Life and Death

410 13 9

Cross's POV

Why? Why would you do this to me?

I don't understand. Am I really that awful? Are we that awful?

I was still reeling from the realization thar Killer tried to end his own life. We were heading home, it was still light out.

We weren't even arguing. Just being slightly annoying kids.

Nightmare stopped as we went across a bridge. He went over to the edge, carefully looking below, leaning over it.

I couldn't look away. What was I supposed to do? I was frozen.

I remember thinking 'He won't really do it, will he?'

My breath caught in my throat as he slowly backed away. Why would he do that?

I don't know if the others remember but I do.

It plays in my head like a horror movie. It's all I can think bout every time he leaves angry or yells at me.

Add when I see it in my mind, I see his eyes staring at me as he tells me all the things I did to cause this.

I'm so sorry.

I can't ever be good enough.

I don't want to disappoint anyone, cause I see their faces too. Death is a better alternative to having me in your life.

It feels like I'm playing god with people's lives. I can't do it!

I try to understand but I can't . Why? Why??

Nightmare always leaves his phone to go out when he's angry. I don't want my last words to him to be bad ones.

Why does it feel like I'm the only one with this burden? We were all there. If they all moved on, why can't I let go?

I'm so scared every time anyone responds even slightly bad. I feel terrified that every move I make could kill someone.

I feel terrified sometimes that I almost killed someone.

I'm a monster.

I don't know why.

Why am I this way?

I never wanted to hurt anyone.

I can't live, because that hurts people but I can't die because that hurts them too.

Don't get me wrong, Night's a good dad. He was the one to reel me in. I haven't lost control since. I've been too aware of myself.


I'm the one causing problems

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