Who? Me!

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Amy rolled over and hit the snooze button on her alarm, "ugh...NOT YET!" She shouted.
After 5 minutes she got up out of bed and got in the shower, when she got out she decided to just let her hair dry on its own, it usually turned into nice beach waves, then she applied her everyday make up just enough to add abit of colour to her face.

She threw on some more of her yoga clothes and headed downstairs, she didn't start work until 11 today so she had an hour to chill, she was sat at the breakfast bar talking to her mom, she was asking how she's finding the job and if they are nice ...

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She threw on some more of her yoga clothes and headed downstairs, she didn't start work until 11 today so she had an hour to chill, she was sat at the breakfast bar talking to her mom, she was asking how she's finding the job and if they are nice when the telephone rang, "il grab it" Amy said finishing her coffee and heading over to the phone,
"hey Amy!"
"Hey Nancy! How are you?"
"I'm good thanks, are you working today? Me and Jonothan are going to the pool, we're gong to ask Jenny too"
"Oh! Yeah I'm working, sorry Nance, but on my break I can come sit with you! Il bring a swimsuit "
"Ye that would be fun! Anyway see you around lunch time!"
"Look forward to it bye!"

Amy hung up the phone and went back to the kitchen, "Nancy is finally making an effort to spend time with us! She's bringing Jonathan but Hey will just be nice to see her" she told her mom, "I know how you feel honey but you will understand when you fall in love you won't want to be apart from them, it's like magic you will get butterfly's in your stomach when you see them!" Her mom told her but Amy just rolled her eyes, "gotta find somebody first mom, anyway I have to go grab a swimsuit!" And she headed up the stairs, she picked out an all white bikini and a towel, throwing them in her bag she shouted "see you tonight" as she ran downstairs out of the door and into her car.

When she pulled up in the parking lot the first thing she saw was the familiar blue Camaro, she parked up and rolled her eyes, "I got this, I got this" she told herself before taking a deep breath in and out.
She was still abit early so she went into the staff room to see if anyone was there, but it was empty, she just sat down at the table and looked at the magazines on the table, she was interrupted when she heard "hey girl!" When she looked around she saw Heather walking in, "hey Heather! You ok" she asked, putting the magazine back, Heather came and sat beside her "yeah I'm good just finishing my shift, 10 minutes late, Billy only just got here" she said rolling her eyes, "he's always late, I mean he's cute and all but I have a life you know!" They both laughed, "have you met Billy yet? He probably won't introduced himself, he keeps to himself unless he wants something from you" Heather said before getting up to make a drink, "um yeah, we actually went to high school together, I didn't really speak to him in school but he spoke to me yesterday" Heathers head spinning around when Amy said that, "REALLY! What did he say?" Amy could tell she was one of the girls that threw theirselves at Billy just like in highschool, she wasn't going to send her in to a frenzy, so she lied "nothing much, John asked him to help me empty out the pool house, he was just basically telling me to not get the heavy stuff and asked why I was using the pool house" Heather was shaking her head "wow! Billy making small talk, he totally wants you, I mean look at the yoga costume who wouldn't" she smiled at Amy, "anyway I best be going my moms taking me to lunch" she said as she grabbed her bag from the chair, "see you around". Amy put her head on the table and let out a deep sigh before getting up and going into the locker room, she put her bag in her locker and walked out to the pool, she glanced around looking for her friends but they weren't there yet, so she went to the pool house to set up.

Once she had finished she stepped outside walked by the sun beds asking people if they wanted to join in with the yoga, not many people did, until she saw a group of moms, she recognise one as Nancy's mom, it would mean she had to walk past the lifeguard tower where Billy was sat, Amy thought about it for a minute and realised she was been dramatic, she started walking over to the women "hey!...Amy right?" She knew the voice so she looked up at Billy who took off he's sunglasses and put then the end of the arm in between he's teeth, "um yep that's me" she said smiling up at him, he began walking down from the tower, when he got in front of her he licked he's bottom lip and said "so I was thinking I could take you out after we finish here?" Amy was completely shocked "Really! ...Me, this is the most we've spoken in a year" Billy gave Amy a deep chuckle, " I know, you just seem different and I want to get to know you" he said stepping closer to her rubbing he's fingers over the top of her arm, "come on ...I promise you won't regret it, if you don't enjoy yourself I won't bother you again" Amy thought for a second "ok then but you should know I'm not like the Hawkins whores" Billy let out a hearty laugh "duly noted Princess" Amy couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach, "ok good, I should go, see you later Billy" she turned to walk off and felt him grab her hand softly, "see you soon Amy" he let go and climbed back up the ladder.
Amy made it over to the group of moms "hello ladies! How do you feel about some yoga this afternoon?", Mrs wheeler was the only to answer answer, "if it gets him to look at us like he does you then were in!" All the ladies hummed in agreement, "I'm sorry what?" Amy was confused, one of the other ladies nodded towards Billy, "the lifeguard, Billy, he doesn't look at anyone here, you think he would with all the girls in bikinis but nothing, that is until you started here" Amy didn't know what to say or where to look, "oh um ok then" she stood up and looked back at the ladies "it starts in 10 minutes girls" the women began packing their things up and followed Amy to the pool house.
She noticed Billy wink at her on the way past she just smiled and bit her bottom lip.


Thank you for reading! I would love your opinions on the story 😘 xx

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