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Episode 65: Sibling Matters!

SHE DODGED ONCE AGAIN, ducking under a shock of electricity. Letting out a growl, Y/n charged at Akane, jaws missing her purple sleeve by a few centimeters. What was supposed to be a hopeful confrontation to bring Akane slowly out of her depression turned into a desperate war, Akane throwing the first attack before Y/n countered back.

Y/n spun around, transforming in midair as the pads of her paws scuffed against the grassy ground. Pulling her mouth into a harsh snarl, she internally regretted telling Sting not to come along. Akane turned her purple sleeve back towards Y/n, shocks of electricity. "Just die already! You're the reason he's dead anyway!" She cursed her older sister out.

The h/c haired panther roared once more, running low and avoiding the attacks before jumping up. A sudden shock hit her front left leg, slowing her down slightly as she fell, rolling onto the ground briefly before catching herself. Running at the girl again, Y/n swiped her paw and landed a scratch on Akane's arm.

As much as she didn't want to fight her little sister, Akane wasn't letting her run out of the scene that easily. Y/n twirled in the air again, morphing back to a wolf. Her jaws shown, lower lips pulled into a deadly snarl as a loud noise erupted in her throat. Just as Y/n was about to launch herself again and the younger one was about to counter with lightning, a chain intercepted.

It grazed Akane's fingertips and scraped Y/n's muzzle, both of them jumping back and avoiding the attack. Y/n's paws immediately went to her nose as she whined quietly, turning back into a human as an angry scowl plastered across her face. The dust cleared, revealing a familiar black cloak. Chase recalled his chains, staring at them blankly.

"The others heard a commotion and some growls, but were too fearful to check it out for themselves." He stated blandly, watching Akane clutch her bleeding hand and Y/n lift her fingertips to brush against her slightly burned nose. Opening his mouth again, he yelled. "You two should know better!" 

The girls didn't say anything, still tugging at their wounds. Chase stared at them, orange eyes narrowing slightly. "Get up," He ordered, the younger ones following his actions as he beckoned them to follow him. After twenty minutes of pointless walking, Akane was the first to speak up. "Where the Hell are you taking us?"

Y/n's nose twitched, attempting to smell even a hint of something familiar. "Yeah, I don't get anything around here." She rubbed her nose, whining again when her fingers brushed the small yet painful burn.  Chase turned around, looking them in the eyes directly. "That's the point," Suddenly, he lashed a chain out.

It braced against Y/n's left arm, the girl whimpering in pain as it marked another burn on her skin. "You want to fight amongst each other?! Fine, let's fight!" He shouted, spiraling forward and averting Akane's barrier. The youngest girl grit her teeth, fingers zapping with electricity as she shot out randomly.

Chase launched a chain around her right ankle, pulling on it as her face slammed against the pavement harshly. Y/n spun around, growling as her irritation took over. She lunged at him, barely able to make a scratch as Akane zapped her back and took the lead, attempting to land a foot on his head.

He quickly caught it, throwing her aside with a scary amount of ease. "Go on," His cloak billowed as a surge of magic energy left him, the area around him heating up immensely. "Let's fight." His chains spiraled around him as both girls tried to attack him. He lashed both chains out, narrowly missing Akane as both girls sprawled to the ground.

Akane shocked Chase's ankle but found herself stuck when he wrapped his metal chain around her waist and hoisted her up. "You really think you're—" He was cut off when a growl resounded from his right, a blur of h/c nearly hitting him. Last-minute, he sent off a chain. The metal ground into Y/n's fangs, the wolf snarling under her breath.

The three were at a standstill for a moment until Y/n ripped the chain from her jaws, swiping her mouth to the right before charging at him again. Just as the flaming chain was about to wrap around her abdomen and give her a harsh burn, Akane teleported with the girl, the two tumbling to the ground and avoiding the attack.

Gritting her teeth in pain, the girl with pigtails sent a harsh glare to her male superior.

Chase's eyes softened as he sunk his chains back into the sleeves of his cloak. "Nice to know you two can still stick up for each other," He spoke briefly, the two looking at each other in confusion before staring at him. Chase walked forward, continuing down the dirt path. "There's a hot spring up ahead; follow me."

The girls wordlessly shared another glance, staggering up and trailing behind him. Y/n stayed in her wolf form, still bewildered by his intentions. Keeping her guard up, her ears perked and her nose twitched whenever there was a rustle in nearby bushes or Chase's shoes scuffed into the ground, leaving a mark.

Akane narrowed her eyes at Chase, speaking up first. "What are your intentions?" Chase continued walking, muttering under his breath in order to answer her question. "You two decided to fight like stupid cowards, so I decided to teach you a lesson. It's my job as your big brother after all. A loss shouldn't change our bond with one another."

Although he seemed strong, it was evident he was affected as well as a slight voice crack intercepted his statement. Y/n let out a soft bark at that, sensing the change in his tone. He stayed silent, not responding to her obvious concern. As soon as they reached the hot springs, he turned towards them.

"I'll get the rooms set up. All charges are on me, go ahead and relax all you want, but be sure to meet up with me at dinner," He paused as Y/n morphed into a human, blinking at him curiously as Akane put on an expressionless face. However, she couldn't help, but let one brow quirk upwards at his words. Chase finished, "We have a lot to discuss."

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