Chapter fifteen: The holy and the ivy

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"Anne, did you know Gilbert can play the piano." Mary said slyly, as if Anne needed more reasons to fall in love with Gilbert. Which she wasn't of course.
Gilbert looked at her with a grateful expression it made Mary laugh.
"Really?" Said Anne, looking at Gilbert.
"I mean I know a bit." Gilbert said Bashfully.
"How did you learn."
"My dad taught me before he died."
Anne smiled at him, she could see the hurt in his eyes when ever he talked about his dad. She wished she could take it away.
Bash scoffed after a second once the conversation had shifted away from Gilbert's father.
"I know a bit," he said mocking Gilbert, "this boys to humble for his own good sometimes."
"Okay well now you have to show me, let's see if your as good at it as you are at whistling."
Both teens broke out laughing as Mary and Bash exchanges a very confused look.
"I hope for your sake that I am, considering that i happen to have proficient whistling skills."
Gilbert sat down at the wooden piano bench and looked through the parchment sheets to find the song he wanted.
"Okay do you know, the holy and the ivy," he said looking at Anne who he had previously helped sit on the piano bench next to him.
"Oh I love that song, nothing better than Christmas festivities in April."
Gilbert laughed then said.
"You sing and I'll play." He asked hopefully, he wanted desperately to hear her sing.
Gilbert began playing the song as Anne cleared her throat and sang sweetly.
"The holy and the ivy, now they are all full grown."
Her voice took Gilbert's breath away, he had to focus and not messing up the song considering that not only was her voice distracting, but she was sitting very close to him, their legs were touching and he tried to push down the tingling he felt along his body.
Her voice was angelic, his heart beat quickened and he felt himself blush deeply. her voice was comforting, relaxing, it transported him.
He had never heard anything so lovely in his life.
Once the song was over, Anne turned to Gilbert. She was thoroughly impressed, that song seemed like something she could never learn to play. He looked over at her as he played the last notes. Their faces were so close,
so close she could almost feel his breath.
Her eyes flickered between his eyes and his lips. Her whole body was warm and it felt as if she was loosing control, that if she looked at him for a second longer she surely wouldn't be able to hold back anymore. She would have ki-
But before her heart took over she cleared her throat and moved her eyes to Mary and Bash who were watching them with all knowing looks on their faces. Anne and Gilbert both blushed, gilbert bounced his leg and Anne popped her knuckles, both of them desperately trying to get out this feeling that made it so they subconsciously inches closer and closer together, they tried to brush off what may have happened and then began standing up. Gilbert grabbed Anne's hand and helped her off the piano bench, both of their hands were sweaty due to nervousness, they both stood up holding hands Anne balancing on one leg.
"I should probably get going, Marilla will be wondering where I am." Anne said quickly in a flustered tone.
"Well good bye Ms Anne," Bash said formally while smiling.
"Good bye Anne," said Mary in a caring tone. "I would love if you would pay me a visit sometime, we could do needlepoint, whatever you would like."
"I would love to," Anne said enthusiastically.
Gilbert looked over smiling and biting his lip at the sight of the beaming girl.
"While I'll be waiting," Mary replied.
"Okay I'll be back soon," Gilbert said to Mary and Bash.
"No hurry at all," Bash said with a wink.
Gilbert rolled his eyes, then laughed remembering he had talked to Anne about how obnoxious Bash was.
"Why do I even bother," Gilbert said shaking his head.
"You know I'm right," Bash said softly to Gilbert as him and Anne passed them. Anne couldn't make out what he said, since Bash had whispered it in Gilbert's ear.
Gilbert just blushed and smiled shaking his head. Mary and Bash exchanged a knowing look as they watched Anne stand on her tippy toes, well more like tippy toe, to put Gilbert's hat on him. Gilbert blushed vibrantly, his eyes obviously hypnotized by the sound of their laughter. Then helped her gently into her coat. Anne glanced over at Mary, the girls eyebrows were high and she bit her lip in an attempt to bite back her smile. Mary nodded smiling back, as if she was trying to confirm something. Anne was perplexed by Mary's expression and nod, part of her had a guess of what she was nodding about but Anne turned away shrugging it off.
By the time they walked out of the house both resembled a tomato.
They stepped out of the house Gilbert shutting the door softly behind them. The cold breeze hit Anne's face, sending shivers around her body. Gilbert looked down to see that her nose was slightly pinched pink by the frozen wind, it took all his self control not to kiss it. He had an urge to give her his jacket but he had a feeling she would say no and it could get awkward so he chose the safe option of pulling her closer with his arm around her shoulder, he had to admit he liked this option more, although he was very curious to see how she would look in his coat, the thought brought a smile to his face.
They walked down the path, a comfortable silence drifting over them. Anne but her lip trying to cope with the pain in her ankle, it had been building up all day. Therefor at the moment it was difficult to bear. Anne couldn't take it anymore.
"I, uh,"- she inhaled a sharp breath, hissing in pain.
Gilbert looked down confused for a moment as to why she stopped walking, but then when he saw her pained expression he knew. He helped her sit down in the ground, placing her basket under her ankle to elevate the injury. He began digging through her things, searching to see if Marilla had packed any pain medicine in her basket.
Anne finally let herself go and dropped down on her back, covering her face with her hands, she bit her lip harshly.
Gilbert's heart squeezed seeing her in so much pain and then finding out that he couldn't help much since Marilla had not packed any medicine.
He went over and sat next to her.
"What do you want to do."
"Just stay here for a moment," Anne said in a pained voice, with a hint of desperation.
"Okay, I'm right here," he said comfortingly.
Anne let one of her hands fall away from her face, she layed her palm face up. Gilbert eagerly but gently took her hand and wrapped both of his hands around it. He brought it to his face and leaned his forehead on both of their hands. He wanted to kiss her hand,
But he didn't.
Anne was in a lot of pain, but something about Gilbert holding her hand tightly and the way he brought it to his face, was so comforting, it helped her stay distracted from the way her ankle was pulsating. Her whole body, other than the parts that weren't in pain, warmed by his touch. Her heart beat fast but not in a nervous anxious way, for she felt safe. Her mind was at ease, all because Gilbert was there.
Gilbert brought his head up after a couple moments and looked down at Anne who was already looking at him. He squeezed her hand slightly then asked with a smile though his voice was concerned.
"How are you doing."
"I've been better," she said laughing bitterly, the tears she was begging to not fall filled her eyes.
Gilbert furrowed his eyebrows in sympathy at the sight of  her crying, he reached out with one hand and wiped a tear off her soft cheek. Anne frozen at his touch for a moment, once she realized what was happening she found herself leaning into his hand facing him with her eyes closed. He let his hand linger for a moment longer than what was technically necessary.
Once Anne moved her head so she wasn't leaning on Gilbert's hand anymore she looked up to the sky narrowed her eyes and said in a determined voice.
"Okay, I'm ready."
Gilbert started to stand up but then realized it would only hurt her more if they walked in the position they did before.
"Can I carry you."
He didn't say it in a way that sounded as if it was an obligation, while it was necessary he didn't make it sound as if that was the only reason he offered to carry her.
Anne tried to come up with some sort of argument on why she would say no but originally concluded with nothing. Plus why would this be any different than Diana or cole or any of her other friends carrying her, Gilbert was her best friend so it was normal. Right? But then another friendlier option came to her mind.
"Actually can you give my a piggyback ride."
Gilbert laughed and looked down in bashfulness.
"Of course milady," he said removing his hat and bowing his head with most formality. He silently cheered for himself, he hadn't said anything awkward, and Anne laughed, which was always one of his main goals.
He grabbed Anne's hand and wrapped his arm around her back to help her stand up on one leg.
He slightly hunched over then laughed once Anne jumped on his back.
Anne laughed too, the sweet sound rang close to his ear, he could feel her warm breath against his neck, it sent tingles down his whole body.
He tenderly held under her thighs. Anne hadn't even thought that a piggyback ride would end in them being this close and in such a intimate position. His hands grasped the middle of her thighs, her legs were open and wrapped around him. Her arms looped around his neck and although it was uncomfortable she tried to keep some space between them by straightening her back. Her whole body was warm and tingly and fuzzy.
They were so close she found herself trying to control her speedy heartbeat for it pulsated so intensely she worried he could feel it. After twenty seconds Anne gave into the pulling feeling she felt towards Gilbert and rested her head on his shoulder. Her head was turned towards the side facing the evergreen trees as she closed her eyes calmly. She inhaled Gilbert's scent smiling, it was so comforting. Her chest was pressed again Gilbert's back and though it was definitely not the most proprietary, Anne had never felt more safe.

Gilbert could feel Anne's hair against his neck, he tried to focus on the simple task that was walking and though his whole body felt a type of warm numbness, he could intently feel everywhere that Anne's body met his. He felt almost dizzy with happiness, at first it was a bit awkward as Anne tried to keep as much space in between them as possible, but once she leaned in and made herself comfortable everything just felt right. All the things Bash would say once Gilbert told him about this, Gilbert smiled softly already preparing his signature eye rolls of denial.
The two walked like that all the way to the gate of green gables in which Anne abruptly raised her head then said softly.
"Let's walk from here."
Gilbert felt Anne's warm breath as she spoke, her sweet voice was so close to his ear he could hardly breathe.
Once she was on the ground Gilbert wrapped his arm around her back gently like he had done several times before and held her hand.
Her hand was so soft it made Gilbert dizzy. Their hands fit perfectly together, both couldn't help but observe.Anne winced for a second as she accidentally stepped with her bad ankle. Gilbert's heart squeezed as he wished for the hundredth time that day that he could be the one in pain not her. He rubbed his thumb on the side of her hand in an attempt to reassure her that he was right there.

Once they finally arrived at Green gables it was around supper time. Anne opened the door and walked in with Gilbert right by her side. Gilbert put her basket on the dinning table and helped her sit down on a chair once they reached the parlor. He walked over to the kitchen to fetch Anne some medicine. Marilla was currently occupying the room as the aroma of vegetable stew surrounding them both. Gilbert hadn't known why he was so surprised to find Marilla in the kitchen, he was just so enthralled in helping Anne feel better that he hadn't even thought about how Anne was late coming home from school, he wasn't entirely sure how Marilla would react when she found out Anne had been with a boy.
Even though there was absolutely nothing between him and Anne.
"Why Gilbert, what brings you here," Marilla's voice was kind, but no matter how kind it was Gilbert would still be intimidated. Marilla had that affect on people but for Gilbert it was different, he wanted to make sure she knew that he was someone that could be trusted, for certain specific reasons that may or may not have to do with a certain and specific redhead, those specific reasons he pushed deep down of course.
Little did he know he had nothing to worry about, even though she didn't know him very well, she loved and trusted the boy. That was an affect Gilbert had in people, he came across as genuine and respectful, getting to know him only proved those interpretations to be in fact true. Gilbert tried to conceal his nervousness, which he didn't do the best job at that for Marilla smiled to herself as she watching the boy fidget with his hands as he fumbled his words saying.
"Me and Anne just got back from school," a sudden possibility crossed his mind, "I walked her home, I didn't even think to ask if that was alright, I'm sorry I hope you don't mind."
Gilbert said the last part very quickly, although he knew that when someone asked to walk someone home it wasn't typically custom to ask permission from their guardian but he felt that he should be thorough and he didn't want to cross any boundaries.
Marilla laughed then stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on the boys arm.
"It's quite alright Gilbert you don't need to ask, I trust you with Anne."
Marilla smiled confirming her statement.
Gilbert's heart lifted and he let out the breath he was holding.
"Thank you Ms Cuthbert." Gilbert voice sounded so relieved it made Marilla chuckle to herself.
She simply smiled in reply then changed the subject.
"We're you coming in here to fetch Anne her medicine."
Marilla began walked towards the cabinet but before she hardly moved a muscle Gilbert jumped to the medicine and said eagerly.
"Don't worry I got it."
He fetched it then grabbed a spoon from the drawer.
A/n: ;) awe he knows where everything is, sorry I just had to put that in.

Sorry I was late uploading this, I have no excuse other than I was putting off correcting the spelling and grammatical errors 😂I know this was kind of an abrupt, and awkward spot to end this chapter at, but I'll start right off where this chapter ended in the next part. I love you and hope you have a especially good day, morning, night or whatever time it is where you live. God bless! New chapter tomorrow! ❤️

Published aug 27 19

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