The talk

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It had been a week since Amy told Billy about the plan to move to California and he was ready, he had all of his things packed up in his closet two days after they spoke, he needed out of Hawkins immediately.

Today they we're going to tell his family, in Billy's words he 'couldn't give two shits what Neil and Susan thought', all he cared about was leaving Max behind, he knew Neil wouldn't turn on her or anything like that, he genuinely loved his daughter, he just knew she would miss him and Amy and she would worry, when ever Billy was late home from been out with Amy, Max always came into his room to check he was ok.

Who would have thought that a just over a year ago Billy the town douche bag that slept with a different girl every night, hated his sister and cared about nobody but himself, and now there are two people in his life who would die for, His girlfiend Amy and his sister Maxine.
Billy knew tonight was going to be hard, but Amy would be right by his side, the couple hadn't said anything to Billy's family, he wanted to just walk in, tell them what would be happening, and then they could leave, how hopeful he was.

At 7pm Billy and Amy picked Max up from the arcade, "thanks for picking me up", she said as she got in the back of the Camaro behind Amy, "we love picking up up, plus we're coming to your house tonight anyway", Amy smiled and looked at her boyfriend, Max saw this through the rear view mirror, "oh god what have you done?", She asked making Amy laugh, "we haven't done anything, we just need to talk to you all", Amy reassured her, she kept quiet for a few moments before blurting out, "holy shit! you got Amy pregnant! How could you!", Billy swerved at her sudden outburst, almost crashing the car, "Jesus! No she's not pregnant shit bird", Amy instantly hit his arm, "don't call her that!, and no Max I'm no pregnant relax!", the car ride was silent after that, Max was definitely suspicious of the pair though.

When they pulled up outside the Hargrove house Max ran straight inside while Billy and Amy stood by the car for a few moments, "you ok babe?", Amy asked as she leaned against his chest, "yeah I'm good, really I am, just seems so surreal, I'm final leaving Amy, we're finally leaving here", the couple shared a soft kiss before holding hands and entering the house.
Billy walked in first with Amy right behind him, he noticed Neil in the living room watching tv and Susan rushing around the dining room cleaning up, he let out a subtle cough to get their attention, no joy, "hey.. um.. we need to talk to you all of you for a second, Max too?", Neil didn't even acknowledge Billy had spoken so Susan spoke up, "of course take a seat on the couch il be through in a minute".

Billy and Amy made their way to the couch next to Neil, he simply looked over at the couple and back to the tv.
After a few moments Susan and Max joined the three of them in the living room, "Neil?, Billy and Amy want to talk to us", she informed him as he still had the tv playing, he simply rolled his eyes before commenting, "make it quick I want to see the end of this show", Billy squeezed Amy's hand, she could sense he was getting worked up by his father already, "well Mr and Mrs Hargrove, Max. we have some news we want to share with you.",Amy looked at Billy and smiled again with so much love, Susan suddenly gasped but before she had a chance to speak Max informed her, "no mom no baby, I already asked", Susan seemed a little upset which was odd, "oh... oh ok then", she simple replied.

"Well what is it! I don't have all day to be guessing your stupid secret!", Neil shouted at the couple, Billy looked down at Amy and let out a huff, "you see babe this is why! This is why I can't wait!", Max looked at her older brother in confusion, "can't wait for what Billy?", it was then he saw the look in her eyes he never in a million years expected, she looked hurt, "we ... we....uh... were moving back to California in 2 weeks", silence filled the room until Neil let out a huge laugh, "your moving back to Cali!? Jesus Christ Billy you are so pathetic, don't tell me you are still chasing that pathetic piece of shit mom of yours still, That damn whore will be dead in a ditch somewhere!", he spat out as he turned back to the tv turning it back on.

Max was still looking at Billy with hurt and anger in her eyes, eventually she ran off towards her room, Amy got up to follow her but Billy held her leg, "il go babe", Amy smiled as he ran off up the hallway to support his little sister, it was so sad that it took them leaving to realise what they mean to each other, before long Neil began talking to himself, "fucking California! Ha! Waste of space... no better than that whore mother of his", Well that was it, Amy had enough of this vile man constantly putting her boyfriend through this shit, "listen to me Mr Hargrove, you are a vile man, you may scare your son but you sure as hell don't scare me!, I am taking your son far away from here to live out our lives happy, by the sea and if we find his mom the that will be a bonus but as long as he is far far away from you we will have won, do you hear me you have lost! You haven't broken him, your reign over him is done! .... oh and Susan put something in this motherfuckers coffee before he drags you down into that little hole that you are barely clawing your way out of".

With that Amy walked up the corridor to Max's bedroom, she poked her head around the crack of the door so she could see, Max was crying into Billy's shoulder, he was reassuring her, "Max I have to leave, you know what he is like with me, you can come visit anytime, il even drive up to pick you up, we can do Hawkins to Cali road trip, Hargrove style!", earning a laugh from Max, "how will Amy cope with you on her own, she deserves an award" the pair began laughing, "honestly Billy I am so glad you met her, she has helped you out so much, we finally get along and you leave me! Bad move dude", Amy watched in admiration for a few moments until Billy saw her and gestured her to come in, the trio all hugged and laughed together to cheer them all up.

Sorry it's late guys!
I hope it's ok.
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