You knew?!

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That night Billy didn't sleep much, he was up most of the night watching Amy, wondering how he was going to keep her safe, so many questions going through his mind, was he good enough to keep her safe?, what was Heathers end game?, was he even sure it was Heather?, but most of all he was worried because he hadn't told Amy about the letter straight away. He hates lying to her but he had to keep her safe.

After a poor nights sleep Billys alarm clock went off at 7am, he was not ready for the day, but somehow he managed to drag himself out of bed and jump in the shower.
When he walked back into the bedroom he finished up getting ready for work as Amy laid on his bed, "do you have to leave baby?" She asked him in a timid voice as she rolled her body onto her front so his t-shirt rose up from over her ass revealing her red lacy panties, "can I not convince you to stay? Just a little while longer?", the pair made eye contact eventually after Billy managed to tear his eyes away from the temptation.
"Baby you know I would stay here all day and watch you parade and tease me like this, look what you've done already!" Amy chuckled as she looked down at the bulge forming in Billy's shorts.

        ⚠️ Smut warning ⚠️

She got up off the bed and slowly walked over to Billy, getting on to her tiptoes she whispered into his ear, "if you have to leave let me give you a leaving present ... lover boy", she nibbled on his earlobe before dropping to her knees and pulling down Billy's shorts revealing his erection.

Knowing he was genuinely in a rush but also because she wanted to please her boyfriend she didn't waste any time in grabbing a hold of he's cock and pumping it a few times, Billy instantly started moaning from pleasure and grabbing her hair, she licked up and down the base of his cock with her tongue, savouring the tip and slowly licking off the pre come, driving Billy insane.

Just as he expected her to lick the tip again she forced the full length into her mouth and to the back of her throat as she let out a small gag, this always took Billy by surprise, so much he nearly lost his footing, "holy shit Amz!" Billy let out as he regained his balance.

She continued pumped him hard from the base as she sucked on the tip of his dropping wet cock, loving the sound of the gruff moan leaving his lip, with every pump she felt him twitch in her hand, she knew he was close, she could feel the pulsing getting faster, "come for me baby" she let out as she took him out of her mouth, she kept pumping harder and harder, faster and faster. She knelt in front of him with her mouth open waiting on him to explode and give in to the pleasure.

Billy let out a deep breath, "fuck", running his fingers through his hair and regaining composure.
Amy stood up and walked past Billy towards the bathroom, giving him a slap on the ass before she left, she brushed her teeth and rinsed with mouth wash before returning to the room, Billy was still in the same position except he had a hand on the wall, standing in front of him she threw her arms around his neck, "god I love you Billy Hargrove", he smiled down at the girl before him, putting both his hands on her hips, "I'm not the soppy, romantic type Amy you know that, but what did I actually do to deserve you? I was nothing but a dick in high school, I don't physically have anything to offer you yet you give me everything you are, plus more (winking and her) and then all this shit with Heather, I wouldn't blame you for running a mile".

Amy smiled at her boyfriend before pecking him on the lip, "ok Hargrove first of all yeah, not going to lie, you were a total dick back in high school" the pair laughed, "and second I don't need you to offer me anything, but for the record you offer me everything I need, you are so sweet to me, you protect me, you make me happy and most of all you are there for me through anything I need despite having your own shit going on at home, you Billy Hargrove are the best thing in my life, and thirdly what shit with Heather it's all over with right?".

'Crap what did I say that for!' Billy thought to himself, "baby that is the nicest thing I have ever heard anyone say about me, I'm glad you see me that way, I will protect you until my dying day I love you", 'just play it off like she never said anything' he thought, praying she wouldn't pick up on it.

"William Hargrove what are you not telling me!" Amy snapped as she stepped back with her hands on her hips, looking at Billy with big eyes, silence filled the room, "WELL!" She snapped again.
"Ok ok but first I swear I didn't say anything because I want to protect you, really Amy that was my only intention", Amy began pacing the room, "god damn it Billy just tell me I'm scared now".
He walked over to his girlfriend and grabbed her into a hug, "ok so lastnight when you saw someone outside, I went out to check, right" Billy started, still in the hug, earning a silent nod from he's girlfriend, "well I was ready to come back in when I saw a note on the floor, it said 'I'm watching, that's what you wanted right'", Amy pulled back from the embrace and just stood there in shock, "I thought I was seeing things, but there actually was a stranger watching us!?" She asked Billy, he just looked at her, "oh my god you know who it is!", He nodded back at her, "I think it could be Heather, I'm going to work today with the note to confront her".

Amy hit him on the chest, "Jesus Billy! That bitch is crazy you need to tell me this kind of stuff", he moved closer to her and kissed her temple, "I know babe I will fix this I promise you, you just stay here, take a bath and rest, I'm only in for 4 hours today, when I get back we can go for a drive ok, somewhere out of town", Amy smiled up at her knight in shining armour, "ok baby, thank you for looking out for me, go to work and hurry back to me ok?" The pair shared a hug and a passionate kiss before Billy left for work.


Wow it's been a while!
Totally forgot where I was at/going with this story but I hope it's ok!

Had the worse start to 2020, hoping I can escape into my writing for a while.
Vote, comment, like please!!
I love your feedback xxx

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