Date night

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After what felt like the longest afternoon ever people finally began to leave the pool at around 6pm, Amy started walking to the locker rooms to get showered and changed when she heard someone behind her calling her name "Amy .... wait up!" She turned around to see Billy, "oh hey Billy" she said moving the hair from her face, "meet at my car when your ready, we can come back for your car after yeah?"Amy just kept walking and said "yeah sure", when they reached the locker room Billy grabbed her hand and said "hey, don't be so shy I mean it if you don't enjoy yourself we act like nothing happened ok?" Amy smiled at him and he smiled back "thank you Billy" he nodded and they went in to their own locker rooms.

Billy's POV

I'm stood at the side of my Camaro waiting for Amy to finish showering and getting ready,
When she walked out she looked stunning with her little denim skirt on, I can't get over how good she looks!

I smiled at her as she walked across the car park, "you look beautiful" I said when she was in front of me, "oh thank you" she blushed, "it's just the spare clothes I had in my locker, I couldn't go in my yoga clothes" she laughed, "god no, some g...

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I smiled at her as she walked across the car park, "you look beautiful" I said when she was in front of me, "oh thank you" she blushed, "it's just the spare clothes I had in my locker, I couldn't go in my yoga clothes" she laughed, "god no, some guy would try steal you from me if you walked around like that" I said waking round to the drivers side, Amy shook her head and smiled as she got in

"So where are we going" she said while doing her seatbelt, I began to reverse out of the parking lot, "I thought we could go for food? I know an nice place" She smiled at me again, "why you smiling?" I asked, She looked down then out of the window "it's just nice, I don't do dates" I could tell she was embarrassed, "why not?" I asked expecting her to say all guys are asses or something funny, "iv never been asked" she said looking at me biting the side of her mouth, "WHAT! You got to be kidding me, maybe it's because you were so quiet in school and didn't throw yourself at guys like the rest of the high school girls" she just nodded and said "maybe".

Amy seems different to the usual Hawkins girls, shes pretty and she's smart I know she did well in school, unlike me. I took this job because I had no choice but god only knows why she wants to come here every morning .

We talk and find out bits about eachother as I drive to the diner.
When we get there we walk inside and I put my hand on her lower back to guide her in, she looked back at me smiled as her cheeks began to go red, she sits in a booth and I slide in beside her, we take out the menus and decide what we are having, when the waitress comes over she is chewing her pen and looking at me, "what can I get you handsome?" I tell her that I will have a cheese burger, fries and a large cola, then I look over at Amy for her order "il have the same please" she didn't get a reply so I look at the waitress again who is still staring at me, "excuse me! the lady gave you her order!" I snap at the waitress who looks at Amy "I'm so sorry could you repeat that please?" She asks her, Amy tells her again then looks at the floor as the waitress walked off, I took Amy's hand and she looked into my eyes "typical Hawkins girl huh" I said and we both laughed, I took her hand and said "your really are beautiful Amy, and your work uniform is just an added bonus" biting my bottom lip "thank you Billy" she said as she laughed playing with my fingers,
"I know you know don't normal do 'dates' and everything so thank you, Im really enjoying been with you Billy, and like I said before I'm not the like the girls you usually meet, if you don't like it that's fine we can leave now" she said rather nervous but also to the point, "what? No I'm enjoying myself too Amy, I mean I'm not going to lie to you iv had most of the girls in Hawkins but they are all the same, unlike you, your smart, you aren't throwing yourself at me and plus you're sexy as fuck, but you don't flaunt it like the girls around here. I admire that about you" Amy smiled and covered her eyes with her free hand in embarrassment, she quickly moved it "they really do! They don't think twice about their actions and there's me who's never kissed a guy!" Once she realised what she said she let go of my hand and buried her face in to her hands as she muttered "shit" I have to admit I was shocked, kind of scared, could I Billy Hargrove like someone who was as delicate as this, would I break her?.
I used my finger to lift her chin "hey it's ok don't even worry about it, take things at your pace, when your happy maybe I can be your first kiss" I said looking into her eyes. What am I saying this isn't me!, I thought to myself.

"Ok! we have two cheese burger fries and colas! Enjoy guys" an older waitress said as she handed our food to us, "looks like your friend bailed on you Billy" Amy said joking, I laughed "oh well good job I have first prize right here huh" she smiled again shaking her head.

We ate our meal and laughed and joked all night it was 11pm, we decided to head back to the pool so Amy could collect her car, we talked all the way back to the pool, Amy is so cute and funny, she really doesn't see how nice she is. When we got to the pool I got out of the car and went round to Amy's side, she got out of the car carefully closing the door "thank you so much for an amazing night Billy I really enjoyed it." She said to me, I move closer to her, "I enjoyed it too your really cool I feel stupid for not talking to you sooner instead of the other girls" I think she could tell I was getting annoyed with myself because she said "hey I enjoyed it that much I may even let you take me out again" we both smiled and gave each other a long hug, "il see you tomorrow Billy" she said as she turned to walk away, I stood up and held her hand and kissed the top of it, "looking forward to it already" she smiled and walked off causing our hands to separate.

I sat in my car for 5 minutes trying to get my head around what tonight was and how I felt, I'm Billy Hargrove I don't "like" girls! I play girls like a game, I get what I want and leave, always have but something is telling me Amy is different I mean it would be an achievement to get my way with her but it didn't feel right.


I really struggled with the actual date part, I wanted Amy to be her quiet self but to also be happy around Billy.
Hope it was ok for you guys! Xx

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