Chapter twenty-eight: An almost-discovered Diary entry

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     Anne and Diana woke up with the sun, they were both much to excited to sleep in. But the boys, however, were not in the same mindset, which was evident to Anne and Diana when they went to check on them. They knocked on the door three times before finally opening it out of a worry that they were kidnapped, since no one came to the door. But instead of empty beds they found the both of them buried in blankets on their beds. Gilbert's bed was next to the window and Charlie's was so close to the door that Anne had to be careful not to smack his head when she opened it. 

"Well I guess we are going to breakfast alone". Anne said with a laugh, and started to close the door. But Diana caught her hand and whisper shouted.

"Do you two want to join us for breakfast?" 

But they only got a cough from charlie, as a response, who was in no way conscience of their presence. 

"I guess that's our answer". 

Anne laughed and wrote an update in a journal that was sitting by Gilbert's nightstand. Little did she know that the journal didn't just have notes about traveling and addresses for the place they were staying and beaches, like she thought. 

      Gilbert and Charlie woke up an hour later and went to check on the girls to find their beds neatly made with the aroma of  Diana's chamomile perfume filling it. After panicking that they were kidnapped by a very nice smelling and neat person, they went back to their room. Charlie paced while Gilbert searched for and eventually encountered Anne's bubbly mix of cursive and print note. In his mind he sung the quote on top to the melody of the song they used to sing in Avonlea school when Anne first came.

'Everyday is a new morn. Everyday is a fresh beginning.' 

We are off to breakfast and will be back by 9~Anne

 With that smile also came a drop in his stomach as he turned back five pages to a love-struck entry he wrote about Anne three nights before. 

'Mathew gave me his blessing to ask to court Anne, which gives me some hope since he didn't say anything that made me feel that Anne would say no. But then again how could he tell me if he thought she would say no? As soon as I convince myself that she feels the same way, my mind paints a picture of her, her hair flowing behind her, the wind near the sea running its salty fingertips through its glory. And I wonder how in the world she would say yes to me when she could have any other man.

' A man overflowing with money. Someone who could wrap her in gold and give her a glorious mansion for a home. He'd give her sunbursts and marble halls, a life she deserves. But I can't and probably never will be able to. I could only give her myself. 

'But then I think of how one of the reasons I love her is that she isn't greedy. Her family and friends or her snow queen are much more valuable to her than a new dress or a gold necklace. Thus I go back to my confusion.

' The turmoil that's been in my heart and mind since I first saw her gaze out the school windows with those big soft grey eyes of hers that aren't like any of the other girls in Avonlea... I haven't seen all of the world but I know they aren't like any girls in the world either...Simply because they are Anne's. 

'But I know that other people will see this, and do see it. And men with gold footprints will ask her the question I want to, and why would she say no, why would I, out of every boy, be what changes her answer?  

'But I have to try. The little circlet of pearls is nearly burning a hole in my case, and mind. 

  He shut the cover with a slightly embarrassed flush on his face. Did she read that?  But he shook his head and made himself believe that she didn't, for his own sake. 

He turned his head to Charlie who was still pacing and biting his nails. 

"Anne left a note and said they are at breakfast. So you can calm down, now". 

He laughed and shook his head at Charlie, as if he himself wasn't about to have a heart attack when they found their beds empty. 

Charlie threw himself on his bed and let out a long breath.  "I really thought they got kidnapped".

Gilbert didn't let himself think of Anne getting kidnapped. 


I really am not a fan of this chapter. It is not my best work at all. Nevertheless I knew that I needed to post something now or else I never would. So here we are again after months. Let me know how you feel about Gilbert's note. I would love to hear your predictions. Also random fact, but I was on the verge of writing a thriller chapter which I will post once this is all over just for kicks. Anyways I love you! And thank you so much for reading! I will be back soon with a new, hopefully longer chapter. 

God bless <3

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