Chapter seven: Do you trust me?

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Gilbert rushed to catch up with Anne, who was already several yards ahead of him. He yelled after her, "Anne slow down, wait!"
As if she didn't hear him at all, she trudged on.
He finally caught up to her grasping her hand in an attempt to turn her around. She looked at him then moved her eyes down to his hand holding hers. Her heart stopped, she was now acquainted once again with butterflies as they erupted in her stomach. Gilbert followed her gaze as he caught his breath. As soon as they touched he felt a unmistakable spark, he had a feeling Anne had noticed as well, wait no she didn't what was he thinking.

They both pulled their hands away at the same time and immediately their hands felt empty without each other's holding it. Nevertheless both teens ignored it. Anne looked up startled by Gilbert's sudden laughter.
"I can't believe you just stormed out," he said laughing, "wait," he laughed, "actually I am not surprised in the slightest."
That was the moment Anne registered what was happening, she broke down laughing too.
"I-I do-don't even know why- I did-really," she laughed.
Finally after about two minutes of uncontrollable laughter Anne said abruptly,
"What about Ms. Stacy."
"We better hurry back, in that case."
"Race you there," said Anne, with her eyebrows raised, she sent him a teasing wink then sprinted through the trees and towards the schoolhouse.
"Hey that's my thing," said Gilbert referring to her wink.
But she was already yards away, so he took off.
He snuck up behind her and tapped her shoulder then quickly turned away so she couldn't see him. She looked back slightly slowing down then, moved her head to look forward realizing that it wasn't a frightful tree skeleton and indeed the teasing boy in front of her. She hastily recollected herself then ran as fast as she could, shooting him a glare once she caught up to him, she breathlessly laughed saying
"You cheater."
Her voice automatically distracted him, rendered him speechless, and as soon as he thought of something to say she was off ahead of him. He could see the school in the distance and was determined to not let her win.

Gilbert pushed through, and before he knew it him and Anne were running side by side. He glanced at her then ran as hard as he could, as did the fiery redhead. They both touched the door at the same time. Well more like fell into the door, the impact starling anyone who may be in the the classroom.
"Ha, I beat you," said a breathless Gilbert.
"Did not!" Yelled Anne laughing.
"I did and you know it," Gilbert laughed, bending over to catch his breath. Which oddly Anne wasn't doing, she was breathing perfectly normally. Gilbert was a bit baffled by that fact.
"You did not win, Gilbert Blythe, don't be a poor sport," said Anne.
"I'm just stating facts," he said stating up straight.
Anne laughed and reached out both of her hands too push his shoulders. He stumbled slightly back.
"Hey," laughed Gilbert.
Anne crossed her arms and put her chin up trying her best not to smile or laugh, which she failed miserably at.
"Okay fine, we tied?" Said Gilbert.
"No I won't have you settling for," she changed her voice to a lower one meant to imitate Gilbert's, " we tied," she switched back to normal, " then secretly thinking you are the true winner," Anne said in a snide tone.
"Okay okay," Gilbert laughed, "we tied your right."
He held out his hand and winked, Anne was slightly taken aback by the wink, as she was every time he did it. Nevertheless she shook is hand. The usual sparks shot up their arms, but something was different this time. They were getting closer, not physically, but their relationship was growing, at this point Anne was having as much fun as she would be with her bosom friend Diana Berry. She looked into his eyes with a expression that confused Gilbert, what was she thinking. The two continued standing there, physically unable to wipe the goofy grins off their faces, shaking hands.
As Gilbert looked into her ocean blue eyes he felt warm inside and giddy, it was a odd feeling, he let out a-
"Gilbert Blythe, did you just, Giggle," said Anne loudly with high eyebrows and an agape mouth. Then she let go of his hand and laughed so hard she worried one of her ribs would dislocate.
"What, n-no," said Gilbert joining in her laughter.
The two bent over laughing so hard, for the second time that day.
"Yes you did, no getting out of this Mr Blythe I heard it," said Anne who somehow managed to get out a clear sentence amidst her laughter.
The door handle of the school house shook, then opened to reveal none other than their very own teacher.
"What is all the fuss about, you two," said the teacher smiling at the still hysterically chuckling students.
"W-we," laugh," "w-we." Neither of them managed to get out the story so Ms Stacy simply said.
"Alright, Alright, I suppose we should get going, said ms Stacy.
"yes," said Anne smiling widely from the previous laughing fit.
Anne led the way, ms Stacy walking on her left, and Gilbert Blythe on her right. Anne crosses her arms secretly worried for what would happen if she let it hang beside her, conveniently next to Gilbert's. She sternly focused her eyes on the path in front of them and on that path only. All though the entirety of their travels she could feel eyes on her, glorious intense hazel eyes at that. She forced herself to ignore the temptation, no matter how much she wanted to look at Gilbert. While they walked Ms Stacy had told them about an after school class for students who intend to go to queens academy or any college for that matter. Anne and Gilbert's ears immediately perked up at the news.

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