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When Amy woke up Nancy and Jenny were already awake sitting at the bottom of the bed, "oh good morning sleepy head!" Jenny called to her, "ugh, what time is it?" Amy asked her, "10 am you must have been tired" Nancy said, "oh yeah all that downward dog she's been doing at work" Jenny added causing Nancy and Amy to laugh.

After they all god dressed and ate breakfast they decided to have a walk in to town and do abit of shopping, Jenny wanted to buy some new Jeans and Nancy needed a new dress for her job interview on Monday at Hawkins post, Amy just went along with hopes of finding something nice and been able to spend time with her friends.
They were walking around the mall chatting and laughing when Amy spotted Heather walking towards them, "hey girl!" She waved in front of her, "Amy! Hey gorgeous how are you!" The pair hugged "yeah I'm good just doing some retail therapy before work" the girls chucked, "yeah I'm off today and obviously I'm bored at home! So I came for a look around", "I know right as soon as a day off comes you don't know what to do, you can come with us if you want? We're just going around some stores then for an ice cream it is so good from scoops!" They all nodded in agreeance, "you sure? Thank you!" Heather began walking with the girls.

They continued in a few shops before passing a lingerie store "guys I just need to go in here I need a new bra for work" Amy said before waking in "mhm I'm sure you do!" Nancy said sarcastic  causing Jenny to laugh out loud, "am I missing something" Heather asked not knowing the inside joke, "oh ignore her she's been stupid!" Amy answered quick before the others could, giving them a look that said 'not to her!'.

Amy found a nice pink Bra with ample of support for her yoga class but was also still cute, incase ... you know!.
They headed up to scoops for some ice cream, "good morning ladies welcome to scoops ahoy my name is Steve, what can I get you today?" He asked them avoiding eye contact with Nancy, "Hey Steve il have a cherry berry please" Amy smiled at him, "J what can I get you?" He smiled at Jenny, "banana bonanza please stevie" Jenny replied eager for her ice cream steven handed her the cone giving her a wink, "and for you?" Steve turned to Heather "ooh I will have a ..... chocolate supreme please", Steve heather Heather her icecream then looked at Nancy and sighed, "'next?" Rolling he's eyes "yeah mature Steve, pistachio" Steve made Nancy's ice cream up, "see you around" he said to Amy before handing Nancy her ice cream and waking off.

"Wow that was tense!" Heather commented, "yeah Steve and Nancy have a past" Jenny blurted out, causing Amy and Nancy to look at her, "no shit!" Nancy said before storming off, "Jenny! Jeeze you need to filter your mouth! Please go check on her I need to go to work, il call you tonight" she said to Jenny as she walked off, " and il see you at work tomorrow Heather" she smiled and Heather gave her a wave.
Amy headed off to work and left the girls at the mall.

When she pulled up outside the pool she saw Billy's Camaro and felt butterflies form in her stomach, she got out of her car and headed through office and straight to the lockers, she saw billy stood at a locker with he's back to her, she thought to herself 'god he is so sexy' she was so scared but she wanted to be near him.

She crept up behind him and put her arms around he's waist causing him to turn fast, "fuck!, you scared me" he said pulling her in to a hug which made her smile, "I'm happy to see you" she said to him, "me too it's been too long since I seen that ass, I need my yoga fix" Billy said looking in her eyes and chuckling, he noticed her going red, "hey nothing to be shy about princess, that ass is mine" he leant down to her ear and whispered "and it really really turns me on" he planted a kiss on her neck.

Amy looked up at Billy feeling like the butterflies in her stomach were trying to escape, "I feel different around you Billy, like I don't need to be shy, like I want things I don't usually want" Billy smirked at her and bit he's lip "what do you want princess" he lowered he's hand that was on her back and made he's way to her ass and pulled her closer so they were close enough to feel their hearts beating, Amy looked up at him big innocent eyes, "you Billy I want you".

He knew she was innocent and hadn't been with a guy before but he couldn't resist he grabbed her face and began kissing her and squeezing her ass, she ran her fingers through he's curls and kissing him back with surprised at the pleasure she was feeling.

They kissed for a while until Amy broke the kiss when she heard the locker room door open, she pulled away from Billy and turned around waiting for the person to come into view, it was John "ah there you are Billy, your shift is due to start and I just wanted to warn you we have young boy in today who has been causing Problems in the pool running, splashing etc, any problem ask him to leave, he's the little chubby one" John said gesturing with he's hands at chubby and little, "no problem John il kick the lard ass out if he carries on" John nodded and walked out.

"I should head out for my shift, but uh I need to see you later" Billy said to Amy, "yeah sure I finish at 4" She smiled at him, "I'm 5 but if you want I can pick you up from home" Amy bit her lip and nodded at Billy.
He pulled her close and passionately kissed her "I can't get enough of you" then he started walking away but turned around to Amy, "oh and don't forget your stretches" he winked at her as he walked out. She felt like her heart was going to beat out of her chest.

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