Chapter eleven: Helplessly Faltered

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It was about an hour after school had started that Ms Stacy began to teach geometry, when Anne realized she left her textbook in the cloak room. She went to stand up not even thinking about the fact that walking was unequivocally a near impossible task for her to pursue at the moment. She quickly sat back down, grimacing with her hand over her face, she tried to recollect herself, tried to focus on bearing the pain that shot up her leg. She heard someone run over to her and sit down on the bench in front of her, but it wasn't the footsteps or any of the noise that made her aware of who was sitting in front of her.
It was purely the change in aura, a change only Anne felt. She could simply sense the person in front of her, that person who sent a overwhelming amount of butterflies to her stomach and sped up her heart beat, just by merely existing.
Suddenly the pain she was experiencing from her ankle lwas far from her main focus. She had a urge to open her eyes and see the hazel eyed boy in front of her but something came over her and she felt a odd suspense, she knew that as soon as she opened her eyes he would be right there, right in front of her, the thought made her nervous but also giddy, though she would not admit those feelings of course.
Finally her anticipation took over and she removed her hand from her face, opening her eyes. Her face had softened from its previous grimace, as soon as she had sensed him coming over.
Their eyes locked immediately.
There was a connection between the two that was so pure and earnest. A connection that was made from up above, a connection that was intimidating to anyone who would try to break it in the coming years, especially to them selfs. It was a connection not everyone would ever be fortunate to experience in their lifetime.
Anne tried to pull herself together, she really did, but she helplessly faltered.
Gilbert wondered if she knew what she did to him, if she knew how fast his heart beat became when she walked in a room, or if she knew the rosy filter his eyes looked through when he thought of her. As he took in her freckles, and red hair, he thought about how purely beautiful she was, she was quite literally the most beautiful thing in the entire universe.
His entire universe.
In his space she was the sun and everything that happened revolves around her.
Gilbert wondered how anyone could take their eyes away from her. He literally didn't know what to do with himself around her, he was constantly fighting his irrepressible urge that pulled him closer to her constantly. There had been times on the weekend, when he missed her so much, there was a necessity for nearness between them, he seriously had to force himself not to go to green gables, but it was just this feeling that he had whenever he wasn't near her, it felt as if something was missing, and he would do anything just to see her, in front of him like she was now. She was right there
, right in front of him,
he felt a overcoming feeling of comfort, happiness, and something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on, or more he didn't want to put his finger on. All he knew was that feeling felt very nice, undeniably the best feeling he had ever experienced.
When he noticed that Anne had tried to stand on her own then fell back in her seat, it brought something out of him, something that he had felt every time he had seen her in pain. This something took over him and seemed to make his decisions him, he had no say in what his actions were when this something came to visit his body in the form of furrowed eyebrows, a sense of panic and a desperate need for reassurance that she was alright. The something is what caused him to jump up in the middle of class and run to her desk.
He literally ran, dropping the book he was holding roughly on his desk.
In the moment he didn't hear the loud ruckus the textbook made, he didn't notice how the whole class gasped at him. The only thing he could see was her.

As the two sat there looking into each other's eyes, completely consumed by each other, neither realizing that the entire class was whispering and watching them, including their very own teacher.
The thing was no one stopped them, everyone simply seemed fascinated by what the two seemed to have between them, they were fascinated by how Gilbert jumped out of his seat in a split second, from seeing Anne grimace.
After a full thirty seconds of staring Gilbert finally spoke up and asked in a completely earnestly worried voice.
"Are you okay."
"Y-yeah, I umm."
She was about of continue but then Gilbert looked at her that way, her eyes unconsciously, having a mind of their own, drifted to his lips. Her breathing was hot and, her whole body felt completely warm.
Gilbert noticed she wasn't looking straight in his eyes anymore, his breath caught when he realized where her yes were. He but his lip as he moved his eyes to her lips as well. He didn't know what was happening at the moment, he just knew that he felt wobbly, like his legs might buckle out from under him once he stood up. He felt dizzy, seeing her pink luscious lips.
Anne said still looking at his lips,
"I forgot my geometry book in my basket," her voice was oddly breathless.
Gilbert without saying anything, stood up. Their eyes locked once again as he started walking, Anne turned her head as he walked, once he turned around she could only see the back of him, but she wasn't about to look away.
Gilbert grabbed her book from her basket, quickly and as he was about to turn back around he had a idea. He still held his pencil in his hand and he pressed it to the last page of her textbook, his heart doing the action not his mind. He wrote in neat handwriting,
You look absolutely pulchritudinous today, carrots,
Oh wait, please don't hit me again, I mean Anne. Let me rewrite that, I don't have a pencil to I guess you get to see the mistakes.

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