Chapter four: I'm not blushing, you are!

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"May I walk you to school," Gilbert asked Anne, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice.

Anne who was almost too independent for her own good said in a stubborn voice, "I can walk myself Gilbert, no need to bother with it."

Gilbert could not say he was surprised by Anne's harsh rejection, he simply stood taller and swallowed the pain he felt and asked again, this time taking a different approach.

"Anne, I'm afraid I can't walk myself too school By myself. I'm terribly frightened of getting lost in the woods, and I know that you know, your way around them so well. Please, can you do me a favor, and lead me to school." Gilbert said this all practically begging on his knees.

Anne was dumbfounded, then a sudden realization came over her.

"Gilbert are you doing this just to make a mockery of me, because I am definitely not one to be scared of the woods," which was technically a lie considering she was convinced the wood's spirit would swallow her up if she stepped near it at sundown. "Nor am I one to be beg someone to walk me," said Anne who could only except that to be the reasoning, because why in the world would someone like Gilbert Blythe want to walk her to school.

"Of course not Anne, I would never make a mockery of you," it hurt him to see the doubt in her eyes, so he repeated, this time without even a hint of playfulness. "I would never, ever, make a mockery of you, it would give me an utmost honor to be accompanied by you on the walk to school," he said while taking a step closer to her, his eyes serious and reassuring. By the end of his speech Anne and Gilbert's faces were a mere, foot away from each other.

"I-i," Anne shuddered taken aback by the words Gilbert spoke, and their nearness, "suppose, since you are such a chicken, I will walk you." She said with a infectious smile playing on her lips, she raised her eyebrow teasingly then nodded her head quickly. Anne silently applauded herself for managing to get out such a reply without stuttering.

"Alright then," Gilbert smiled very widely, unable to resist smiling back at Anne, not that he didn't want to.

Anne bowed her head swiftly before saying, "excuse me for one moment." She turned quickly to go say goodbye to Marilla who was cleaning up from breakfast in the kitchen, but not before seeing, and blushing at although she would never admit it, the wink that Gilbert sent her way. 

"Goodbye Marilla," She said standing in her tiptoes, quickly to plant a kiss on Marilla's cheek. Marilla made a odd face and raised an eyebrow.

"Anne, do you feel alright, you are frightfully flushed," she said, of course she had been eavesdropping during the children's previous conversation, so she knew the reason for Anne's completion. Still it was somewhat fun to get Anne a little embarrassed. Although she didn't believe in eavesdropping it was positively irresistible, when it came to the two love sick children, who were so obviously meant for each other.

Marilla knowingly smirked when she saw Anne's face searching for a possible explanation, "Why, I-uhh, couldn't quite recall, umm," Anne mentally kicked herself for being so flustered and speechless, she told herself, "brain, come on give me something to work with here." When she excepted the fact that she had no way to explain herself she continued, " I'm quite well, Marilla no reason to worry yourself."

Marilla wasn't so easily maneuvered, "Anne you can tell me if you are in l-" she was stopped by Anne who couldn't come up with anything to say except.

-"Me?, I'm not blushing, Marilla, you are!" Anne practically yelled. Marilla's eyebrows shot up and she decided to give the girl a break, and not press any further.

"Well I uhh-," Anne cleared her throat nervously, "must be getting on to school then." Oh, Marilla, Gilbert is walking me!"she said excitedly with complete disregard of the fact that Gilbert was just in the other room. Then she realized what she had just admitted, her mind quickly collected that her tone implied that she was excited, which she told herself she most definitely was not. "I-i, mean- umm."

Marilla figures she would spare the child any more embarrassment, "well alright Anne have fun, now get onto school." Anne let out a received breathe and ran hottie stairs to get her things.

Stopping in the mirror to fix her hair she frowned seeing her reflection. Peeking from out of the corner of her mirror she spotted a dress Diana had lent her. She made a split second to change into the beautiful dress. It was casual enough for school, but oh the shade of blue it was complimented her so nicely, she felt like the most authentic form of princess Cordelia while wearing it. When she wore it it was one of the few times she could look in the mirror and smile at the reflection looking back at her.

She grabbed it from her clothes trunk and ran her dainty fingers across the pearls that lined the collar, moving her eyes to the silk white ribbon in the center of the dress, she finally made her way to the bottom of the divine dress to see the lace under layer that poked out from the bottom.

While the conversation between Marilla and Anne was happening, Gilbert sat patiently on the sofa in the living room, eavesdropping. His heart was leaping out of his chest as he heard of Anne blushing, then when she said she was to walk with him, he couldn't help but blush even more at the excited tone in her voice.

Of course his doubts came and he told himself that he was jumping to conclusions and she obviously wasn't excited to walk with him, he could hardly convince her as it is. He was lost in his thoughts when he noticed Mathew coming to sit down on the wooden rocking chair across from him.

Stay tuned for the next chapter that will be going up later today, to see what Mathew will say to Gilbert. I wonder what will happen between Gilbert and Anne on their way to school ;) and don't forget there will be a spelling bee coming up soon. I love you guys so much thank you for all of the support. If you liked this it would mean the world if you voted for this story. Tell me your opinions in the comments, if you liked it. PLEASE TELL WHAT IDEAS FOR WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO SEE IN THIS STORY. I am completely open suggestions!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ anyways. Ily :):):) until next time which is I'll be later today.
God bless ❤️❤️
Published August 6 2019

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