Epilogue~ Come on home little one

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In my mind Anne and Gilbert begin following Jesus. Individually find their value in who he says they are. They don't date for years. Don't marry until they are both solidified in their faiths. And at the alter they look up to the sky, because of course it is outside in a flourishing garden, just as Anne insisted. And they say, "Lord thank you." 

And they live on as equals in the sight of Christ, children giggle just like Anne does with freckles that Gilbert kisses as he tucks them in every night. Anne rocks them to sleep with a bible in her hand, singing psalms to them . Gilbert walks into the nursery and smiles, quietly thanking god again and again that him and Anne decided to wait to become a couple, if they had any earlier they would not have Christ at the center of their relationship and in the eyes of their babies. The source of all their lives sweetness.

He goes and kneels in front of Anne and Esther, as they named their newest born girly. Anne sings softly with teary eyes, overcome with the goodness of Jesus and what he has brought her, how far he had taken her. From an insecure, prideful, lost girl to a held, joyful, certain, childlike girl.

"I love you lord. O your mercy never fails me. All my days I've been held in your hand, from the moment that I wake up, until I lay my head. I will sing, of the goodness of God." 

And they did. 

So this is the end. I know it's probably not what any of you were expecting but it is my heart. 

I've been saved by Jesus :) When I wrote this fanfiction I was a different person, trapped in sexual sin, lost in the views, comments, longings for love. I had no idea who I was and any idea of my worth. The affirmations of the world were empty, meditation never helped in the long run, selfcare only went so far. But one day I heard a voice calling out my name with a smile and I was never the same. 

It wasn't easy, still isn't. But nevertheless I have decided to lean on Jesus and choose him not the world. He's changed me and he's freed me and continues to. He has became my best friend. He will free you to. You can choose him and be different and have joy that cannot be stolen. Some of you have lost your innocence, maybe had it taken by someone, something. Healing awaits, and love calls your name. Jesus does not blame you, he is not mad at you. He is only telling you "come to me and lie down, you have been tired." 

Don't waste a second, if even a small part of you feels drawn to god, or even curious, call out to him. Ask him what he is about, read the bible. There are answers there if you have ears to hear them. If you are willing to open your heart at the risk of being hurt, and you won't be, not by Jesus. He is gentle, tender and kind, and careful. He is for you, not against you. If you want to talk to someone about anything message me <3 I love you all dearly! But Jesus loves you a million times more. "Come on home little one."

"The little things of life, sweet and excellent in their place, must not be the things lived for; the highest must be sought and followed; the life of heaven must be begun here on earth." Anne Shirley Cuthbert (eventually Blythe hehe:)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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