And Breathe!

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The pool wasn't open yet so Amy had plenty of time to find her way around and set up her things.
She headed to the staff room, there were a few people sitting chatting including John the manager, "good morning" she beamed as she walked in, John was the only one who stood up and greeted her, "good morning Amy, excited for today?", Amy gave him a friendly smile, "yeah I am John, ... would you be able to show me the area I will be using please?" "Oh yes of course!" John packed up the paperwork he was looking at and walked out of the room, Amy looked at the others and said "see you around" a dark haired girl looked up from her magazine and gave her a half hearted smile, "such friendly characters" Amy thought to herself.

She followed John down past the pool and to a little sun house, "it's not much but there are some mats in there" he said as he unlocked the doors, Amy walked in and saw tables, chairs and pool equipment piled up in the corner, "and that?" She asked John, "oh yes they need to be moved I will get one of the lifeguards to help you with that il go send them out now, they can just be piled up outside round the corner for now" and off he went to get help.

(It looked a little bit like this)

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(It looked a little bit like this)

Amy looked around the room in shock, she could tell it hadn't been used for a while everything was dusty, she opened the doors full to let some light in, then started moving the chairs, she took 2 at a time and stacked them where she was told, after 10 minutes she had finished the chairs and stood outside looking around wondering where the help was!, then she saw him, walking out with he's swim shorts and shades on, topless looking like something from a magazine "he does not work here" she said to herself rolling her eyes as he walked over to her, "well hello newbie, you need a hand?" He said whilst looking down at her and licking he's lips, "um hi Billy" she said going shy as this was the most he had spoken to her in a year, "could you help me with the tables please" she asked and headed inside the building, "hey, Il grab the tables you get the pool floats, Ok?" Amy smiled at him and began moving the pool floats.

"What are you doing in here anyway? This hasn't been used for anything since forever it's a storage shed as you can see" he told her as he lifted a table up onto he's shoulder causing the muscles in he's stomach chest and arms to flex, Amy noticed this and was gob smacked she felt like she was stood with her mouth open but after a few seconds she composed herself "Uh I uh I'm starting yoga classes, John thinks the ladies will love it", Billy smirked at her "yoga really, wow, so a bunch of ladies in Lycra stretching out, maybe so but I bet it's for Johns benefit, the dog he is!" He began a deep laugh, Amy didn't know where to put herself or what to say so she just gave him a small chuckle.

After all the furniture was moved Amy began laying out the mats on the floor against the back wall and she put hers in front of the door so she could face them, she backed out of the room to look at her space and began smiling to herself, "nice job? I'm starting my shift now but if you need anything il be around, over on the chair" as he walked away, "see you around yoga lady .... in your Lycra" he winked and walked off, "its Amy" she replied grinning, "I know doll, I remember you" he walked off to the locker room.

As the morning passed people came flooding in to the pool, Amy grabbed as many people as she could to join her classes and walked around handing out flyers, she couldn't help looking over in Billy's direction, She wasn't sure if he was looking back as he had he's sun glasses on.

She was staring a class at lunch time and already had 5 ladies  signed up for the class.
As it grew nearer to the class starting Amy started getting ready, she walked into the room and turned her music on which happened to be "Madonna into the groove", she took off her shorts and began stretching in the middle of the room, she was in the middle of the lotus pose when she noticed Billy sat on he's chair with the arm of the sunglasses in he's mouth staring right at her. She felt her face instantly go bright red, luckily a few of the ladies came in and distracted her.

She told them all to pick a mat and to begin warming up, once they were all in she joined them at the front with her back to Billy, she carried on with her class for 30 minutes, checking behind her every so often and he was still staring at her in a trance, feeling brave she stood up and said "ok ladies last pose then cool down, this one is the downward dog, she adjusted her leotard and lent forward into her pose, she could see Billy through her legs, he's jaw had dropped, she couldn't help but smirk, "and back up girls, now let's do some breathing exercises, in through your nose and out through your mouth" she thanked them all for coming and told them she would have another class at 2.

When they had all left the room and gone back to their beds she headed for the lockers to get her water bottle.
Whilst she was having a drink she saw the dark haired girl coming out of the girls showers in a swimsuit, "hey, I'm Heather, you must be Amy, sorry I didn't speak much this morning, not really a morning person" she said and gave her a chuckle, Amy shook her head "no it's totally fine, mornings aren't for us all", "how was your first class!?" Heather asked "it was so good! The ladies loved it, I have an hour gap now until the next one" Amy said excitedly, "oh that's a shame I'm just starting my shift out at the pool, I would have had a coffee with you" Amy thought that was really kind, after this morning she wasn't feeling very welcomed, "that's so sweet. Maybe on your next break il be free!" She suggested, "sounds like a plan, I best get off, il see you around Amy" and Heather left the locker rooms.

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