Chapter twenty-five: Because I think I might love her

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"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife

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"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of good fortune must be in want of a wife."
Anne recited fluently with her classic enthusiasm. Ms. Stacy has just asked what the first line of pride and prejudice is. The class was reviewing for the queens entrance exams. There was an edge of pressure and stress in the thick air floating through the classroom. The end of the year was rapidly approaching along with the long anticipated Trinidad trip. In fact Anne couldn't be more excited, she had saved up enough for the trip by tutoring moody on his spelling. Which his parents insisted he do before the entrance exams. Diana and Charlie's donation's to the Locked wooden savings box under Anne's bed was, of course  the most immense. In fact it was more cash than Anne and Gilbert has seen in their life's. At night Anne felt as if she was sleeping atop gold. Gilbert earned his money by selling honey from the new bees he maintained. Bash teased him heedlessly for speaking to them as if they were royalty. Mary never failed to comment on how much Anne had rubbed off on him recently, and she had a point. Bash had even caught Gilbert saying "romantical".
    From months of saving up the four teens saved up enough to not have to board at a home but instead reserve two rooms at a hotel. All of them were ready to depart the next morning, cases and all...after they got this overwhelming exam over with. 
"Remember anyone who is caught cheating will receive a zero and have no chance of being accepted into our college."
Anne sat straight up in her desk listening to the college representative, she looked over to Ms.Stacy who has retreated to her desk. The teacher gave her an encouraging thumbs up. Anne smiled then turned her head to the other side of the room. Gilbert's eyes were already trained to her. He smiled then jokingly cleared his throat sat up straight and intertwined his hands on the desk, Nodding at her in a respectfully competitive manner. Anne mocked her usual competitive state and hung her chin up high crossing her hands as well and looking towards the front of the classroom. There was of course the usual competition between them but it was now friendly on both sides and not just one. ;)
Anne scribbled at the parchment, once the teacher handed it to her. She flew through the questions one by one, until she got to number 38.
What are the pacific meritimes?
Out of all the questions she could forget the answer to. She stared at the question for an entire three minutes, scavenging her mind for anything that might help her remember the solution. She let out a shaky emotion-filled breath and placed her head in her hands. She screamed at herself in her head, why couldn't she remember?! And the worst part was is she knew that this question should be easy, the entire class probably knew it. She bit her lip, trying to bite back tears. She had worked so hard to get one hundred percent. She wanted to be top of the class so bad in that moment it was as if all the pressure and expectations and stress came crashing down in her in that moment. As she looked down at her paper, the words written on it blurred by her teary vision, she was questioning all of her answers. What if I fail? She couldn't bear it. Her breath sped up and she could feel her face heating up. She felt sick to her stomach, as if she might pass out or throw up right there.
And then she heard the clang of a bit of chalk hitting her feet. She looked up immediately, not bothering to hide her hysterical state. The one, the only Gilbert Blythe met her eyes. His face immediately fell at her tears. But he quickly recollected himself knowing that looking sorry for her, wasn't what she needed. He sat up straight and motioned with his hand up inhale down exhale. She breathed with him, then wiped her eyes and gave him a soft smile. He lifted an eyebrow and looked her up and down once, in his classic Gilbert Blythe way.
Anne looked at the boy with the smirk on his face, and suddenly she remembered.
"Nice boys never say people eat insects."
"I beg your pardon."
"It's a nemonic device, nice boys never say people eat insects, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI-"
"Diana can you please tell gilbert that I don't need his help."
"Why don't you just tell me yourself, I'm right here."
"I suppose I just did."

"Im right here". He was, all these years he was right there. Anne's face must have changed at this because Gilbert eyebrows furrowed, and he would have inquired further had she not turned around and written the answer on her paper. Emotionally shaken, and awakened.
"And pencils down."
The sound of pencils hitting desks echoed through the room, as nervous sighs erupted from every student. Gilbert's eyes gazed across the room as he watched Anne secure her braid with a green plaid ribbon. He knew this was a nervous habit of hers. He himself was nervous, this one test determined his future. All these years of studying constantly, putting his heart and soul into each and every assignment. He needed it to pay off. Ms.Stacy had told him he had a 80% chance of getting into the medical division at Oxford university. But he had his doubts, medicine was a competitive field. He worried over his deteriorating determination to be at the top. It was a change, and not one he was comfortable with. School was one thing, he wanted Anne to beat him. But once they graduate from the small schoolhouse of avonlea, and move to the hundreds of students at college, he couldn't count on his previous competitiveness to guide him.

But that's not really why Gilbert Blythe is bouncing his knee sitting at his desk trying to memorize Anne Shirley cuthbert's appearance. No, Gilbert Blythe was scared because if the dream he had pursued since he started school came true, if he got into the medical division at Oxford university. he would be forced seas away from her. the thing he wanted more than anything. He was done denying it, he wanted to be be with her. He didn't entirely know what he wanted them to be at this point, but he did know he couldn't leave before they even had a chance to evolve into something more. So maybe that's really why he suggested the Trinidad trip. Because the more time that goes by and the more anticipation building up to the possibility of their separation, the more his emotions heightened. The more the pure need to be with her ate at him.
But I can't say or do anything.

Because I think I might love her.

Sorry this chapter is shorter, it's a filler, I just wanted to get across where Gilbert is at realizing his feelings for Anne. Anyways next chapter will be the beginning of a very crucial week for Anne and Gil's relationship ;) see you November 17 for chapter 26

Published nov 10

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