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Episode 52: The Perfect Dress!

"A-ARE YOU SURE I CAN'T JUST WEAR MY WHITE CLOAK?" She blinked wildly, pulling her cloak closer towards her body. Minerva tutted at her pleading nonsense, looking over to the girl with a simple shake of her head. "It's a ball, Y/n. You can't go out there wearing that." She pointed at it, a pout shaping the h/c haired girl's lips.

Suddenly, her hand swished to what Y/n would consider a 'forbidden' rack, pulling it out. It was a lacy black dress that was way too revealing for its own good. "How about this?" Minerva smirked, knowing she could get a reaction out of the girl and hopefully get a kick out of it. Y/n turned red, flustered. "N-No! Definitely not!" 

Minerva hummed, putting it back. "Right, we should save things like that for your honeymoon with Sting." She teased the girl again, Y/n turning even redder and disappearing into the store. Yukino⁠—looking through a purer rack⁠—grew confused when Y/n suddenly rammed into her, blurting an apology before searching through the rack as well.

Yukino gave her a kind smile, "I'm guessing that Minerva teased you?" Y/n timidly nodded, looking through some other dresses. The celestial mage let out a giggle, shaking her head at her friend's antics before continuing to look through the rack of pretty dresses. Minerva suddenly showed up, rolling her eyes. "I found a vanilla rack for you two," She stated.

The girls shared a look before shrugging, following after the space-time mage. "Most of these are on sale because they're all spring-y or whatever and it's summer. Either way, pick your poison; I'm heading to the more interesting section." She clicked her tongue, disappearing. Yukino let out a gasp, instantly plucking out a pretty ballgown.

It was white with gold lace threading up from the ends of the dress and lingering around the waist of it. Her brown eyes sparkled with admiration as she squealed, "This is definitely the winner!" Y/n looked over at her, smiling fondly at her friend before continuing to look through the dresses. Yukino left to quickly pay for her outfit, returning shortly after.

She helped Y/n look, occasionally bringing up a potential winner. "Is this your first time dress shopping, Y/n?" She questioned, asking the girl. Y/n scratched her cheek awkwardly, thinking over it for a minute. "Um, slightly. I got some new clothes after briefly joining Fairy Tail, but we discovered none of the dresses were really my style. I prefer rompers." She voiced.

Minerva showed up out of nowhere, putting an arm on the girl's shoulder. It seemed that she'd found her outfit for the night as well. In her hand, a blue romper with a slight ruffle and an expensive belt around the waist. "Same," She agreed, Y/n flinching at the sudden appearance. Minerva noticed this and casually removed her arm off her friend's shoulder.

"Nonetheless, it appears you're the last one to look for a dress," Minerva smirked, tilting her head. "Are you sure that you don't want to look in the other sections?" Y/n quickly nodded, brushing off her friend's comment as the mage let out a hearty laugh. Nodding and patting her shoulder, Minerva gave a thumbs up.

"I'll leave it to you two; I'll get some food for all of us in the meantime." She left shortly afterwards, the girls sharing a look before bursting into another fit of giggles. Yukino pouted slightly, moving another dress down the metal pole. "As much as you may like rompers, since the event is in your celebration, it's best if you wear an actual gown."

Y/n let out a sigh before nodding slowly, sighing. "Alright, I guess I don't have much of a choice," A tight smile laced her lips as Yukino gave her an apologetic look, blinking as she ruffled through the collection of dresses. She hummed under her breath, occasionally mumbling different designs, brand names, and colors.

Suddenly, the celestial mage's lips upturned into a bright smile. She pulled out a very layered dress, spinning it as the layers spread out a bit. "How about this?" Yukino chimed, tilting her head at the h/c haired girl. Y/n blinked, awkwardly scratching her cheek as she nervously laughed. "Um, it's not really my favorite, but thank you."

Yukino nodded, the same smile still on her face. "It's fine! I'm sure we'll find the right dress soon." Y/n agreed, curtly nodding as well. She turned her head around, walking through the store to look at other racks of dresses. Yukino called her name after ten minutes, the 'Beast Queen' whipping her head around in response.

She waved a dress in her hand, "Look at this one! I know you're more popular for your animals, but you have to admit that this would look gorgeous on you." Y/n took the dress slowly, studying it. Indeed, it was beautiful. It was a pretty blue-gray with a deep V-neck plunge and a slight ruffle around the waist. 

It spread out around the ends with floral designs at the rims that curled upwards and towards the waist's design. The waist also had a rim of flowers, leaves, and vines that made it seem even more like a majestic flora gown. Y/n studied it, touching the lace flowers sewn along the waist. "It's pretty," She admitted, a small smile creeping up her lips.

Yukino grinned, "And I'm sure it'll look prettier on you," She thrust the dress into the girl's arms. Y/n stumbled back, blinking wildly as a soft yelp escaped her lips. She caught the gown, looking towards her friend before rushing off to the dressing room to try it on. After pulling down one of the parts of the dress to look more proper, she pushed the door out.

Yukino was waiting on the other side, her brown eyes sparkling as she happily clapped for her friend. "Ah, you look like a real life princess! You look absolutely amazing, Y/n!" Y/n twirled, pink painting her cheeks as the gown spread out prettily. "You really think so?" She said with a shy smile, looking down at the cloth.

Minerva came back, swinging an arm around Yukino as the girl flinched in surprise. She sipped her boba tea, a bag in her hand filled with Yukino's and Y/n's. "Hell yeah," She smirked.

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