You cant break up with ME!

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The next day when Billy got out of he's Camaro at the pool, he was already dreading seeing Heather, he had never asked a girl to be 'official' before so breaking up with a girl that he wasn't actually dating made he's brain hurt trying to figure it out.
It had to be today though because what him and Amy have, is becoming special, Billy Hargrove has never wanted or needed a full time girlfriend before, just a whore to take on a cheap date and fuck at the end of the night was perfectly fine up until now.
Lately he has been craving the strangest things, the smell of Amy's hair when they hug, watching her do her yoga poses, intertwining their fingers when he drives.

Billy walked into the staff room where Heather and a new kid sat, he was a total dork, Billy motioned with he's head for the kid to get up and leave, which he did, moving like he's life depended on it.
Heather noticed Billy's actions out of the corner of her eye, "I can't possibly think why you would want the pair of us alone in the break room Billy" she said as she bit down on her bottom lip trying to be seductive, not knowing how little effect her attempt had on Billy.

Billy pulled a chair up to the table Heather was sat at, "yeah not what your thinking Heather sorry, I need to talk to you", Heather nervously shifted in her seat, but tried to play it cool, "of course babe, what's up?" Billy shook he's head at her pet name, 'god she's a clingy nutcase too' he thought to himself, "look the 'thing' we had" Heathers scrunched her forehead at Billy's air quotations, " it was only a handful of times right? I have to say this as nice as I can but I, we, can't do it anymore" Heathers mouth dropped, "what? You can't break up with me!?", he raised he's eyebrows at her comment, "Heather we never dated and I can do what I want", she was shocked to say the least, "why though Billy?".

Billy smiled at the thought of Amy and why he couldn't sleep with Heather anymore, "Iv met someone amazing and I'm not just sleeping with her we're in a relationship" Heather got up off her seat and walked over to Billy laughing, she traced her finger over he's left shoulder before going over he's back and back down he's right shoulder, "oh Billy, you know she won't please you like I do right? She won't make you come hard like I do, she won't ride you in the back of your Camaro like I do" Billy looked up at her and again shook he's head before looking away, "so who is she baby? Do I know the woman who's stolen my Billy's heart?".

Billy got out of he's seat and turned to face Heather, "yeah you do know her actually and I don't need to explain our relationship to you but she pleases me in more ways than you will ever know", Heathers jaw clenched tight n anger, "who is she Billy! What does she have that I don't!", Billy turned away from Heather and looked out of the window leading to the pool, there she was, Amy walking past the pool heading to the pool house.
Heather noticed him smiling out of the window so she headed over to him, "who you smiling at!" Looking around the pool she saw a few girls in bikinis, she looked at Billy again but he wasn't looking at the bikini clad girls, he was looking at the far end of the pool where Amy was ... AMY! 'No way not her!' She thought.
"AMY! are you kidding me Billy!" She shouted slapping him on the chest, "yeah Heather it's Amy, I'm dating Amy, if you give her any trouble I swear to god I will kill you!" Heather turned away putting her head in her hands, "just leave us both alone Heather and we won't have any trouble" Billy said as he walked out of the staff room.

He walked up behind Amy in the pool house and wrapped he's arms around her waist before kissing her neck, "hey beautiful" she jumped a little then turned around and wrapped her arms around he's neck, "hey baby, you ok?" Billy just gave her a small smile, she knew something wasn't right, "oh god whats wrong! Are you ok?" He let out a laugh at her concern, "I'm fine babe honest, just had the talk with Heather, she didn't take it great", Amy knew it's was her break time so she looked around Billy and over to the staff room and was not surprised to see Heather at the window giving them the death stare.
"Oh no what did she say? Was she upset" Billy shook he's head "no she wasn't upset, well not crying anyway she was pissed off though, listen babe I need you to tell me if she gives you any trouble ok? Iv warned her but if she says or does anything to you Il kill her" Amy laughed at he's comment, "bit much babe but thank you for the protection" Billy placed a soft kiss on the top of her head and grabbed her ass, "il protect you from anything angel"


Thank you for waiting for this! Love you guys xxxx

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