More Insomnia

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(Y'all probably don't know but, I made a book for all my mini-series so they don't clutter up this book any more than it already is. It's nice and organized, unlike my life (I have literally no clue how people do the putting in the link thing. It doesn't work for me. So since that link isn't working, take this Link instead.

 So since that link isn't working, take this Link instead

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(Requested by multilover4fandoms sorry it took forever. First, it was the 1-year anniversary thing and then I thought this book was deleted then turns out it wasn't so I went and made back-up drafts just in case anyway and then I was just lazy. Again, so sorry. Anyway, you didn't really give me clear instructions so I just kinda did whatever. I hope you like it. I was planning on posting this in the morning but I feel bad about putting it off any longer)

Dream's POV

"Dream, I love you," Error said. Not this again.

"Error, that's really sweet but you only think you love me. Don't feel bad, it happens all the time." I'm used to it by now. Lots of people think they're in love with me because of my aura. It's really not their fault.

Error is actually a really nice guy. I feel bad that he was affected by this. I can't really control it either.

"No, I really do. You're nice and caring and your smile is so pretty."

"Error, I really think-" He cuts me off.

"Dream, please, I really do love you, I promise."

"I think you need to go home. We can talk about it tomorrow." I teleport back to my home. Great, now I have to deal with this. Error is one of my best friends. I really don't want things to be awkward between us.

Error's POV

I really do like Dream. He's always been nice, he sees the good in everyone, even me. It's not hard to fall for someone like him. The only thing is that he's had people think they were in love with him because of his aura. Oh, gods, I'm stupid. He thought I was just affected by his aura. I have to prove to him it doesn't bother me. But how do I do that?

I have an idea. Don't know if it's going to work but, it's worth a shot.

(Time skip: A few hours later) {This time skip was brought to you by, my brain ran out of ideas for the next five hours}

Everything is set up, now I just have to convince Dream. I teleport to his home and knock on the door.

"You can come in"

I walk in. Dream is sitting on the couch, eating a container of ice cream. Based on all the empty containers, he's been stress-eating. He slightly jumps when he sees me and instantly uses magic to clean up the mess. "Error, I wasn't expecting you."

"I want you to come with me for a bit."

He thinks about it for a while. He seems really torn. "I won't force you to go anywhere with me. I just want to show you something."

Dream's POV

Error is understanding and I feel like I can really talk to him and be myself around him, to tell the truth, maybe I have a slight crush on him, but I don't want for him to only like my happy aura.

I don't trust anyone who says they love me, if I go along with it, it just causes so many problems, for me and for them.

I know this is probably some romantic thing, but I don't want to get my hopes up. I really want Error to like me for me.

"Ok, I'll go with you" Why did I say that? I should have said no.

He teleports us to a grassy hill with a large tree on the top, a weeping willow. It's nice, the sun is shining, and there are birds chirping in the background. It reminds me of my old home, in a way without all the bad memories. I can feel the tears dripping down my face.

"Dream, are you ok?"

I hug Error tightly. He hesitantly pats my back to let me know it's ok. I look up at him and smile. "Thank you for bringing me here."

"I had to get some help from Ink, to make it perfect."

Maybe it's not the most romantic thing in the world, but it's special to me. He really listened and tried to make me happy. No one's done that since Nightmare became evil. I've always been the one dealing with their problems.

We sit under the tree. "Error?"


"I love you too"


Why am I extremely productive only at night, when I should be doing schoolwork, or during a migraine? It makes absolutely no sense.

See ya, imaginary people

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