Your Highness

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The group had been hanging out together nearly every day this past few weeks, much to Billy's annoyance, but he would do anything for Amy, so he did it and kept quiet.
It looked like her cousin Lewis would be sticking around indefinitely, Billy hated him being around, but he did kept Heather off his and Amy's backs so it had its upside, what he hated the most was when Lewis or Heather would invite them selves along on Billy and Amy's dates!.
Amy being Amy, she just smiled and let them join in, Billy on the other hand, he always put up a fight, hence why they ended up bypassed Billy and going straight to Amy!.

Little did he know, Amy had a surprise planned for tomorrow, because it hadn't been just her and Billy much these last couple of weeks.
Amy has asked their boss, John, to swap shifts so her and Billy could lock up, she told John it was because Billy was taking her to visit her grandma in another town that day so they couldn't start until late, she suggested they would make it up by doing the lock up, John was happy to change the rota.

When Billy found out a few days before, he didn't react too well, "what the hell, he can't change things like this! Fuck that I'm going to see him!", Billy shouted in the break room, Amy jumped up from her seat, "Baby no!, listen were working together so that's good? Right?, and it means we can stay in your nice warm bed longer that morning ...and...", Amy stood on her tiptoes to whisper in Billy's ear, "the warmer you make me, the less clothing I will have on", Billy stopped trying to get to the door and relaxed as his arms found their way around Amy's waist, "oh is that right, any ideas how I could make you warm baby?", he loved to tease her, he ran his finger over her bottom lip anticipating her reply, She really did hate dirty talking but she knew it drove him insane!, "I would need you all over me baby, grabbing my ass, sucking my breast and your big, rough hands around my neck", Amy looked at Billy for his reaction, he didn't disappoint as he stood there biting his lip, "that would definitely keep me warm", she said before turning to walk out of the break room, calling out "il see you later babe", Billy followed her but stopped at the door, "no, Amy ... Amz come back", she simply turned around and blew him a kiss, she loved to give him payback for teasing her.

That night Billy and Amy stayed at Billy's, unfortunately they didn't have an empty house but Susan and Neil had accepted the two of them together, and most of the time Neil kept off Billy's case, probably because him and Maxine had become close all thanks to Amy, but tonight was different, Neil had clearly been drinking.

All was going well, the couple had been out for pizza and were just walking into the Hargrove house, Amy went in first as Billy came in behind with his hands on her hips and then two of them laughing, as soon as the door opened Neil flew up from his chair, "where the fuck have you been!", Billy instantly grabbed Amy's hand and pushed her behind him, "we went to the diner, so Suzan didn't have to make us dinner", Billy answered calmly but in his mind he was terrified, not for himself but for Amy, Neil eyes diverted to Amy, causing Billy's grip on her hand to tighten, "I don't know what the hell you have done to him, but I don't like it" he spat at her before going back to Billy, "what is Susan's cooking not good enough for you and your little girlfriend", he said, pulling a stupid face when he said 'girlfriend'.
Billy's eyes looked over to Susan at the other side of the room, she mouthed the words, "I'm sorry" before looking at the floor, "No sir, her cooking is fine", Neil saw red, he stepped closer to Billy's face and began shouting at him, spitting everywhere, "FINE? FINE?, WHAT ARE YOU SAYING ABOUT MY WIFES COOKING!" He slurred out.

Amy couldn't stand by and watch this, she had to intervene even though everything in her was telling her to keep quiet, "Mr Hargrove, sir?, it was my idea to go out for dinner, I see how much your wife does around here and I thought it would be nice for her to have a break, and I thought it would be nice for me and your son to have some alone time we've been so busy with....", Amy was talking when Neil cut her off, "oh you thought it would be nice! How noble of you... Your highness!....The both of you respect my wife and my house or get the fuck out!", with that Neil staggered off down the hallway, hitting every wall on the way down.

The couple looked over at a quiet Susan who was sitting at the opposite end of the room, Billy couldn't look at her anymore so he stormed off to his room, Amy been the opposite to Billy she walked over to Susan and knelt by her side, "I know you can't do anything in that situation, don't feel guilty, Billy will be fine, he has me, but .... are you ok?", Amy wasn't sure wether she should have asked that or not but she was concerned, when Susan replied Amy could practically see her put on the mask, "oh I'm fine sweetie, don't worry about me, go, go check on Billy", she smiled at Amy, so she nodded and began heading to Billy's room.

Billy was laid on the bed staring at the ceiling, "baby, are you ok?", Amy asked quietly as she crept towards the bed, "I hate them Amy, so fucking much!, I can't take this much longer", Amy kept on walking towards the bed, as she walked through the bedroom she began taking off parts of her outfit, shirt, skirt and boots leaving her in her panties and bra, she climbed on top of Billy, he wrapped his arms around her and threw the cover over them both , "you won't have to much longer babe I promise you, then itl be me and you against the world", she laid down on his chest as he ran his fingers through her hair, before long the couple were fast asleep.

The next day Billy and Amy woke up late but luckily they weren't due to start work until 2pm, they stayed in Billy's room all day as Billy wanted to avoid any contact with his 'family' as often as he could.
As they were driving to work that afternoon Amy asked Billy if the could drive by her house as she needed to pick something up, Billy happily agreed.
He waited outside in the Camaro as Amy ran up to her room, she opened the bottom drawer of her dresser smiling to herself as she looked at the envelope, she stood up looked at herself in the mirror and adjusted her hair before bringing the envelope to her chest and smiling again, the rest of her life was in that envelope.

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Thank you to my readers, thank you for taking the time to read and vote for my book!
I have a Dacre fanfic that is complete and I have recently started a Dacre/Billy/Jason Scott imagine book. Check them out 😊


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