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Amy slowly walked towards the door with Jenny close behind her, she took a deep breath before opening it, there he was looking more handsome than ever, Amy though to herself
'Ugh why does he have to look so cute when I'm about to question him!'.
"Hey beautiful" Billy said as he walked closer to kiss her, Amy moved her head to the side so he kissed her cheek, "could we talk for a second?" Amy asked, moving aside for him to come inside, once he did he noticed Jenny stood in the hallway, She didn't want to say hi but he nodded at her so she felt obliged, "hey billy" she said, making him raise he's hand in a small wave with a deep "hey" leaving he's lips.
Jenny turned to Amy, "il call you later ok? I love u", the girls shared a hug and Jenny left.

"So this feels serious, what's wrong?" Billy asked Amy following her into the kitchen and sitting at the breakfast bar, Amy went to the fridge totally ignoring Billy's question, "do you want a drink? We have soda, water, orange juice?", Billy came walking up behind her and put he's arms around her waist, "hey babe what's wrong?".
Amy dropped her head and took a deep breath before turning around and lifting her head to look at Billy, "what's going on between you and Heather?" She asked, secretly dreading the answer, Billy's face dropped, "um now nothing, I haven't hidden anything from you just never came up", Amy shook her head, "we work with her Billy, did you not think I needed to know?!", she walked off to the other side of the kitchen with her hands in her hair, "when was the last time" he looked over at her and thinking, "probably about 2-3 days before you stared at the pool" not making eye contact with her.

After a few seconds Billy walked over to her, he held on to her hands as he lowered himself to look in to her eyes, "babe I wouldn't do that to you, Yeah I was a dick in high school but i would never do that to you, you do believe me don't you?", Amy looked him in the eyes and threw her arms around him, "I don't know Billy, I want to, god I want to more than anything, I love what we have, I love spending time with you and damn it your super hot but I'm finding myself being that jealous person I never thought I would be", Billy pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, "angel you have nothing to worry about ok, What me and Heather did was purely causal, no feelings just sex, she means nothing to me, she doesn't make me feel like you do, I don't care about her how I care about you" Amy smiles at him, "you have to promise me something though Billy" never breaking eye contact with him, she meant it, "anything angel" Billy replied wanting to make his girl happy, "you need to explain this to Heather, she doesn't know about us, I didn't tell her, as far as she knows, it's just me that has a crush on you, somehow it got around at work but what ever, but I think she likes you more than you know, she told me that 'if you were still hers she wouldn't like people drooling over you'".

Billy started laughing, Amy didn't find it as amusing, flashing him a look that said 'really!?', he noticed and stopped right away, "sorry babe but that made me laugh, first of all I was never hers like I say a quick fuck that's all, and second she's a complete nut job don't you think!" The pair started laughing easing some of the tension, "I promise you though that I will tell her tomorrow ok? How about you do me a favour though?" He said leaning closer to Amy, "you really think you're in a position to be asking for favours Hargrove?" Amy joked, "it's beneficial on both parts doll", Amy was intrigued by this point, "oh really, do explain!" Billy grabbed Amy's hand and kissed her knuckles, "how about you give me something to go in with tomorrow? Maybe by officially becoming my girlfriend? So I can explain to her that the thing is officially off because I have an amazing girlfriend that I love and fulfils all of my sexual desires". He said winking at her.

Amy was surprised by Billy's sudden show of affection, "wait hold up! You want me to be your girlfriend!?, like officially, Billy, come on you can have anyone on your arm, are you sure?", Billy placed he's hands on her hips and pulled her closer, "why wouldn't I be sure? You're smart, you are the nicest person iv ever met and a bonus your are fucking hot babe!", Amy smiled at him then looked away before walking off around the kitchen, "are we really making this official?, Heather is going to freak with me, maybe I should call her?, No it's not my place to tell her!" Billy laughed at her, "see what I mean, you are too kind, too nice and kind for someone like me, what did I do to deserve you, your actually worried right now abouto how Heather will feel, the same girl who was your boyfriends fuck buddy a week ago" the pair began laughing.

After their chat Amy and Billy decided on a lazy day at Amy's house just the two of them, they laid on the couch together watching movies.
They had a long hot make out session but Amy wanted Billy to speak to Heather before they did anything more again, saying that it just didn't feel right, Billy understood this, plus Amy promised him every fantasy he could think of for tomorrow after he had spoken to Heather.

Billy knew he was getting too soft but he couldn't help it, Amy wasn't like the other girls in this shit hole town, she made him better and he needed that in he's life, no drama, just normality, he hadn't told her about the troubles at home with his father, he was planning on it but today just wasn't the day and probably tomorrow too. One day soon he would tell her, he just hoped that she wouldn't think any less of him.


Ah it finally begins Drama drama drama!

Hope you guys enjoy it!
Thank you for reading and voting guys! Xx

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