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Episode 41: Beast Queen!

Y/N DODGED, lifting her head up before clamping her jaws down on the dark guild member's arm. Using her momentum, she quickly tossed him aside with a triumphant howl. As she lunged at another person, she grew confused when she suddenly reverted to her human form. She was left vulnerable, a guild member about to strike her.

She squeezed her eyes shut, holding her hands in front of her face. A swish of wind past her before someone set her down gently. Opening her eyes, she blinked at Rogue. He simply smiled, an impish glint in his eyes. "Sting would be furious if I had the chance to save you from a blow, but didn't." With a quick wink, he retreated into the shadows.

Shaking her head to get rid of her pink cheeks, she softly complained about his antics. Y/n heard a shout, revealing a heavily confused Sting as his white drive suddenly went away. "What the Hell?" The blond whirled his head around as if acting like the air surrounding them had an answer of some sort. Indeed, it did.

"Kukuku! You idiots don't stand a chance against our army," The villain laughed, standing on top of a passed-out pile of his 'comrades'. He had spiky teal hair and red eyes that showed his insanity, a yellow toga was all he wore with a purple sash hanging from his right shoulder to his left waist. His black bracelets jingled as he raised his arms, moving them up and down.

Sting blinked blandly, "Is it just me or is this guy coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs?" Y/n giggled at his reference before shaking her head, "It's not just you," Brandishing her claws, a low hiss escaped her mouth as she morphed into a bobcat and lunged at the man. Suddenly in her human form again, Y/n writhed in pain as the man caught her easily, a hand wrapped around her neck.

He grinned at her widely, "My name is Kuroko and I'm afraid that today, your fate is served!" Just as he was about to tighten his grip, a beam of white caused him to jump away and drop Y/n. She quickly fell to the floor, landing swiftly as she coughed, regaining her oxygen supply. "I know choking is a kink and all," Sting glared. "But I'm pretty sure she didn't enjoy that."

Y/n's cheeks heated up at his sexual comment, turning away quickly before averting her attention back to the insane man. Kuroko did a little dance, "The dragon slayer has feelings for the beast! The dragon slayer has feelings for the beast!" Sting coughed into his hand, turning away as he covered his mouth. "Shut up, you nutcracker."

Kuroko blinked innocently, tilting his head. "Eh? Nutcracker? You couldn't have come up with a better insult, you pathetic dragon slayer?" A crazed laugh left his lips as a blast of wind knocked them both back. Sting's light magic faded away while Y/n could barely transform. They both hit the ground before stumbling up again.

Y/n's animalistic claws came out and she knew there was only a certain window of time after transforming that she could attack. They didn't yet understand what his magic was, but it was definitely powerful and constricting for the both of them. She charged forward first, swiping her claws furiously before being hit in the abdomen.

A pained cry left her lips as she tumbled to the ground, rising to her feet once more. Sting took this as his turn, quickly activating his white drive again before letting out a powerful white dragon roar. Moving his head, the beam of light followed Kuroko as the crazed man hopped from one area to another. "My cancellation magic is quite powerful! See? See?" He chimed.

Y/n used his statements as a distraction, going after him as a wolf before latching her jaws onto his left shoulder. Kuroko let out a shrill scream before looking over at her with an insane look in his eyes. "You'll pay for that, little girl," He threatened, his voice dropping a few octaves before he forced her back into her human form and swiftly threw her up in the air.

She quickly retaliated and turned into a small cat, ducking under his midair kick while Sting aimed for his legs. With one white dragon wing attack, his ankles were bruised and cut up. His legs were shaking from the pain and it was obvious that he was more used to just facing one opponent rather than two. He got knocked off his feet but was able to land swiftly.

He quickly cancelled out both of their magic power, reverting Sting back to his weaker state while Y/n became human again. Knocking them both back, they hit the ground, a bit too weak to stumble up. Sting tried his best to stand up again, but could only sit up while Y/n was on her knees, coughing as her hands dug into the ground.

Two magic circles, both colored a bright f/c as one formed in the sky and the other formed on the ground below her, the girl letting out an animalistic scream. Kuroko approached them, a smirk on his face as he snapped his fingers. "I think you've forgotten that your magic has no effect on me, animal." The magic circles popped away as she smiled slightly.

Tilting her head up, she looked at the man. "I think you've forgotten that it doesn't matter if magic is involved or not," Her e/c eyes darkened into a hard glare as she stumbled up, Sting watching from behind her in shock. "They don't call me 'Beast Queen' for no reason." Another scream left her lips, a stampede of wild animals racing to the scene.

Waves of wolves, ox, bobcats, falcons, and more swooped from the sky or sprinted on the ground below. Letting out sounds of their own, they cleared out more of the dark mages as they headed for their true target, Kuroko. His eyes widened at the sight of the stampede, "No! No! No! NO! I trained with the best of the best, I refuse to die by the hands of animals!"

However, it was fruitless. As the dust cleared out slowly, Y/n shuffled back to the ground and sat beside Sting. She let out a tired sigh, "I hope he knows that animals don't have hands; they have paws, hooves, and talons." Sting looked over at her with an amused stare, a small chuckle leaving his lips as he rolled his cobalt eyes.

He wrapped an arm around her, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "You're such a dork."

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