Round two!, Ding! Ding!

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The party was in full swing, Amy's deal earlier had managed to get Billy to dance with her, they were dancing away to 'jump' by Van Halen, Jenny was dancing with some guy named Dave and Nancy was dancing with Jonathan Byers, the girls kept making eye contact and nodding at Amy when Heather was close, Amy looked around and there she was again!, that was it, Amy mouthed 'round two' to her best friends.

Amy was dancing away with Billy when she looked over at Heather, she was taking in all the attention Billy was giving Amy and it made her blood boil, she had seen Amy come on to Billy but now it was time for Billy to come on to Amy.
Amy turned around so her back was on Billy's chest, grabbing he's hands she placed them on her hips as she began to sway to the music, "you know what your doing to me angel?" Billy whispered in Amy's ear, "I'm just dancing baby" she replied playing dumb and continuing the dance she was doing. Billy just smiled and let her carry on, it was very entertaining after all.

After the song had finished Billy grabbed Amy's hand and lead her over to the picnic table where all the drinks were.
Amy noticed that Heather was stood in a crowd near the drinks table just behind her and Billy, he hadn't noticed her at all that night which Amy thought was highly amusing, obviously it just infuriated Heather even more.
Amy was pouring a drink when Billy came ip behind here and put he's hands on her ass, "god damn it babe these pants are so tight on your ass, you sure you don't want me to take you home and help you out of them, Neil and Susan are out", Amy stood up and looked around at Billy, but didn't move her body, as she turned her head she made eye contact with Heather who was seething by this point.

Amy's eyes made contact with Billy's, she pushed herself back so that her ass was on he's crotch again, Billy's hand found it's way from her ass and around her body as he grabbed her breast making Amy let out a soft moan, driving Billy crazy, "Amz this outfit is killing me, I want you, now!", she couldn't lie this wasn't just for Heathers benefit anymore, she desperately needed Billy but she had to get Heather to bite back.
Amy turned to face Billy, "oh baby you are so getting me not a doubt about that, but what about the party and my friends?", Billy grabbed her hips rather forcefully but just the right amount that made it sexy, he pushed her back so she sat on the table and he walked between her legs, "I don't know what this is, wether it's the drink, the outfit or if you are just horny but I fucking love it", with that he locked his lips with hers, he lifted one of her legs so it was rested on he's hip so he could grab her ass, they were both having the time of their life until someone brought them out of their trance.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Billy!" He heard a girl screech, regretfully he removed he's lips from Amy's and looked behind him to where the sound was coming from, as he turned he saw Heather standing behind him with her hands on her hips, "ah fuck this shit, Heather, what the fuck now!". Amy let out a quick chuckle before covering her mouth with her hand, earning a smirk from Billy, "shut that little bitch up, why are you even with her! Look at her she's a complete slut! Giving herself up to you on a picnic table in front of everybody!", Amy could feel Billy tense up at Heathers comments, "I swear to god, Heather, you back the fuck off now before things get a lot worse for you!" Billy was gripping hold of the table, Amy knew he was about to loose his shit, she had to step in.

Most of the people at the party had gathered around the picnic table by now, "Heather come on what you think you and Billy had is over now, he's happy just please leave us alone" Amy said trying to be the calm in all this mess.
"Are you fucking kidding me Amy! You know what you are doing! Dancing all on him, sex sessions in he's car! And now on the fucking picnic table!" Amy looked around at their school friends, they were all whispering and laughing, at Heather.
"Heather come on it's a teenage party, Me and Billy are not the only ones hooking up! But, have you been watching us all night?! Sweetie, that's a little bit weird!", Heather balled up her fists and Billy saw, "you escalate this Heather and you don't leave us any choice, you need to leave now, fuck!, if you were a dude I would have killed you by now, you are lucky Amy isn't like me" Billy said as he stood protectively in front of Amy.

One of Heathers friends came running out of the crowd, "ok Holloway let's get you home, I think you may have had too much" she dragged a drunk and reluctant to leave Heather to her car and drove off.
"Yo! Amy! How did you stay so calm man! You should have kicked her ass" Tommy, Billy's friend said to Amy as he walked up to the couple, "yeah she's a total crazy person! You stayed calm too Billy! Well done, maybe Amy here is the one to tame, THE, Billy Hargrove" Carol, Tommy's girlfriend said, Emphasising the e on the word 'the'.
Billy grabbed Amy's hand and started pulling Amy away, "yeah she is, now leave I'm taking my girlfriend home", Tommy and Carol left as Billy dragged Amy back to the camaro.

"Billy where are we going" Amy asked him as they got in the car, "like I said angel, I'm taking my girlfriend home, for many reasons" Billy said turning the car on, "oh yeah? Do explain?" Amy asked eager for her answer, "well 1 -the party sucked, 2- her outfit is teasing me too much, not to mention there are dudes all over looking at her and I know she won't be pleased if I get in a fight, and 3- the badass attitude she just showed infront of the whole school just then is making my rock hard cock try to escape my jeans, so you see I need her help with that".

Amy's mouth dropped open, she was not expecting that reply, "that a good enough explanation angel?" Billy asked his now gobsmacked girlfriend earning a quiet nod and a, "oh um yeah, yeah of course".
They drove back to Billy's empty house and Amy gave Billy everything she had been promising him all night, and her, well Billy gave her a lot more than she was expecting.

Hey guys!!

I hope you are enjoying the story!
Ooh drama again!
What are people's opinions on my Heather character? Are people ok her been this character, Jealous? Angry?

Thanks for the reads and votes guys!
Love u! X

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