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Episode 25: New Names, Old Faces!

LEVY GAPED, looking down at the translated words. We were born from stone and dust and we shall return to stone and dust. Fate beseeches your possible prize for your destiny is written in the stars. Y/n tried to grasp at the words that she could understand, blinking at the odd formality of the entire statement. "It's like a crazy prophecy."

Levy nodded, a worried look growing upon her face. "But I'm sure it's just some silly prank! It couldn't possibly mean something; I mean, Latin is a dead language and the whole 'born from stone and dust' thing is always used in mythical books! And 'destiny is written in the stars'?" She made an odd noise, moving her hands frantically. "That's just a bunch of baloney."

Y/n didn't understand what 'baloney' is, but just went with it. In an effort to calm Levy's nerves, she smiled and agreed. "Yeah, it probably is just a dumb prank. I mean, who would take the time out of their day to do that?" Levy agreed a second time before grabbing her stuff in a flurry and running out of the library.

The h/c haired girl watched the door fail to close as she left, her eyes locking onto the block of wood as a heavy sigh left her lips. She may have agreed with Levy and it could truly mean nothing, but the itch of her feeling like she was ignoring something was still bothering her. Impulsively, she wrapped her fingers around the paper, stashing it into one of her inside pockets.

A tinge of guilt hit her in the heart, but she doubted anyone would notice or go looking for that certain mission. Shaking her head to get rid of her thoughts, she headed up the stairs and closed the library door behind her. "So," Chase was leaning up against the wall in between the door and the bar, looking over at her once she walked out. "What was that all about?"

"I just needed Levy's help reading something. She found out that I can't write, but that's it." She mumbled, seeming slightly dejected. Chase just nodded, taking her word for it. He swung an arm around her shoulders as they left the guild hall, "You seem upset, so we're getting ice cream—" She started, trying to shrug off his grip. "—but Chase—"

"—no 'but'-ing me, Missy. You're getting ice cream because you're upset. If you don't like it, you can suck my dick." He didn't look at her, still staring ahead. Y/n was forced to look up at him since he towered over her by at least four or five inches. Her nose scrunched at his threat, a small pout shaping her lips. "You're disgusting."

Chase said one last time, obviously not leaving the argument up for any continuation. "And you're getting ice cream, so stop complaining." As harsh and tough as he sounded, Y/n knew he meant well and this was his odd and not-so-simple way of showing love. She rolled her eyes, but accepted the fact, humming in contentment. "Fine."

Chase ruffled her hair with his free hand, "Good." That merely irked another pout out of her as they sauntered over to the ice cream shop. Y/n blinked, glancing at her older brother who still had his arm placed around her shoulders. "What about Akane and Nikos?" He shrugged lightly, "They can get it on their own time. Besides, they don't seem upset."

Walking in, the bell on the door jingled. He waved her off to go take a seat before heading for the cash register to put in the orders. Y/n pulled her knees up to her chest, the bench inside of the shop allowing her to do that since it had a bit more space compared to other restaurants. Her white cloak scrunched tighter around her at the action.

A flash on her left side, revealing Jason, someone that Lucy had warned the others about earlier. He had bright blond hair, a long face, and light blue eyes. He sported a pink t-shirt, blue jeans, brown shoes, and sunglasses. Around his neck, a pretty camera and goggles hung from the top of his head. A white satchel was also tied around his waist.

"Cool!" He yelled constantly, gaining more attention from other customers as he continued to take pictures of the startled Y/n. "I caught the Kyuuseishu's 'Beast Queen' in an ice cream shop! So cool!" Jason continued, making Y/n back up and try her best to sink inside the seat whilst shielding her face with her long white cloak.

The temperature in the shop suddenly seemed to heighten, Chase behind Jason as fire burnt at his feet, scorching the tiles. "I leave for five minutes and a shitty reporter has to return it," He walked over, handing Y/n her melting ice cream. He looked over at Jason, giving a scary glare as his chains swirled. Of course, he wouldn't use them, but it was for intimidation points.

Glaring, Chase scowled. "Back off." Jason instantly slunk out of the store, screaming continuously about the great pictures he took and how cool they were as he sprinted down the street. However, that didn't help. The shop failed to return to its original atmosphere, now buzzing about how there were two members of the Kyuuseishu inside.

Chase, seeming to have enough of the gossip, walked towards the cashier before dropping a good amount of jewels onto the counter. "For the tiles," He referred to the burnt tiles in a monotone face before making a beckoning motion to his younger sibling as she timidly followed, eating her f/f ice cream.

The scowl didn't leave his lips as they continued to walk down the sidewalk, "That damn reporter is such a headache." Y/n had a playful expression on her face, eyes flitting over to her older brother. "At least I'll be more popular. I just might be on a magazine next week, you never know." She winked jokingly as Chase rolled his orange eyes at her behavior.

Y/n continued, taking another lick of her ice cream. "I didn't even know I had a nickname for the general public," She pondered briefly, a smile lacing onto her lips. "'Beast Queen'. . . I like it."

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