1-0 bitch!

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Tonight is the party at the lake, Amy is totally ready to put their plan into action.
She was looking through her closet for the best outfit to drive Billy crazy and to show Heather that she is a total threat to her., Nancy and Jenny sat on the bed flicking through magazines, Amy grabbed a few choices and went into the bathroom to change.
She came out and showed the girls three outfits...

"The denim is cute but you look too innocent, you want to drive Billy crazy, to the point where he can't keep he's hands off of you" Jenny said causing Amy to cover her face, "uh! Don't be shy Amz you got to be a totally seductive babe tonight, ok...

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"The denim is cute but you look too innocent, you want to drive Billy crazy, to the point where he can't keep he's hands off of you" Jenny said causing Amy to cover her face, "uh! Don't be shy Amz you got to be a totally seductive babe tonight, ok so what's Billy's favourite asset? Your ass or the boobs?", the girls looked at Amy to answer, she giggled and said "he likes both really, he's just a touchy guy", Nancy made a gagging noise and action which made the group laugh out loud, "ok so go with the all black, it hugs your figure showing off your ass plus shows the girls too.", Amy nodded and headed into the Bathroom to change. She put some natural eye makeup on and headed back to her room to put on her shoes.

As she stepped out of the door her friends bag whistling and clapping at her, "oh stop! Are you guys ready Billy will be picking us up in 10 minutes", Nancy rolled her eyes at her friend, "yes mom! Jeez!".
The girls picked up things and headed down stairs with Amy going down first, as she reached the bottom of the stairs she heard an all too familiar voice, she looked back at her friends, "Oh god! He's with my parents" She whisperers to them making them laugh, "it's fine Rachel and Tom will love him", Jenny said walking past dragging Nancy with her, Leaving Amy on the stairs in shock".

"Hey guys, Billy" Jenny smiled him, "you look lovely ladies" Billy said smiling back at the girls, "where's Amy?" Tom asked, "she's on her way down!" Jenny shouted so Amy could hear, "she's nervous because lover boy here is with you guys, I don't know why, your totally cool" Jenny whispered making them all smile, "il go find her" Billy said as he got up and left the room.
He slowly walked into the hallway and Amy was bent over the railing on the stairs covering her face, Billy's jaw dropped when he saw her bent over in that outfit, "Amz you ok?", she shot up from  her position, "you scared me" she said as she walked down the stairs to him and threw her arms around he's neck, "yeah I'm ok are you?", Billy pulled away an spun her around admiring the view, "I am now iv seen this outfit on you, you look amazing baby", he pulled her back in to the hug so her back was to he's chest, "why don't we scrap this party" Billy said between kissing her neck, "oh your getting a reward baby but party first" Amy said as she turned around and planted a kiss on he's lip, "I guess my parents haven't scared you off" Billy let out a deep laugh, "what! No they are cool I don't know why you panic, anyway they are all waiting on you, come on angel" he grabbed her hand and lead her into the kitchen.

After a few minutes of chatting the group decided to get off to the party, saying bye to Amy's parents they all got into Billy's car, Nancy and Jenny in the back and Amy sat with Billy upfront, the minute they left the drive way Billy's hand found Amy's thigh, he kept it there the whole drive.
When they arrived at the lake Jenny and Nancy got out and went to find the drinks while Amy waited with Billy while he had a smoke on the hood of the car, she was looking around to find Heather, Billy didn't think anything of this because she always moved away while he smoked, she kept looking until she spotted her looking directly at Billy, she had to put this plan into motion now!.

Amy walked around the front of the car to Billy, she stood in front of him and put her hands on he's thighs "you finished baby", Billy discarded he's cigarette on the floor, "finished with my smoke yeah but I haven't even started with you" he's hands roamed up her legs and stopped on her ass cheeks, Billy dug he's fingers into the tissue on her ass cheeks causing a light moan to leave her mouth as she threw her head back, "mm you like beautiful, god I need to get you out of this outfit, can't we just get in the back of the car" he said as he kissed up her neck, as she turned her neck so he could get a better angle she noticed Heather had made her way closer to them, she winked at her enemy and turned back to her lover.

She leaned into her ear and whispered "How about we make a deal" as she nibbles on he's ear lobe driving him crazy, she enjoyed the fact that Heather will be able to see all of this, "im listening" Billy replied as he bit his lip, Amy pulled back and looked Billy in the eyes and took hold of his index finger, "how about we sneak into your car now, and il lick" she licked up he's finger, "and il suck" she sucked on he's finger, "and pump your cock until you can't take it anymore, but!, then you have to come to the party and dance with me!"
Billy's jaw dropped and without saying anything he grabbed Amy's hand and pulled her into the back seat, luckily where they had parked there wasn't many people, they were all joining in the party, Billy on the other hand couldn't care less who saw.

After their little car session they both climbed out, "well fuck me angel that was amazing!" Billy said as he wrapped he's arms around Amy's waist and kissed her neck making her smile, "what have you turned me into Hargrove?" She spun round to face him noticing Heather had vanished, '1-0 bitch!' She thought to herself, "a hot wet mess by the look of it angel" Amy blushed, "not denying it are you babe?"Billy smirked at her, she grabbed he's hand and lead him to the party.


Sorry it's been too long guys, Christmas and everything!
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Hope you enjoy it! Love u!!

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