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Episode 29: A New Mission!

Y/N STUMBLED FORWARD, a large bruise on her thigh paining her each time that she attempted to take a step. Chase remained right behind her in case she fell. However, she seemed adamant about getting anywhere herself since she gripped the staircase's railing as if her life depended on it. Her white cloak was wrapped around her body, but open to reveal her usual outfit.

She wore a white dress, the shade a bit more beige compared to her cloak. Her thigh high socks were replaced with knee-high ones due to the injuries around her thighs. Her left leg had a tight bandage around her thigh, preventing her from walking like normal, leading to her slight limp when it came to getting around anywhere.

Making it to the table, Wendy sent her a worried look. "Are you okay? Your leg looks like it really hurts; I can heal it for you if you'd like—" She continued, rambling on and on before Y/n cut her off with a nonchalant wave of her hand and a sweet smile. "—no, don't worry about it. Thanks for the offer though, kiddo." Y/n winked, appreciating the generosity.

Wendy lowered her already ready hands, dropping them to her lap while Carla flicked her tail, glancing over at Wendy. "Y/n will recover just fine," She reassured. Although her statement sounded cold, it was obvious that she was trying to convince Wendy that she'd already helped out enough. Carla cared for Wendy a lot, that much was clear.

Natsu took a seat at the table, a flyer in his hand. "Even though you're injured, do you think you could join us for this mission, Y/n?" She turned around, looking towards her older brothers who shrugged. They gave her a look, tilting their heads in a unique unison. "We'll go if you are, Y/n. Someone has to make sure you don't go overboard."

Y/n grinned, whipping her head towards Natsu. "Totally," He pumped his fiery fist in the air at the sound of her agreement. He cheered, kicking the doors out of the way as he raced out of the guild hall. "What're you waiting for?! C'mon!" He shouted excitedly, running forward as the others of team Natsu raced to keep up with him.

Erza lugged her huge wagon of luggage behind her, Y/n about to question it, but Gray gave her a motion to not bother in the first place. Nodding quietly, she looked back at her companions. Chase and Nikos were talking about something, using hand gestures occasionally as Akane tapped away her phone. Y/n smiled faintly. 

Everything seemed to be so amazing. She had a new family that had her back and a lot of things were going for her and her friends; for once, she was excited to see what the future would hold. "What're you thinking about? You have that look in your eye that Lucy gets when she spaces out?" Gray smiled, tilting his head at her.

Another rare moment featuring Gray not stripping. "I don't know," She hummed under her breath, swinging her interlocked hands behind her in a careless way. "I just feel happy." His brows furrowed at that as he gave her an odd look, not exactly understanding what she was getting at in the first place. "It's a rare thing for me," She clarified shortly after. "For us."

Y/n paused to glance back at her friends again, Gray finally understanding as he grinned back at her. "I'm glad that's so. If anything, you all deserve it. From the looks of it and the way you all talk, the four of you—or five—must've been through Hell and back." He tilted his head inquisitively, his curiosity shining through again.

A nervous laugh slipped from her lips as she averted her eyes, "You could say that. Everyone's bound to face their own version of Hell at some point, aren't they?" His mind flitted back to Deliora shortly, a dazed expression appearing on his face before he nodded, the smile on his lips broadening at the idea of how his friends had also overcome their own feats.

"Yeah, I guess so," He nodded. The moment was ruined by a shriek from Wendy, causing everyone to whip their heads towards her. Her face was a bright red and Erza was the one to quickly realize the reason behind it, yelling at Gray. "Gray, your clothes!" He cursed, yelling about how he didn't even realize he had taken them off at some point.

Natsu continued to laugh at him like an idiot, Chase finding it difficult to muffle his own laughter while Nikos chuckled beside him. "The fun never really stops, does it?" Y/n watched with a fond smile, growing amused when she saw Natsu and Gray start to argue, Erza letting out a tired sigh before attempting to stop their bickering with brute force.

Lucy appeared by her side, "In Fairy Tail? Never, but it always does manage to keep us on our feet!" She winked at Y/n, smiling brightly. Y/n glanced over at Lucy, her face becoming pale at the realization. "The others already keep me on my feet enough," She sighed, dropping her head tiredly as she referred to the Kyuuseishu.

The blonde laughed, her keys sparkling in the light as she adjusted her stance to move more of her weight on her right leg. "I guess it's something we all have to adjust to then, don't we? We're family now; there's no going back!" She cheered, grinning like a little kid in a candy store. Another soft smile shaped Y/n's lips as she nodded slowly. "You're right. At least I think you are."

Lucy smiled bigger at that, clasping Y/n's hands gently into her own. Her brown eyes sparkled with a hint of determination, obviously set on keeping the idea of this closely-knit large family. "No need to think if I know, Y/n!" She winked again, cheering up the h/c haired girl's spirits. Y/n beamed, accepting the idea of it. "So be it," She replied, tilting her head.

Natsu waved, a flame on his fist. "Hey, Y/n!" The yell caught the girl's attention as she whipped her head towards him. "Hm?" He grinned, his Fairy Tail mark showing off in the sunlight as Happy flew above him, eating a fish. "Call your animal friends already; let's get this mission going!" Happy flew in a circle, rising to the sky. "Aye, sir!" 

Y/n smiled, looking over her shoulder. "I'm on it!"

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