First Day

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Amy pulled out of the community pools parking lot and headed home, feeing rather pleased with her accomplishment she smiled and turned up the radio blasting out "were not Gonna take it" and singing away to herself. On the opposite side of the road she could see a car speeding down, she saw him and thought he was a lunatic, as the car came in to view she recognised the blue camaro, "Billy Hargrove" she said aloud and sighed, he sped past her doing at least 80mph down the narrow lane, she couldn't help put shout out of the window, "hey jack ass! what the hell is your guys problem!", obviously he didn't hear her.

Amy knew Billy from school, she knew that he was a popular womaniser, he had tried it on with her during her senior year but knowing him and he's tendencies she dismissed him, after that only speaking a few times in passing.

......Senior year .....

Amy was putting some books in to her locker, she had her Walkman playing in her ears zoning the world out in typical Amy style.

When she finished she closed the locker door, "JESUS CHRIST BILLY!" Amy shouted, taking off her Walkman, Billy chucking at the side of her, "you scared the life out of me" rolling her eyes at him, he stepped closer giving her the winning smile "sorry beautiful, how about you let me take you out tonight to apologise?" He said looking her up and down licking he's bottom lip, Amy smiled at him "I don't think that's a good idea, I'm not like the dumb girls around here Billy, you were only sucking face with Trish like ten minutes ago" with that she began waking off, "thank you though, and your forgiven" she turned around and winked at him. Billy was gobsmacked that she had actually said no, he wasn't used to girls saying no to him, "Il get you!" He shouted to her before walking off.

...... Present time.......

Amy pulled up to her house, grabbing her things from the car she locked it before walking into the house.
"Hey sweetie, no joy?" Her mother said, Amy rolled her eyes and shook her head at her mother doubting her straight off the bat, "actually yeah, I got a job" she said rather smug before walking off in to the kitchen, "what no way! you were only gone a few hours! where?" She said following her in to the kitchen where Amy was sat on the kitchen island, "the community pool, you are looking at the new yoga instructor, I start tomorrow" she jumped down and began doing yoga poses and stretches in the kitchen whilst laughing.

Her mother walked over to her hugging her "well done honey! I am so proud of you! This is perfect for you!" Her mother beamed before running off to tell her father, Amy chuckled and headed off to her room, on her way up she heard her father shout "well done Amy! Knew you would smash it!", she smiled to herself thinking they could be cute sometimes.

Amy picked up her phone and called her friends one by one telling them the good news, Nancy said they would all be there on her first day to "cheer her on", she knew they would make it 10x more awkward but she wouldn't take no for an answer.

When she had finished on the phone she sat at her desk drawing up a poster that she would get copied tomorrow morning, it was all so exciting, she didn't realise how long she was at it for until she looked at her clock and it was 10:15, she finished off the poster she had decided on and went to bed.

The next morning came sooner than she expected, her alarm waking her up at 7am she dragged herself from the bed and into the shower. She needed a hot steamy shower to bring her around this morning ready for her first day.
When she got out and dried her hair she decided to stick it up in a pony tail because it was hot today in Hawkins and she wasn't sure if she would actually have anybody want to join in today.

She got on her yoga costume, it was just like a swimsuit so she decided to wear her shorts over it and take them off when needed.

She grabbed her poster and ran downstairs rearing to go when her mother shouted from the kitchen "oh no young lady you need to eat before your first day" Amy rolled her eyes and ran into the kitchen grabbing an apple and shoving it in her mouth "l...

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She grabbed her poster and ran downstairs rearing to go when her mother shouted from the kitchen "oh no young lady you need to eat before your first day" Amy rolled her eyes and ran into the kitchen grabbing an apple and shoving it in her mouth "love you" she shouted, barely audible because of the apple she had put on her mouth.

She went into the garage where she did all of her exercises and grabbed a her yoga mat and tape player before jumping her car.
She drove into town and parked outside to the post office, she got out and hurried inside, there was nobody on the que so she was served right away, "good morning how can I help you?" A little older lady asked, " good morning erm could I get 30 copies of this poster please" Amy asked her, she smiled and headed to the copier, what seemed like forever had passed and Amy had been up and down the store about 15 times when the lady came back, Amy paid the woman and headed to her car shouting "thank you" on her way out.

She checked the clock in the car and it said 9:30 which was good timing as the pool was 5 minutes away.

Amy was nervous on her way to the pool, it was hot today so she knew it would be busy plus her friends said they would be there making it more awkward!.
She decided to run through what she would say to the pool guests "hey you like yoga? ... no...... hey you look like you need to work out ... no (laughing to herself) .... hi my name is Amy and I'm starting a yoga class here every day is it something you would be interested in? ... yeah that sounds good, She repeated it to herself as she pulled in to the parking lot.

She got out of the car and grabbed her things, taking in a deep breath before heading into the building.

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