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When Amy got home she was greeted by her mom at the door, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!" Amy saw that her mother's eyes were all blood shot as though she had been crying, "oh my god I am so sorry mom! I forgot to call you! I went out for dinner with somebody from work" Amy hugged her mum because she was so upset, "who did you go with? I told your father you went to Nancy's so he didn't panic" the pair headed to the kitchen and sat at the breakfast bar, "thank you mom I'm so sorry again" Amy said feeling bad about not calling, "so any reason you are avoiding telling me who you went out with?" Her mom said raising her eyebrows, "mom really, it was just a guy from work he's called Billy" Amy's mom practically jumped off the stool, "AMY! you go on a date and don't even tell me! Right tell me now! Is he handsome? When do I meet him? And was he a gentleman?" Amy just laughed at her mom, "mom calm down, your aren't meeting him, yes he is handsome and he definitely was a gentleman holding doors open and things" Amy's mom was so excited she couldn't control herself "Amy I am so happy for you! It's about time!, I won't pressure you about this then but I need you to talk to me, ok?" Amy nodded and smiled at her mom, "ok mom I will but I'm going to bed now because I have work tomorrow I didn't realise the time"

The next morning Amy woke up to her mom calling her, "Amy the phone it's for you" She rolled herself out of bed and picked up the phone at the side of her, "hello" she said sleepily "Hey Amy! It's Nancy!" Amy rolled her eyes "oh hey I though you forgot about me you know seen as you didn't show up yesterday" "listen Amy I'm sorry me and Jonothan went for some lunch and then a movie we totally forgot about it I'm sorry" Amy shook her head "and what about Jenny did you just leave her sat waiting for you?" She was feeling annoyed now, "yeah I called her before I called you and explained she was a lot more understanding, why are you taking this so personal?" Amy sat upright in bed, "ok first Nancy I'm happy for you I'm so happy you and Jonathan are together and are a thing but you are just forgetting about me and Jenny, personally I have things going on right now where I could use you around but you are always busy, we were a 4 Nancy and now it's just me and Jenny, anyway I'm not arguing about this and loosing you as a friend, why don't we have a girly movie night over at mine tonight? 7pm?" Amy suggested, "I'm so sorry Amy I didn't realise, I will be be there I promise you, see you tonight at 7pm"
After Nancy's phone call Amy decided to give Jenny a call,
"Hello" She said "hey Jen!" She was happy to hear from her friend, "hey girl, how are you? I guess you heard from Nancy too huh?" Amy let out a little laugh "yeah I did, I told her exactly what I thought and we arranged a movie night at mine tonight you in?" Jenny was excited at the idea of the 3 of them been together again, "yes yes I am in!" Amy laughed again "I can't wait, Nancy is coming for 7 so you want to come around the same time, I finish work at 6 so will be home straight after, oh and I have news... I think" she blushed just thinking about it, "oooh  I need to know il be there when you get home!" They both laughed, "ok well il going to shower before work Il see you tonight Jen" "have fun! See you soon".

After the phone call Amy got ready for work, she didn't know if Billy was going to be there at the same time as her but she wanted to make an effort just incase, so she put her hair half up half down, natural makeup on and because she had to wear her yoga clothes anyway she decided on a pink crop top and her black yoga leggings, one thing she did like about herself was her figure she had a flat stomach and just the right amount of boobs and ass.

When she had finished getting ready she went downstairs, she made a cheese sandwich for her lunch because she wasn't due in work until 1pm, her mom was sat in the living room but came in to the kitchen when she heard Amy banging around, "hey sweetie how are you this morning?" Her mom asked "I'm good thanks mom, just grabbing lunch before work, oh Nancy and Jenny are coming over for movie night tonight is that ok?" Her mom gave her a smile "of course it is! Im going to the store today and get you girls some snacks!, il see you when you get back from work!" Amy thanked her and then her mom left.
Amy was left in peace and quiet while she ate, she tried to not think of Billy but it was hard, she didn't want to be another Hawkins girl to him, but she also wanted him to want her, she was a shy persons but she wanted to make her self irresistible to him, she would need to talk to the girls tonight maybe they could help, after her lunch she set off to work.

She pulled up in the parking lot and noticed the blue Camaro in Billy's spot, she felt a knot form in her stomach, today she didn't bother the staff room she just headed out to the pool, as soon as she stepped out near to the pool she saw him, she decided to walk over to him, she noticed all eyes on her from the moms again "hey ladies, class starts in 20 minutes I hope to see you there" she earned a forced smile from them all. Billy's head shot round as he heard her voice, when Amy got to the foot of the lifeguard tower Billy was already down, "morning angel" he smirked at her, "good morning Billy" Amy said biting her lip, "that's hot, really hot" Amy looked confused "what is?", Billy moved closer to her and whispered "biting your lip" he moved back a little and did the same thing to Amy, she noticed it and felt butterflies in her stomach "yep, yes it is" Amy said blushing causing Billy to chuckle, "you free tonight?" Billy asked her, "I'm not iv got Nancy and Jenny coming over for a movie, sorry" she raised the side of her mouth in disappointment, "don't worry beautiful, can we meet up on Saturday?, I can pick you up for lunch?" Amy smiled at him "that would be nice, I live at 542 maple street, if you forget the number just look for my car on the drive" he nodded at her while she was talking, she smiled at him as she adjusted her crop top, she noticed Billy staring, "you like the view doll" she said mocking he's pet names, he laughed at her "I do" he said still laughing, Amy shook her head smiling "anyway I need to set up so I will see you tomorrow Billy", "I'm counting down the hours, bye Amy" they both smiled and Amy headed to the pool house.
The rest of the day went by quick, Billy finished not long after Amy got there so she just got in with her job and waited for home time.

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