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Amy took a sip of her water and laid down on the benches in the communal area of the changing rooms, "well that was ...something else" she heard a familiar voice say, she sat up and looked around and noticed Billy Hargrove stood in the door way, "excuse me?" She said not understanding what he meant, "the yoga,...the lack of pants, it was very entertaining" he said as he slowly made he's way over to her, "oh ... I uh .... I didn't know you saw it" she lied, "come on doll stretching out in practically underwear how could I miss it!" He was stood in front of her now licking he's lips, "oh jeez, well I...I'm sorry I didn't mean to distract you, ....I have to go sorry" and she ran in to the girls locker room closing the door and leaning against it when she heard him say "it was a good distraction I look forward to your next show", she felt her face go red, Unsure wether it was from excitement or embarrassment!
"What the hell was that" she whispered to herself "do not get feelings for Billy Hargrove Amy you know he's a dog when it comes to women!"
She stayed in the locker room until it was time for her next lesson, she hoped to god he wasn't by the pool when she went out.

She crept out of the locker room and headed for the pool house where there was a group of women waiting for her, luckily there was no Billy in sight, instead Heather was on the lifeguard station, she smiled at Amy and gave her a little wave. Amy thought she was really nice and was looking forward to meeting with we when they were both on break.
She finished up her class and headed to the car park, she enjoyed her first day at the pool but was tired, she threw her bag in the trunk then got in the drivers seat and headed home.

It was 3 pm when she walked inside the house, her parents weren't in so she call Jenny,
"Hello" Jenny answered the phone, " hey J im home from my first day at work!!! you want to come over?" Amy asked her, "yes! God iv been waiting for this phone call all day! I will be over in 5 minutes" and with that she hung up the phone. Amy laughed and decided to change before Jenny got there, she opted for some red shorts and a baggy white T-shirt.
After 5 minutes the door bell rang and Amy headed down to let her friend in, "hello working girl!" Jenny shouted as she walked in causing them to both laugh, "how was it? We're there lots of hotties? Did any of them talk to you? We're the ladies in your classes ok? And can I come next time!" She stepped back and took a deep breath, Amy looked surprised, "are you done .... wow J one thing at a time" laughing at her friend, she went to the refrigerator and got two bottles of water out, "ok were the ladies nice?" Jenny asked taking a sip of her water, "yeah they were really kind and I think I gave them a good work out that they weren't expecting!" They both began laughing, "ok so were there any hotties?!" Jenny leant forward eager for her friends answer, Amy didn't know what to say, "um I didn't really notice any, the guy in the office isn't a hottie, the people at the pool were mostly children and women" she hesitated for a moment, her friend sensing more was coming, ".... but..." she said raising her eyebrows, Amy sighed "Billy Hargrove works at the pool" she said and rolled her eyes, "oh well at least there's something to look at I suppose, he may be a ass but he's got a nice ass" the girls chuckled again, "actually that's the thing, he was checking out my ass ..." Amy said hiding her face, "WHAT! no way, tell me everything!" Jenny jumped off the chair and ran around the counter so she was stood in front of Amy, "well I wore my Yoga clothes and I was doing the stretches and poses like always and after my lesson I was in the changing rooms and he came in and was like 'well that was interesting', I wanted the floor to swallow me up there and then!" Amy said blushing from reliving it again. Jenny couldn't believe it "this is so hot! What now!?" She questioned her friend, "what! Nothing now! I go in tomorrow and act like nothing happened" Amy walked off into the living room, she was soon followed by Jenny, "NO! You have to pursue this!" She said, Amy sat on the sofa shaking her head at Jenny, "I do not! It's Billy Hargrove were talking about he will be with someone else as we speak he doesn't catch feeling like normal people, please just drop it and come watch a film with me, il let you pick!" Amy bribed her friend just to end this conversation.
The girls watched a movie until it got late then Jenny headed home and Amy went to bed ready for the next working day, 'please no more drama' she hoped before drifting off to sleep.


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