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Edit: just realized forgot to say I got tagged by, TheChildOfAGroup

Well I've been tagged this exact tag so have 10 random facts

1) I love dogs

2) A lot of people assume I'm dating my best friend (we're both girls)

3) English is my first language but I can speak a little bit of French and some Spanish

4) I know how to pick locks

5) I like archery

6) Relationship status is single as always

7) I tend to get into fandoms by accident.  I found the Undertale AU's on accident while I was looking for comics and here we are now.

8) I love info-dumping. I will learn everything I can about something and when anybody asks me about it I will talk for hours. 

9) My favorite jacket is a grey hoodie with fleece lining in the hood. I wear it a lot

10) My favorite ship for Yugioh is Spiritshipping (Johan x Judai / Jesse x Jaden) and for LoZ it's Vidow (Vio x Shadow). I don't have a favorite ship for my other fandoms. 

Well, that's all. Here's the part where I actually die. I don't want to tag anybody I just tagged and that's almost all the people I know. So the only one getting tagged today is Flaming_wolf_101 I'm sorry please don't kill me.

In good news, I'm almost done with an actual one-shot. See ya, imaginary people

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