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The drive to work was confusing for Billy, he had so much going around his mind, feeling guilty for leaving Amy at his house on her own after all this, confronting Heather, but most of all he was thinking about finishing his shift, finding out the truth about Heather and getting home to take his girlfriend for a drive away from this stupid hick town.
Billy wanted nothing more than to take Amy away from all of this, ever since she started dating him she has had drama in her life, this was a curse that Billy brought with him, no matter who you are if you are around him you get dragged down.

When he pulled up outside the pool the first thing he saw was Heathers car in the parking lot, heading straight to the break room, Heather was in there with the nerd off the front desk, Billy sat down at the table with her, "well hello Mr Hargrove how nice to see you" Heather smiled at him, earning nothing back in return except Billy pushing the note across the table to her, "love notes, Billy what would your little angel Amy say?", Billy rolled his eyes at her, "just read the damn note Heather". Carefully heather opened the note, she looked at Billy and licked her lips, "what do you want Hargrove?", Billy moved closer to her, "well! ....what I want is for you to get it in your head that me and you would never have worked out it was purely sex!, I am with Amy and I love her, I know you don't buy that because you know the old me the Billy that couldn't love, so I'm telling you one last time leave me and Amy alone!".

Billy carried on with his shift, for the next 4 hours it consisted of telling the fat kid to stop running and noticing Heather sat at the other side of the pool looking sad, 'I'm not falling for that' Billy thought to himself.
Ten minutes before the end of his shift he noticed a farmiliar brunette walk into the pool area wearing a sexy summer dress.

The brunette was his favourite person on the planet, she turned around and walked over to him, Billy looks at Heather, when she notices Amy she rolls her eyes at her, Billy didn't care, all he wanted to do was kiss his girl

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The brunette was his favourite person on the planet, she turned around and walked over to him, Billy looks at Heather, when she notices Amy she rolls her eyes at her, Billy didn't care, all he wanted to do was kiss his girl.
He climbed down from the lifeguard tower and met his girl at the bottom, "wow Amz you look amazing! What's all this though, I thought I was meeting you at my house?" Amy wrapped her arms around his neck before saying " I know babe we was, but I got bored so I packed us some lunch and I walked here, we can go straight after you finish", Billy kissed her passionately on her perfectly painted red lips, "god I love you, and this dress is so fucking hot" he stretched his arm out and made her twirl, "yep it really is, did you wear it on purpose baby" Billy said pulling her closer, Amy gasped "what! Me no, would I do such a thing to my boyfriend, especially when he has so much control of what goes on downstairs" when Amy said "downstairs" she turned around and brushed her ass against the bulge she knew full well would be there before walking off, she called back, "shower babe il meet you at the car" she then turned around and blew him a kiss, also looking at Heather with a smirk on the way out.

When Billy has showered he headed to the parking lot and there she was sunbathing on the hood of his car, anyone else he would have kicked their ass, "you asking for attention babe?" He said as he walked up to her, Amy jumped off the hood of his car and into Billy's arms, he lifted her up so she wrapped her legs around his waist, obviously his hands found her ass, "find what your looking for stud?" Billy gave her a deep laugh, "always do babe, not that this dress is hiding much", Amy kissed him before jumping down, "come on drive me somewhere", as she was walking to the passenger side billy replied, "only if you repay the favour later", the pair started howling with laughter but were interrupted by a voice, "Amy can I have a word please?", Amy looked over at Billy in shock, "you don't owe her anything Amy" he said, "I know babe but I need to hear her out".

Amy headed over to Heather by the gates, "thank you so much for meeting me Amy" Heather looked down at her shoes, "no it's ok, I want to get to the bottom of all this, I totally get where you are coming from it can't be easy for you", Heather nodded in agreement, "no it's not but he made me realise today that he hasn't broken things off with me for another lay, it's for true love, he told me how much he loves you, and I saw it when you came by earlier, after you left he just kept smiling, normally the smile fades when the girl is gone but he kept it for you" Amy began to blush, the girls spoke for about 10 minutes before hugging and making their way to the cars, when Billy saw Amy he jumped out of the car and wrapped his arms around her, "are you ok babe?" He asked her, "never better babe, I think we fixed it", she explained what they had spoken about and how Heather agreed to be better about it she just needed time, which Amy graciously accepted, Billy nodded when Amy told him, he didn't agree but didn't want to upset Amy, "come on angel let's get out of here", the pair got in their car and drove off hand in hand.

Thank you for been so patient for this book, hopeful I am working my way back to been me, surely nothing else can go wrong! Right?!
Hope you enjoy this story,
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