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Episode 67: Hello Galena!

THE DOORS BLEW OPEN, an angry Sting Eucliffe on the other side of the doors. As everyone stared at him, bewildered and confused at his sudden entrance, he yelled loudly. "Where the Hell is Chase?!" He shouted, catching the attention of other guild members. Erza adjusted a bandage near her emblem, armor clanking as she did so.

Quirking a brow in his direction, she blinked at him. "He's on a mission," The scarlet-haired wizard excused, eyes flitting to the spot where a parchment used to be tacked to their mission board. Sting scowled bitterly. As if not taking her statement as an answer, his nose twitched in the air for a few minutes. 

Blue eyes glaring around the guild hall, he smirked. "More like coming back from one. His scent isn't that far," Lector—who was trailing behind him—had his paws crossed in a furious stance. His eyes held a glare as well, seeming irked. Natsu looked up from his meal as Lucy ignored his question, glancing over at the two. "What's going on?"

Sting cracked his knuckles, "I'm hoping that Chase can answer some questions." Everyone instantly became tense, knowing that Sting meant something in a much more violent manner. Staying silent for a moment, they just awaited the moment. After all, this technically wasn't their business. "Can't you settle this verbally?" Gray looked up, leaning on a beam.

The blond dragon slayer looked over at him, avoiding the uncovered parts of Gray. "No can do," As soon as the doors reopened to reveal a black-cloaked male, Sting's fist when flying. Shocked cries left people's lips, not actually expecting him to do such a harsh attack. Chase skidded on the ground for a bit, brushing his fingers against his cheek.

Scratch marks were evident, along with a bruise about half the size of his palm. Just as he was about to counterattack, Sting lifted Chase up by his collar, eyes narrowed. "Mind telling me what you said to Y/n?" He growled lowly. Everyone who'd been concerned at first, took a step back, realizing that this was actually far from their business.

Chase averted his eyes, pursing his lips. Sting lifted him higher and closer to his own face, seeming to grow more and more furious as the time passed. "Oh, so now you don't have the balls to talk?" The silver-haired male painfully ground his teeth together, orange eyes hardening into a glare as his bangs flew up. 

Placing one hand on Sting's wrist, he burned the blond's skin. Sting didn't say anything, twitching in pain slightly, but withstanding it. "Sleep," A soft voice resounded, Chase suddenly falling limp in Sting's chokehold. Cobalt eyes holding confusion, he whipped his head around frantically for answers.

A small female stood behind him, her brown hair nearly reaching her waist as her green eyes twinkled. "He's feeling guilty himself; don't be mad at him, please." Her voice was quiet as she looked towards the male and then back at Sting with a kind smile. Galena slowly pried her older brother from Sting's grip before taking his wrist, healing the peeling skin.

"I know Y/n can be hard to find. She's especially careful to hiding her scent in times like these," Galena continued on. It was almost as if Sting was in a trance, letting her say whatever she wanted with no interruption whatsoever. It wasn't out of fear, so what was it? His desperation for answers? It certainly felt like it.

Her green eyes softened at the thought, "She'll be back soon; she always is. However, you just have to stay home. Knowing that she has someone to come home to is enough for her. You can talk to her then, but don't trap her and confront her—" Sting finished, remembering something from when they first met. "— because she has claustrophobia."

Galena smiled more, nodding curtly. "I'm sorry that Chase has caused you so much trouble, but he's in a tough spot himself. He finds it hard to apologize and a part of him still feels guilty for Nikos's passing; we all do. He's in stage three of grief, anger. He's always been one to jump to conclusions." Her voice sounded more distant, almost upset and mourning.

Knowing that the other Fairy Tail members were staring at her in shock beyond the large wooden doors, she closed her eyes and stepped back after healing Sting's burn. "I shouldn't be here, actually. My sister ordered me bed rest and therapy sessions, but I think there's only so much Sonya can understand about our bonds."

She turned on her heel, "If you don't mind, Fairy Tail, I would like to stay here for the time being." Her voice sounded very elegant as if the time in royal standards had taken not only a toll on her lifestyle but her words and posture as well. Erza smiled kindly. "Of course, Galena. You can stay with Wendy in the Magnolia Inn; I'm sure the landlord will be okay with that."

Lisanna chirped beside her, "If that fails, you're free to stay with the Strauss siblings!" She gestured backward to Elfman. The male muscularly posed, a big grin on his face as he reiterated his little sister's statement. Galena teared up, "Thank you, all." She bowed briefly before raising again, green clashing with gold instantly.

Galena's cheeks pinked at the sight of June. "H-Hello, you seem new." June tilted her head, seeming to have a more boyish approach. Leaning on Gray for support with bandages heavily wrapping around her abdomen, she quirked a brow at the formal girl. "Yeah, I am. What's it to you?" She bitterly snapped before recognizing Galena.

Gray nudged June lightly, making sure not to hurt her. "She's the youngest of the Kyuuseishu, one of the ones that I suggest you get acquainted with." June dryly scowled. She didn't have much of an interest to communicate, but Gray and Juvia had practically taken her in, pushing her to get to know the others better.

Galena bowed again, a small smile on her face. "It is of my greatest pleasure to become closer with you, new girl. Maybe even friends?" She giggled after the last sentence, tilting her head to the side with an adorable smile. June was flustered for a moment before turning her head, muttering in a querulous tone. 


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