Goodbye hell hole!

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Today was the day Billy and Amy we're leaving for California, they were just getting the last of their things together ready to leave for the airport, Amy's mother and father we're going to drive Billy's camaro down in a few days with the rest of their things and fly back.
Billy wasn't a huge fan of the idea but it beat leaving his baby in Hawkins!.

They couple said goodbye to Neil and Susan the night before, not that it was much of a goodbye, Susan shed a tear or two but Billy called them crocodile tears, saying it was because she realised now she had nobody to share the abuse with it would be all for her.
Amy always felt kind of sorry for Susan because she was always so sorry for what Neil did, but on the other hand she allowed it and stayed so quiet for so long.
Then there was Max, she sat on the hood of Billy's Camaro, she talked him into allowing her to because he was 'Abandoning' her as she called it.

Billy put the last box in the car and closed to trunk, Max looked at Amy then at her brother, she ran into his arms and began to sob, "you better call me when you get there and I expect a call every week there after, and every holiday, I am coming to visit, don't be making excuses like, I can't my car is in the shop or we have a thing this weekend.... I... I need this Billy, I need my brother", Max let out her heartfelt goodbye to the brother she had always needed, Amy threw her hand over her mouth and tears began to fill up in her eyes, "could I ever trick you with shitty excuses?" Billy asked causing the siblings to laugh, until Billy looked over at Amy and saw her puffy eyes, he kissed his kid sister on the head and pulled away from the hug as he made his way to his girl.

Billy pulled Amy into a strong embrace before asking her "you ready angel?", Amy looked at the man in front of her who has made the colour in her world pop, "always ready for an adventure with you Hargrove", she told him.
The couple said their goodbyes to Billy's family, Max was a wreck, but she did realise they had to do this, they had to get away.
Next stop, Amy's house, the plan was to leave the car and the boxes in the trunk on Amy's drive, then get a cab to the airport.

It began to hit home when Billy noticed the time 12:20, their flight was at 2pm, in less than 2 hours he will be leaving the hell hole that is Hawkins Indiana!, leaving his beloved Camaro, even if it was only for 1 week, but most of all he was sad to leave Max. He tried not to think about it, he just focused on getting back to Cali, showing Amy all of the amazing things that he had told her stories about, like beach party's, with fire pits and skinny dipping, to lazy Sunday's looking out of his window at the sun and the sea. He couldn't wait to make all new memories with this girl.

His heart swelled when he watched her say goodbye to her mom, dad, aunt and her cousin Lewis, yeah that moron was still around, he offered to drive Billy's Camaro down to Cali but Billy put his foot down and refused the first time the idea came out of his mouth, but that didn't stop him from trying again... and again until Billy lost it.

"we will see you in a few days guys have a safe flight, and Billy make sure she calls me when you get there!" Amy's mom told Billy as she hugged her daughter, she always knew she would leave the nest and fly far away, she was never going to live in Hawkins for the rest of her life, but it didn't make the goodbye any easier, Amy's dad could see he needed to step in, he slowly pulled Amy's mom back and brought her into a hug as he nodded at Billy to do the same with Amy, he put his hands around her and gently pulled back, "come on princess we've got a flight to catch and I need my moving buddy", Amy looked and laughed at Billy through her tears, 'god I love this nerd' she thought to herself.
Together they climbed into the back of the cab and waved goodbye to everything they have ever known.

A few hours later they were finally landing in California, Billy was super excited, he was back, back in the place he called home, away from Neil and Susan, but this time with one the most important thing in his life, Amy. Billy was running through the airport holding onto Amy's hand eager to get their luggage and see their apartment.
An hour later the couple pulled outside their new home, it was a simple upstairs apartment close to a few stores.
Billy stood at the door, waiting, for what he wasn't sure, "are you ready to head in babe?" Amy asked him, Billy looked down at the treasure in front of him, she had done all this for him, all to make him happy again, "I'm ready babe", he smiled at her.

The couple walk in to a tiny living room, luckily it was already part furnished so they had their main things like couch, bed and refrigerator, the tiny room had one big window to the side with newspaper over it, Amy dropped her bags and headed over to the window and began pulling the paper off, revealing a sea of lights looking over the city, she stared out of the window for a few seconds before Billy came and wrapped his arms around her stomach, "thank you so much Amy, This is everything I have wanted for what feels like forever,  I can't wait to being our future together... here" he notioned to the vast city in front of them, Amy leaned her head back so she could see her handsome boyfriend, "it will be filled with love and adventures baby", she told him, Billy placed a kiss to her temple before returning to the view that he so deeply missed.



Wow! Such a long time since I updated, I am so sorry guys!
I lost track with this and really struggled but the this is the final chapter, the couple are away from Hawkins and the rest of their lives is beginning!

Again thank you for all the votes and comments it means the world to me, and if you have any requests for a Billy/Dacre/Jason/Nick imagine I am happy to add it to my Dacre imagine book! Xx

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