Chapter fourteen: Peanut Butter

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Gilbert opened the door and helped Anne into his house. He moved to stand in front of her, holding her hands so she was steady, she slowly but surely made her way in the door, managing to hardly use her hurt leg. Once inside Anne looked down at their hands, Gilbert followed her gaze but instead of letting go of her hands in embarrassment he just laughed slightly, trying to shake off the nervousness he was feeling.
"Um, are you hungry," Gilbert said looking up at her.
"Oh I'm ravished," Anne said dramatically laughing at the end of the sentence.
Gilbert put his and Anne's basket on the table by the door, he had been holding hers too. He wrapped his arm around her back and they began walking over to the dinning table. He helped her sit down by grabbing her hand.
"Okay, what do you want," he said walking into the kitchen.
"Bread and preserves, we actually have peanut butter right now so if you want I can make peanut butter and preserves."
"What's peanut butter," Anne said turning around in the chair to face him. She rested her chin on top of her crossed arms on top of the chair. She wore a curious expression, When Gilbert turned around and looked at her, he melted , she looked adorable. He smiled sweetly blushing slightly.
"Here try it," he said waking to her with some of the spread on a spoon. She grabbed the spoon from him and tried it.
With her mouth slightly full she said with a ecstatic expression.
"This is scrumptious," Gilbert smiled at her manors or lack thereof.
She handed him back the spoon and said.
"So yes to the sandwich?"
"Yes, yes, a thousand times yes," she said enthusiastically.
Gilbert walked back over to the kitchen to find Bash hiding in one of the corners eavesdropping.
"Was that her excepting your proposal," Bash said with his eyebrows raised.
Gilbert pushed him on the shoulder and rolled his eyes laughing.
"You wish."
"No you do," said Bash whist he bit into a apple.
"How do you know," Gilbert said moving over to the bread box, grabbing four slices.
"Oh please boy, a deaf person could see that your gone over her, it's all in the eyes."
"I am not gone over Anne, Bash," said Gilbert scoffing, he didn't scoff in a disgusted way, he scoffed because Bash acted liked he knew Gilbert better than he did himself. Which Bash did to be frank.
"Oh really," Bash lifted his eyebrow, "So you wouldn't care if I told you she likes you too."
Gilbert's ears suddenly perked up and he turned around quickly to face his roommate with hopeful eyes.
"W-what, how do you know that."
Bash laughed patting Gilbert on the shoulder and walking off shaking his head. He entered the dinning room to greet Anne. Gilbert called after him in a quiet voice trying to make sure Anne didn't hear, they had been in the far corner so he assumed she wouldn't be able to make out what they were saying before.
"Wait, how do you know," he whisper shouted, walking over to the doorway between the dinning room and kitchen.
But then he and Anne met eyes and he forgot about what he was asking about.
Bash looked from Anne to Gilbert then back to Anne and back to Gilbert.
"Yup, I knew it," Bash laughed walking out of the room, leaving the two oblivious teens alone.
Gilbert walked over to the table with two sandwiches. He put one plate down next to Anne then sat in the chair across from her.
Anne looked over at him and smiled.
"Thank you."
She bit into the sandwich, her eyes widening. With her mouth still partially full she said.
"I need to make peanut butter as soon as I'm home."
Gilbert laughed then said, after swallowing his bite.
"Peanuts are kind of a rare in avonlea, I was shocked when I found some at the shop, considering our soil isn't the best for it."
Anne's eyes were wide with fascination.
"Continue," she made a motion circling her arm, telling him to go on. Gilbert smiled then scraped his mind for anything else he knew about peanuts.
"Well they grow best in soil that is rich with calcium, you plant them in the spring, but the most interesting thing about peanuts is that they don't grow on trees like walnuts or pecans, it flowers overground but the peanut itself grow in the soil." He said fueling Anne's eager mind.
"So your telling me that the food I'm eating right now could be from a far away land."
"They grow in hot climates so yes most likely, I got it from Charlotte town but it was most likely shipped from places in South America, actually maybe even Trinidad."
"Oh, Gil what was it like to be in Trinidad."
"It was, breathtaking, it was nothing like avonlea, different people everywhere, everywhere I turned there was something... unique."
Anne leaned her head on her hand her elbow in the table, wearing dreamy eyes as she imagined what Gilbert described, watching him intently as he recalled the tropical place.
"What about the nature, was it different than Canada."
"It was very different, they had lush rainforests, although I didn't get to explore much since we were only there a couple days, but oh anne," he leaned forward his eyes lighting up as he realized how much Anne would love trinidad, "the water. It was the clearest blue, it sparkles under the sun, there was vibrant fish and coral, and it was WARM," he laughed at that, recalling the freezing ocean in avonlea.
Anne sighed dreamily, Gilbert loved how her eyes sparkled he wish he could see what she was thinking of.
"I wish I could see it."
"ThenI'll show you someday," he hadn't even thought about what he was saying, all he saw was the image of Anne Trinidad, the vibrant sky surrounding her, fiery hair blowing in the slate ocean breeze.
Anne smiled, she figured he wasn't being serious. Although The way he said it immediately and without doubt made her heart glow, his certainty perplexing her.
"That would be amazing." She said in a way that made it sound like she doubted it would ever happen.
"What about after our queens entrance exams."
"What," Anne said laughing.
"I mean it couldn't be that hard, we just have to get train fare and then somehow get on one of the ships."
"Gilbert are you actually serious."
"Oh I'm serious," he said in a lightly teasing tone his eyebrows raised.
"We couldn't actually go."
"Why not," Gilbert said with a teasing face.
"Well, for starters, Marilla would never let me."
"You never know until you ask, right."
"She does like you."
Gilbert smiled wider at that.
"I suppose I am charming," he said winking at Anne.
"Don't get to excited Gil," she said shaking her head laughing, using his new nickname. Gilbert heart fluttered as he heard it escape her mouth.
"Okay, but actually what would be holding you back from going."
"Well, uh," for some reason she couldn't think of anything.
"Ha! see, after exams we would only have a couple of weeks left until summer, then we could go."
"But where would we stay."
"Bash could go, I bet he knows some friends that might let us board with them."
"Well how would we be able to pay for all the travel fare."
Gilbert paused for a moment, pondering.
"That's for me to figure out."
"No, no, Gilbert I couldn't let you pay for it by yourself, I'll chip in, I bet we could tutor some of the kids from the lower school."
"No Anne I got it-."
Anne interrupted him.
"Nope," she shook her head smiling taking another bite of her sandwich.
Gilbert raised his eyebrows defeated.
"You really are stubborn." He said laughing.
"Correction, I'm a good negotiator."
Gilbert laughed,
"You know what I wonder if it would be less costly if we had more people go, the board to stay would surely be less."
"What about Charlie and Diana."
"I bet they could go."
"Ahh," she exclaimed from excitement, "I don't want to get my hopes up to much for surely it will take a lot of convincing on my part for Marilla to accept."
"Well we have already established you are a master negotiator," Gilbert pointed out laughing.
"That is true, I'm sure I could find some way, however Diana's mom on the other hand, there is a rare chance we could convince her."
"Well I don't know, I have a feeling if Charlie goes she is Sure to give her utmost effort arguing it to Mrs. Barry."
Anne sat up straight.
"You know don't you."
"That her and Charlie are a perfect match and completely oblivious that they are in love with each other, if that's what your referring to than yes," he laughed, "Yes I am well aware."
Anne bursted out into laughter.
"Diana never stops talking about him," she started in a imitation of Diana's voice, "doesn't Charlie look awfully handsome today, oh sad and handsome, Anne Charlie's hair looks awfully soft."
"She actually said his hair looks soft," he said also laughing.
"Oh yes, that's not all, no that doesn't even chip the iceberg , one of the most peculiar ones was she's shared to me were her very detailed description of his eyelashes, of all things," she laughed, "oh, Anne he is my exact ideal, but no of course I don't like him anne."
"She sounds an awful lot like Charlie," he looked up to the ceiling then leaned on his hand sighing dramatically, "I'd like to run my hand through her curls, then I look at him with my eyebrows raised, and he denies anything he says regarding Diana for the rest of the day, I swear every single day it's just a never ending cycle."
Anne erupted in another fit of giggles, tears coming to her eyes.
"They do make it undeniably obvious."
That was when Mary stood up from the couch she had been sitting on, Anne and Gilbert of course had no idea she was there.
She slyly walked by putting the book she was reading back on the shelf.
"They sound like a certain pair of teens I know."
Anne and Gilbert both stopped laughing in shock blushing profusely turning back to each other, not meeting eyes.
Once Mary left Anne said,
"She's as bad as Marilla."
This caught Gilbert off guard. Then once Anne started to nervous laugh he joined in, both of their laughter growing genuine the nervousness seeping out.
"you should hear Bash," Gilbert said in between chuckles.
Both of them laughed trying to distract them selfs from realizing that what Marilla, Bash and Mary said was true.

That's all! I hope you loved it new chapter tomorrow ❤️❤️

Published aug 24 19

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