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Episode 22: The First Mission!

"NOT PART OF THE PLAN, NOT PART OF THE PLAN!" Nikos shouted. Currently, they were on a mission with the rest of team Natsu. However, since it required finding some orcs that were living in the forest and messing with humans and other animals, the group had decided to split up. To make it short, the Kyuuseishu had just hit the jackpot on their targets.

Nikos let out a shrill scream, jumping over a log and backflipping over another one to grab a vine and swing onto it. After sensing their scents from a few miles away, they had camped out in the trees for a bit and devised a plan. Nikos, obviously, was the bait. However, he failed at even being that

Chase shouted, running a hand through his hair. "HOW DO YOU MESS UP BEING THE BAIT?!"

Nikos let out another scream, ignoring his question. Gritting his teeth, the chains that he'd previously wrapped around the trees just a few feet in front of Nikos came crashing down as Chase pulled them harshly. Akane quickly swirled a barrier around the orcs, electricity buzzing inside it as any orc that came to touch it, would be electrocuted.

Y/n, still on top of the tree in panther form, let out an animalistic roar followed by the thunder of footsteps. Most of the strongest animals of the forest had gathered to get revenge and as soon as Akane opened part of the barrier, all Hell broke loose. The animals tackled orcs left and right, nearly tearing their limbs off.

After seeing the fatigued group of orcs, Chase cracked his knuckles. "Call 'em off!" He yelled over to Y/n as she let out another mewl, the animals slowly heading back into the forest in fear of what would happen next. Heeding her warning, they still stayed a few feet back, intrigued to watch the end of their enemies.

Chase shouted Akane's name again, the girl opening the barrier just a bit before he leaped down, his palm facing towards the orc's head. A blast of fire emitted from his palm, eating away at the monsters as it slowly charred them into a crisp. Flipping backwards into some foliage, Chase landed in some leaves, coming out of the shade of the trees as her barrier went back up.

It almost looked like a snow globe, but filled with fire. Footsteps ran through the forest, the animals dispersing followed by a few scared shrieks. The Kyuuseishu grew confused, walking into the forest only to see Lucy sitting on her butt, seeming shocked. Natsu was laughing a few inches away from her as Happy made fun of her.

In between chuckles, he managed to piece together a sentence. "You got scared of a wolf!" It seemed that one of Y/n's beasts had leaped over an unsuspecting Lucy, scaring the ever loving fuck out of her. Y/n transformed into human form, lacing her dainty hand with Lucy's before gently pulling her up. "Ah, sorry. I can communicate with them, but not control." She mumbled.

Chase and Nikos shared a look at that. Lucy smiled brightly, not noticing the expression that the two shared. "It's fine," She stood up, dusting off any dirt on her skirt. Erza soon caught up, her armor clinking as she walked over to the group. "I'm glad we got half of them, but the others are still looking for—"

Y/n smiled, an explosion going off about a mile away. "—I don't think they have to look anymore." Natsu had apparently wandered off after Lucy was helped up, going back to searching for the orcs. Another fiery explosion burst into the air, a puff of smoke igniting the big blue sky. "And of course, he's reckless like usual," Lucy said with a sigh, setting her hand on her hip.

Wendy, emerging through the foliage, held Carla in her arms gently as an awkward smile shaped her lips. "I think he might've forgotten of the villagers that live nearby." Nikos snorted, watching another fiery explosion reach to the sky. For a moment, Natsu was above before he fell back down, a flame around his hand. "You think?" Nikos mused.

Y/n shook her head lightly, "Either way," She watched a semi-furious Erza make her way to Natsu's area after the flames didn't make an appearance for a few minutes. "It's obvious he's going to face Erza's wrath." She tilted her head, everyone blinking at Titania as she headed towards Natsu to knock some sense into him.

Gray walked out of the forest area, arms crossed and shirt lost. "He didn't even get all the orcs. Some of them scampered up the mountain while they had the chance. I tried stopping them, but Natsu's fire blasted me back." He rolled his eyes, scoffing. If it wasn't for the reckless flaming wizard, this mission could've been wrapped up much faster.

Y/n blinked, scratching her cheek. Chase seemed to notice the idea forming in her head, turning towards her. He waved his hand, "Go ahead and check it out, but be careful and don't engage unless necessary." She nodded, turning into a hawk and flapping her wings as she took off. Wendy smiled, noticing the strong connection between the two. "You two are really like siblings, aren't you?"

Chase tilted his head, reaching his hand to scratch the back of his neck as a sheepish smile shaped his lips. "In a sense, I guess. Nikos was the one that mainly raised her, however." Gray tilted his head up, "Now that you mention it, you said something about you all growing up together. Did you live in the same village or something?"

He averted his eyes, "Not exactly, but you could say that." Gray was about to open his mouth, his curiosity growing more, but a screech cut him off. Y/n flapped her wings shortly, setting her talons onto Chase's shoulder. The ice mage looked towards her, tilting his head. "You found them, I'm guessing." Y/n bobbed her bird head, chirping.

Erza returned to the group, dragging a slightly injured Natsu behind her. Blinking at Natsu's roughed up form, they ignored it before pointing up to the mountain. Chase spoke first, his chains already swirling around him. "The rest of the orcs are up there; let's go!"

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