C h a p t e r T w e n t y T w o

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Sting's POV

"WHERE IS MINERVA?!!!" Rogue roared as I just sat at the table, watching him go mental. He was in his dragon force and was clearly losing his sanity or whatever sanity he had in the first place.

I mean, everyone thinks Rogue is one of the most calm and sane people you'll ever meet, but he is not! What sane person would tell me to do paperwork? I mean, come on!

"Rogue, we'll find her," Rufus tried to reassure him.

"How are you holding up?" Porlyusica looked down at me.

"Well, I'm not allowed to go an look for her, so I'm not going to lie, I feel pretty damn weak," I scoffed.

"Well, you'll be happy to know, you are okay to look for her now. You've healed completely, but this doesn't mean you can go out and be reckless, got it?" Porlyusica looked at me sternly.

"Yes! Thanks Miss Porlyusica!" I shouted, already dashing out the door.

"Oi! I'm coming too!" Rogue sprinted after me, not in his dragon force anymore. I'm guessing he calmed down a little.

We both managed to cover the whole area, but smelt nothing, not even a trace of them was left behind.

"AHHH!!!" Rogue roared in anger, a black beam of magic coming out of his mouth and burning a hole in the trees in front of him.

"Calm the hell down. I can't think straight with you yelling," I spoke, "Is there nowhere else they could be?"

"If they were in this town, we would be able to smell them!" Rogue groaned, "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

"Stop stressing out! You're making me stressed out!" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Aren't you worried for Y/n?!" Rogue asked.

"Yeah I am! I'm really freaking worried! But I'm trying to keep myself together so I can find her quicker! Did you not hear that scream on that call with Dhutia? Do you know how much it breaks my heart hearing her like that? It hurts Rogue! It really freaking hurts! And it hurts even more that I can't find where the hell she is!" I finally broke. I saw some damp droplets on the grass below me, "When did it start raining?"

"It didn't," Rogue responded in a gentle tone. I touched my cheek and saw water glistening on my fingertips. I was...crying?

I wiped away my tears, but that's when I realised that they kept on coming.

"Hey Sting...it'll be okay," Rogue spoke softly, patting me on the back, "We'll find them."

Y/n's POV

"Minerva?!" I flipped, waking up and seeing her in the glass column next to me, "Why the hell are you here?"

She wasn't replying. In fact, she almost looked lifeless. What the hell happened whilst I fell asleep?

"I didn't realise you were friends with Jiemma's daughter," I heard Dhutia speak. He was standing straight outside my column.

"What did you do to her?" I growled.

"Took her power. It was so easy. You on the other hand, I can't seem to take yours," Dhutia grumbled.

"You freak!" I shouted.

"You should've heard her, Y/n. She screamed so much," He smirked. I hit my fist against the glass surrounding me.

"When I get out Dhutia, you better wish that I show mercy!" I yelled, continuing to hit the glass, but not making any progress whatsoever.

"Until then, I control what happens," He laughed, pressing a button. I then heard Minerva's cries of pain.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I shouted.

"Your turn," He smiled and pressed another button. Minerva stopped screaming, but then I started to feel the pain too, "I'm so glad I managed to catch you even though Jiemma failed to keep you a prisoner."

"Wait, what?" My eyes that clenched with pain slowly opened.

"Why else do you think he always kept you locked away and hidden?" He laughed maniacally.

"He said I was Sabertooth's hidden one. Their secret weapon..." I responded.

"You really are stupid!" He laughed even harder, "It was so he could keep you away from the outside world until I came so it'd be easier for me to take your power without you giving me a fight because you would have had no one to fight for and stay alive for."

"That's a lie," I growled, "I would've put up a fight anyway."

"Not much of a fight," He scoffed, continuing to press different buttons.

Sting's POV

Currently, we were travelling to the Fairy Tail guild. We figured that since we can't find any trace of them anywhere, we should ask someone who knows a lot more than we do. Master Makarov.

"Let's hope he knows what to do," I took a deep breath before opening the door to Fairy Tail. Quickly, I ducked when a table flew at me.

"HEY STING!" Natsu suddenly ran up to me, "I challenge you to a fight!"

"Oi Flame Brain, give him some time to actually step in the guild," Gray mocked.

"What did you say about me?!" Natsu raged and darted to where Gray was. I walked up to the bar where Mirajane was.

"Hi Sting, Rogue, what can I do for you?" Mirajane asked.

"Is Master Makarov around? We need to speak to him. It's important," Rogue responded.

"Sure, he should be in his office on the second floor," She nodded. We thanked her and walked to his office.

Knocking lightly, he called us in. He was actually doing paperwork? Wow. He's making me look like a bad guild master. Then again, paperwork sucks and I don't have time for boring things like that.

"Makarov, we need to ask for your help," I spoke.

"What is it?" He looked up to meet my serious face.

"Two of our guild mates are missing. Dhutia has taken them," Rogue explained.

"Dhutia? The God of War?" Makarov asked in shock and we nodded, "Wait...which two guild members?"

"Minerva and Y/n," I responded, my heart aching when I said Y/n's name. I miss her so much. I wish she was just back again. I miss having her in my arms.

"Ah, two very powerful wizards...I'll have to speak to Master Mavis," Makarov stood up.

"But...isn't she gone?" Rogue asked in confusion.

"You just can't see her. Drink this," Makarov handed us both a light blue drink, "You'll see what I mean in a second."

After drinking it, the outline of Mavis appeared, and then the whole of her. I think my soul almost left my body from shock.

"Only the Fairy Tail members can see her. That beverage you just drank let's you see her for the next 48 hours," Makarov explained and we nodded slowly.

"Now, Dhutia..." Mavis began. I could be mistaken, but I thought I saw a flash of fear in her eyes, "He really does deserve his title for the God of War."

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