Secret or surprise?

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Over the next few days Amy spent more time with Nancy and Jenny she had told them everything that went down at the pool with Heather, she had to admit she was worried about everything with Heather, she is a total crazy bitch, she didn't trust her as far as she could throw her, she knew Heather wouldn't drop this anytime soon, she had to think of a plan and she knew her best friends would know exactly what to do.

"Ok so I need a plan, I'm really falling for Billy, I know he's the town bad boy and all that please don't remind me .... again, regardless I really like him and he really likes me. So, I am not loosing anything to that psychotic bitch.. help me!" Amy begged her friends, Nancy scooted closer to Amy on the bed, "well as we know she likes to be the center of attention, so why don't we get her to be her usual bitchy self and somehow humiliate her in front of a crowd, that shoud knock her down a peg or two?", Amy's face beamed, "I knew I involved you for somehting Nanc!" She said as she kissed her friends head as she stood up.

Amy began pacing her room, "ok so what big events do we have coming up in town?", Nancy and Amy looked Jenny, she was the one to attend all of the party's and social events, "um let me think, there is the big opening night of the music store on Thursday, they say it's going to be like a opening party", Nancy and Amy looked at eachother unsure about the event, "anything abit more relevant I don't think the music nerds are her audience" Amy told her.
Jenny though for a moment, then it came to her, "Oh! it's the highschools mid summer party on Friday night, by the lake, everyone will be there! It has to be then!" The group all got excited at the idea.

"Ok, ok, now we have the place, what's the plan?" Nancy asked the group, "we need to show her that Amy isn't going to drop this and make her back down" Jenny said, Amy put her fists ready for a fight, "hopefully no fighting, rebel!" Nancy said looking at her friend making the group laugh.
They spent the rest of the afternoon deciding on what they would do, "ok so when we get to the lake we just party until Heather arrives, then I make her jealous with Billy, Easy!, hopefully she will bite at that and then come at me, and typical Heather will dress like a whore, make up an inch thick on her face! So I will push her in the lake, everyone will think it's hilarious and she will run away embarrassed? Hopefully" Amy repeats back to her friends, earning a laugh and a clap from them, they all jump off of the bed and do a victory dance.

At 6pm Nancy got up off the bed and grabbed her things, "ok guys I need to head home I'm baby sitting mike and the rest of the nerds, I can't wait for this party, this plan is going to be so funny!", the group laughed, "yeah me too I need to study for Monday, can you drop me at home Nanc?" Jenny asked and Nancy gave her a nod, Amy hugged her best friends and they left.

She got bored after her friends left, until she remembered Billy told her that he's parents were out tonight, and if Nancy was babysitting the nerds that means Max would be there too, excitedly she threw herself in the shower.When she got out she put on some red lacy lingerie she had ....

She threw on a dress over the top and headed out to her car

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She threw on a dress over the top and headed out to her car. She didn't have to sneak out because her parents were both working late so she just left them a note...

'Hey guys!
Gone to Nancy's to help her babysit, will probably sleep there see you tomorrow.
Love you, Amy

She got in her car and feeling excited she drove over to the Hargrove house.
The roads were dead so it didn't take her more than 5 minutes to get there, once she pulled up outside she wasn't feeling as confident at she was before, this was her boyfriend she had no need to be nervous, but she still was.
She couldn't shake the nervous feeling but she had to try, it took all she had to knock on the door, she stood there, heavy breathing for what felt like forever until Billy opened the door.

"Hey babe, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Billy asked in he's sexy gruff voice, "can I not come visit my boyfriend, when I know he's family are 110% not home?", Billy laughed at her comment making her knees go weak, "of course you can angel come on in".
He lead her down the hall to he's bedroom, once they were in he closed the door, Amy assumed it was out of habit, Billy sat on he's bed and looked over at Amy, "I'm not complaining, but are you not cold in that little dress angel?", 'it's working' Amy thought to herself, "in-fact no, I'm actually really, really hot" she slowly walked over to him, "like super hot", she slowly lifted the hem of the skirt up past her thighs, up over her ass and held it there for a second while she scanned Billy's face, he was biting he's lip, she stopped right in front of him and pulled it up more, over her breasts and finally over her head before discarding it on the floor.

         ⚠️ **** SMUT WARNING**** ⚠️

She stood over Billy, who now had he's mouth fully open, "you ok there cowboy?" Amy asked him, for once he struggled to find any words, "you need some help babe?" Amy asked him as she straddled he's lap, he's hands instantly grabbing her hips, "you been keeping this a secret from me beautiful?" Referring to her skimpy lingerie, Amy bit her lip at the feel of he's hands on her before answering, "not a secret babe, a surprise, after a shitty week I think you deserve some much needed .... relief, and tonight babe, is all about you".
Billy pushed her hips against he's crotch causing her to let out a moan, "what you got planned babe" Billy said as he planted kisses along her neck, Amy let out a moan before pushing him backwards on to the bed, she moved back so she could unfasten he's belt buckle, never taking her eyes off he's, she leaned forward and planted a passionate kiss on he's lips as she fumbles around trying to unfastening he's jeans.

She slid off he's knee causing him to whine, now she was kneeled on the floor in between he's legs, once again she looked up at him as she rubbed he's bulge through he's underwear, he was so ready for her, "you ready baby?" She asked as she released him from he's pants causing him to gasp from the pleasure, "always ready for you doll", Amy smiled at him, looking down at the rock hard member in front of her, she bit her lip again, this making Billy go crazy.
She grabbed the base of he's cock with her small hands, 'god he is so hard' she thought, pumping him a few times before she sat up and placed him inside her mouth, "oh fuck!" Billy called out.

She was pumping him and sucking him hard, Billy was loving every minute of this, he knew he wouldn't last long, he was more than ready for this the minute he opened the door and saw her stood there.
Picking up the pace she pumped him harder and faster, "holy shit Amz.... oh yeah! Fuck! Don't stop angel!".
Amy kept pumping he's huge cock but slowly licked the head making him twitch under her grasp, she released him from her hand only for a second and then she put hisbfull length into her mouth causing her to gag, pushing Billy over the edge, he's hand found the back of her head, he grabbed her hair pulling it slightly as he pulled her off so she could catch her breath.
Looking at her all red and gasping drove him crazy, "ok babe?" He asked, she nodded back at him before throwing her head back onto he's cock, Billy guiding her up and down with he's hand still on her head, he's own head flew back.

'Here it comes' he thought, "fuck.. I'm going to come Angel!", Amy never moves her mouth as she waited for him to fill her mouth with he's juices, Billy looked at her wide eyed expecting her to have jumped off by now, "holy shit, ohhh god", he twitched as he exploded into her mouth, a smirk on he's face as he finished.
Amy gagging as she swallowed he's fluid, she didn't mind because it drove him crazy and she knew it.
"Wow!, Get your ass up here" Billy ordered.
Doing as she was told Amy crawled upto her lover, looking at him through her lashes she kissed he's neck, "now it's your turn" he said as he climbed on top of her.
They enjoyed the rest of the night pushing each others pleasure to the next level.


Hey guys!

I wish I could write smut better but it's all I got! 😂
I hope you enjoyed the new update!
Thanks for reading! Love u!

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