Chapter nine: I am NOT stubborn!

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Anne woke up to the image of a curly haired boy sleeping on the ground beside her. A look of confusing crossed her features, what in the world was Gilbert Blythe doing sleeping next to her on this fine Wednesday morning. But as soon as the thought crossed her mind it left as she recounted the previous events of the adventurous day before. She thought it adventurous because is naughty had happened, she thought of princess Cordelia her exact position, braving the vicious winds as she tore her way up a everlastingly old pear tree, she continued to climb and climb higher and higher until.
She fell, into the arms of her sweet, manly and protective Prince Charming. The prince's brown curls disheveled in front of his eyes, as her long raven locks danced with the wind, the princess reached up and moved the prince's delegate locks from his enamored hazel eyes. Still in his strong arms the princess was carried off to her novel kingdom. As Anne averted her gaze from the window to the boy next to her, she realized something. The prince she imagined looked exactly like the sleeping Gilbert next to her.
She groaned and rolled over to her side. Then with a sharp gasp she remembered one very important thing she had left out of her daydream, the prince had not broken the princesses fall entirely.
"Ow!" She shouted.
The ruckus woke Gilbert up with a start. He sat up fast and looked over to see that Anne was the cause of the previous yelp.
He moved over to her and kneeled by her side once again as he had done many times in the last twenty four hours.
Always right by her side.
"Anne are you okay," he said in a tired raspy voice, his eyes struggling to stay open as they adjusted to the fresh morning light. Anne's heart beat quickened as she listened to his voice, it was huskier and deeper than normal. As soon as she was about to get lost in his tired bloodshot eyes her ankle once again demanded attention, shooting unbearable pain up her swollen leg.
She hissed as she pain was to much to handle, digging her nails into her palm.
"Hang on for one second Anne I'll get your medicine," Gilbert said getting up. He walked to the kitchen and fumbled around with the cap of the new medicine bottle Mathew had brought from Charlotte town the night before. Breaking the red wax seal he walked over to the silverware drawer and grabbed a metal spoon. He poured the deep purple liquid onto the utensil then sped back over to the living room.
He held in up to Anne's lips, that did look rather soft he couldn't help but observe as she drank the medicine, then he slightly shook his head averting his eye line to the ground. After the medicine was gone Gilbert dropped the spoon and looked at Anne worry in his eyes as he asked.
"How are you holding up."
Anne only shook her head and closed her eyes.
"It May take a minute for the pain medicine to kick in."
Anne just put her finger up motioning for him to be silent as she tried to croak out.
"Distract me."
Gilbert raised his eyebrows slightly as he thought of something to talk about. Anne looked over at him after a couple of seconds then moved her arm in circles telling him to hurry up.
"Uhh- did you know that I don't know how to whistle," he looked over at Anne who even in so much pain, couldn't help but laugh and let a chaff grin spread on her freckles face.
"Yep, I never learned," Gilbert laughed, "my dad used to poke fun at me for it, he said I would never be able to ride a horse because there is no way it could understand such a perplexing command." He laughed as he recalled the way his dad would try to teach him when he was younger but both would end up laughing so hard, they would fall to ground and roughhouse. He noticed how Anne's expression filled with sympathy but she still laughed with him lightheartedly which he was grateful for, if he was going to talk about his dad and the dark parts of his life with Anne he wanted it to be when both of them could be vulnerable and fully focus on what the other was saying.
"I tried and tried to figure it out but something about the way you have to make air in your mouth just never made sense to me," Anne laughed so hard her eyes began to fill with tears.
"Do it," said Anne in between laughs.
"What?" Gilbert asked even though he knew what she was referring to.
"Try to whistle," Anne said hitting him playfully in the arm, sparks shot up his arm her touch throwing him off guard. He looked down at where she had hit him with a somewhat shocked look on his face. Why couldn't he get himself together, he tried to stop himself from blushing ferociously. But ultimately failed pathetically, he smiled looking down to the floor, as the warm feeling her touch caused lingered in his body. Anne was still laughing, aware of Gilbert's state but utterly baffled by it. She too had felt the sparks but there was no possible way it was from their touch and even if it was Gilbert surely did not feel it, she was sure of it. Gilbert looked back up at Anne with this look that she couldn't quite comprehend. His eyebrows were furrowed and he wore a slight smile it was like his was trying to dissect her mind, trying to search inside her. Her laughing faded a bit as she gave him a confused look.
He laughed then asked, "what did you say."
"Oh uhh," she actually had to search her mind to remember what they were talking about for his eyes had taken her mind entirely and her train of thought went away, "oh, you were going to demonstrate your proficient "whistling" skills for me."
She said raising her eyebrows, while making quotation marks with her fingers around the word whistle. Gilbert laughed and then looked down, fiddling with his hands in his lap, he had changed from his original kneeling position it sitting with his legs crossed.
"Okay," he licked his lips and moved his head up, "are you ready," he cocked and eyebrow.
"Yes, stop trying to thwart the fact that you are going to have to whistle."
Gilbert shook his head laughing then finally he puckered his lips and blew air. The sound that came out was more or less a quiet sigh noise.
Anne exploded in a laughter fit, holding her stomach with her hand. Gilbert laughed along with her, blushing profusely still. He bent over trying to grasp his breath in between laughs, but still looking up at the redhead in front of him. Her laugh was the most exquisite sound he had ever heard, it wasn't just a sound but more of a melody,
The melody his heart pulsated to.
The two teens were still uncontrollably laughing when the sound of booted footsteps coming down the stairs filled the room. It was Marilla, her hair neatly done up in a braided crown. Anne moved her head back so she could see the cause of the noise. Once she registered who it was she said,
"Good morning Marilla, my your hair looks as if it came straight from a fairy queens head."
Marilla slightly laughed despite her stern side telling her not to,
"Don't say such fiddlesticks Anne, but I suppose I shall spare you a thank you," As Anne turned her head back to face Gilbert's blushing one and as the two broke out into laughter again Marilla raised her eyebrows. Anne seemed very invested in Gilbert, usually she would have gone on for minutes straight about her dreams the night before but this morning was different, Anne and Gilbert seemed to be in their own world, completely absorbed by the laughter of the other.
"You two seem quite chipper this morning," said Marilla with a knowing look.
The two just laughed on more and more as they both tried to get out why they were in hysterics. Finally Anne managed to sputter out, while still looking intently at Gilbert, as he gazed at Anne,
"I've just discovered that Gilbert is the most gifted whistler of all time."
The two only laughed harder from that and eventually Marilla gave up on trying to get any of their attention to say that breakfast would be ready soon, and left the two laughing children to them selfs.
Mathew came down the stairs not much later and observed the scene in front of him. Gilbert sitting by Anne's bed side facing her, his hands fiddling as he watched her laugh, his eyes longing and confused. Anne lay on the couch her ankle propped up at the end. She was laughing while looking at Gilbert, the two of their voices filling the house with a joyous aura. He smiled as he asked coyly as usual,
"How is your ankle Anne?"
"It's feeling much better thank you, they say laughter is indeed the best medicine, I can testify to that."
Then Gilbert said, "and you did just have some legitimate medicine that should be kicking in," he looked at a phantom watch in his wrist, holding his arm up, "around now."
Anne pushes him in the shoulder with her arm as she laughed then said loudly.
"Don't you dare contradict me Doctor Blythe."
The usual shocks reached both of them from the impact of their touch. Gilbert laughed then said.
"Doctor?," he raised his eyebrows then quirked his head to the side a bit.
Anne just erupted once again in a fit of giggles.
Mathew then left the room a smile playing on his lips, Gilbert never seemed to fail to raise Anne's spirits, even when she didn't want to admit it. Mathew was even more certain about his decision on what he was going to talk to Gilbert about that weekend.
Gilbert stood up from his seat picking up his plate and looking over at Anne who sat in the chair next to him, she was leaning back in her chair lazily, her hands on her stomach as she zoned out looking at the wooden chair across from her. He chuckled at her relaxed position.
Gilbert grabbed her plate, the racket bringing Anne back to reality as she moved her gaze from the chair up to the mannerly boy.
"Thank you," She said smiling goofily.
"Of course," he smiled back just as goofily as her. Neither of the youngsters had been able to wipe a smile of their face the whole breakfast. Their laughing fit hadn't completely ended, due to Anne who had been puckering her lips at him trying to imitate his previous pathetic attempt at whistling. When ever breakfast got quiet Anne would tease him by doing that and both kids would break out laughing, much to Mathew and Marilla's confusion. Both of the adults were thinking why Anne was constantly puckering her lips at Gilbert, Marilla at first thought maybe she was sending a kiss of sorts to him but by the fifth time Anne had done it she thought that was definitely not the case. Mathew was just plain baffled, and resolved to staring at his plate most of the meal.
Gilbert smiling widely walked over to the kitchen. Once he saw the stack of dishes Marilla was working on washing by herself he rushed to her side and said.
"I'll wash them," he offered.
"Oh, no Gilbert it's all right I've got it," Marilla protested.
"Nope, I'm doing them, Marilla, it's the least I can do considering your hospitality."
Marilla opened her mouth to protest again but Gilbert has already rolled up his sleeves and was getting to work pumping water from the spout.
Marilla let out a chuckle,
"Your just as stubborn as your father."
Just as she said this Anne limped into the room on one leg, sitting herself down quickly before she fell.
Gilbert lunged over to her as he saw her start to stumble.
She waved him away as she settled herself on a chair. Gilbert let out a relived breath, he was about to lecture her on how he could have helped her get over or how she needed to be more careful with her ankle, but he refrained as Anne smiled at him gratefully, he knew she already knew everything he could say. Once Anne broke their strong eye contact he turned back to the sink, remember what Marilla had said just second before, but before he could mention it Anne did.
"What were you saying Marilla," Said the redhead remembering what she had heard from eavesdropping just seconds before.
"Oh, well," she looked over at Gilbert who was scrubbing the dishes but she paying attention, "the Blythe's definitely have quite a bit of stubbornness in their blood."
Gilbert laughed over the dishes, Anne joined in.
"A- b-bit," Anne said sarcastically whilst laughing her heart out.
Gilbert turned around laughing and walked over to Anne pointing at her accusingly.
"I'm not the only stubborn one," he said between chuckles.
His hand was on the back of Anne's chair resting just above her shoulder, her legs merely inches away from Anne's as he lowered his pointing finger. Anne's breath caught as She noticed Gilbert's arm so close to her shoulder, she glanced at it frozen. But then she realized that it wasn't uncomfortable, not in the slightest actually, it felt, natural. Her whole body felt warm. She began laughing again, uncontrollably at that, bending over holding her stomach, Gilbert moved his hand from the chair as he too bended over. Laughter roared through the house once again.
"Are you trying to call me," she laughed sharply, "Stubborn." Said Anne even though she knew very well that she was.
"Anne your the most stubborn person I know," Gilbert said in a tone meaning, *you can't even deny it, but of course Anne did.
"I am not stubborn, Gilbert Blythe," She said firmly.
"Yes," laugh, "you," laugh, "are."
"Am NOT," she yelled still laughing obnoxiously.
"Wait," said Anne realizing she was proving Gilbert to be right by arguing.
"Yeah, your not helping your case here Carrots," Gilbert raises his eyebrows teasingly.
Anne only opened her mouth wide and reached out her arm and pushed him in the chest.
Gilbert raised his arms is as if the say. *its only a fact.
The two just laughed harder and harder until Marilla had left the room, realizing that they weren't going to leave their little bubble anytime soon.
Gilbert walked back over to the dishes, then finished them with a giddy smile on his face. Anne watched him with her smiling face resting on her chin her elbow resting on her thigh. She observed the way his curls fell restlessly into his eyes causing him to brush them away with the back of his hand. Her heart beat as she looked intently at the line of his broad shoulders and around in muscular stature, it felt as if it had gotten really hot in the room all the sudden. Anne was very perplexed by what she was feeling, all she knew was, my gosh Gilbert Blythe was handsome.
It warmed her heart when she heard him insist on doing the dishes for Marilla and how he was not to proud like the other boys ever. He didn't mind doing things that were a "woman's duty" she thought about how if she were to marry someone she would not want to be the classic housewife, someone the husband could use as a servant. She was certain Gilbert was the exact opposite of that kind of person. As Gilbert turned around and caught her staring then smiled bashfully she quickly moved her eye-line and sat up straight, she could feel heat rise to her cheeks as she looked down at her lap.
"Umm," Gilbert started desperate to catch her eye, see if there was any hidden reason for her staring. His heart was beating swiftly as he felt himself blush just as Anne was. Finally Gilbert effort to catch Anne's eye succeeded and he looked intently, he could tell what she was feeling, like she was trying to hide her pain, trying to build her walls but but they faltered, just as his walls did when she looked at him. He however could not tell completely why she was blushing or maybe her did know but his doubts got in the way as he insisted that she was probably just embarrassed that he caught her. A small smile rose to his face as did hers and they stayed there eyes seeing into each other. Until the sound of Mathew clearing his throat made their dream gazing come to an abrupt end.
"School will be starting soon Gilbert, you best be in your way," said Mathew facing the flustered boy.
Just as Gilbert was about to insist that he help take care of Anne and skip school the girl piped up.
"Nope I'm going to school," said Anne limping over to the stairs.
Gilbert hurried to help her up to her room, he placed an arm under her arms holding her up. Anne tried to pull away for a second but then realized that there was absolutely no hope for climbing up the stairs with one leg. As soon as they got up to her room and sat on her bed flexing her knee grimacing as she saw her swollen ankle. Gilbert stood up in front of her and said firmly.
"Anne you can not go to school in the condition your in, you can hardly walk by yourself."
"I am going to school, end of story, I won't have you getting ahead of me in class," she said stubbornly.
"Anne you could hurt your ankle more"- Gilbert pleaded but his voice was cut off by Anne.
"Gilbert there is nothing you can say to keep me from going to school today," she crossed her arms turning her little chin up moving her head to face the top corner of her room.
Gilbert sighed but couldn't help but smile at how stubborn and determined she was.
"Okay well then I guess I'm just going to be your crutches all day," Gilbert said smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

Okay this is a long one which is part of the reason it took longer to get out. Also yay thank you o much for all of the reads and likes and comments they keep me writing. I love you! And god bless.
New chapter hopefully tomorrow:)❤️

Published August 18 19

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