand on mine, her thumb making comforting circles on the back of my hand.

"Maybe you can wait for me?" I asked with hope. I really don't want to lose her again.

"I'll be fine Sting, promise," She linked pinkies with me. Well, I mean, she pinky promised so she can't break the promise...but I'm still not okay with this.

"I'm glad you turned him down because he isn't able to leave anyway," Porlyusica grumbled. I shot her a look. Who does she think she is, controlling my schedule?

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow.


"My bad..." I chuckled nervously. This woman is seriously scary. I was actually a little scared that she'd make my wound more painful or something.

"So..." Y/n gave me her puppy dog eyes, making my heart absolutely melt. I wanted to just hold her tightly and never let her go right there and then, but if I moved, I think Porlyusica would drill me to the bed, "Can I go?"

"You're asking does my permission?" I asked, a little confused, "I thought you were going to go regardless of what I say."

"Oh yeah, I am," Y/n chuckled, "Getting your permission just makes me feel better about going off."

"Wow," I rolled my eyes at her, "Do what you want."

"You're the best!" She skipped over to me, placing a kiss on my forehead and running out of Porlyusica's place, "Hey Porlyusica! Make sure my boyfriend heals!"

"Yeah yeah, just go!" Porlyusica shouted back with a scoff.

"She's so perfect," I breathed out when she left.

"You're lovesick," Porlyusica rolled her eyes.

"She is my girlfriend," I smiled proudly.

"So you'd better treat her right or I'll rip open these wounds again," Porlyusica threatened.

"Are you close with her?" I asked.

"I guess you could say we are," Porlyusica shrugged, "She used to get injections from me once a week because her magic was so strong that it made her sick sometimes. The injections helped to regulate the magic so it could develop at a slower rate and not hurt her."

"Oh, I see," I nodded slowly.

"But even if I didn't give her injections, we'd still be close because of how many times that girl acts recklessly, gets hurt, and comes to me for help," Porlyusica scoffed, "Like you."

"My bad..." I chuckled nervously again.

Y/n's POV

"Yeah, I'm going out to go see Zeref so I'll be back later," I spoke to Minerva and Rogue.

"Sting let you go?" Rogue raised an eyebrow. He was still holding an ice pack to his cheek from when Sting punched him with his magic for almost waking me up...

"Uh, kinda?" I chuckled, "He didn't really have a choice since Porlyusica had to keep him there to sort out his infected wounds."

"That's smart," Minerva clapped, "Are you okay going alone?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I nodded, "See you guys later!"

With a wave, I set out to the forest, focusing on sensing Zeref's presence. It was a little more difficult than usual since I couldn't use my own magic to enhance his presence to make it more obvious, but it just meant I had to go by my human senses. It was definitely a massive disadvantage, but I guess I have no other choice anyway.

I couldn't use magic to enhance my speed either, so it was a super long walk. The only time I'm actually fast is if there's free food or if Sting is on the other side.

Sting's POV

"Why're you in a grump now?" Minerva asked me, looking at my crossed arms and legged figure in my office.

"Y/n went without me," I grumbled.

"She'll be fine, you lovesick boy," Rogue chuckled, "Like how she would've been fine whether you bruise my cheek or not."

"You were going to wake her up," I pulled my tongue out at him, "So I just wanted to make sure you understood the severity of my princess getting her undisturbed beauty sleep."

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Rogue groaned.

"...Minerva, you knew Y/n before any of us," I spoke up, "How close is she with Zeref?"

"I believe that they are very close. I think he was the first person she met when she woke up," Minerva responded.

"Woke up?" I asked.

"Yeah, she woke up in a forest after that whole god war thing," Minerva continued.

"How many secrets is that girl hiding from me," I groaned.

"Yeah well, that's what attracts you to her, right?" Rogue pointed out and I raised my eyebrow in confusion at him, "Well, every girl you've met before her just seemed predictable, which was the reason why you broke up with them. They were all the same."

"I guess so. I mean, the relationship would be boring if I didn't find out new things about her, even if it's that her best friend is Zeref or that her parents were the most powerful gods."

"Well, I hope Zeref notices it's her before it's too late," Minerva pointed out.

"Wait what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"If he doesn't realise it's her, he could kill her."

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