And the Oscar goes to....

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Amy had just finished her first class of the day so she was heading to the break room, for a well earned rest after dealing with mid 40s  moms stretching out discussing deals at the stores. She walked up to the door and saw Heather sat on the couch, 'fuck sake' she thought to herself before pushing the door open, she smiled at Heather as an ice breaker but she looked at Amy with pure hatred in her eyes, telling her she wasn't in the mood to talk.

Amy continues to walk in and headed over to the kitchenette counter, she poured herself a glass of water and sat at the table which was at the opposite side of the room to Heather, the tension could have been cut with a knife, Amy couldn't take it any longer, 'I have to say something' she thought to herself.
"Heather could we talk?", She rolled her eyes in Amy direction and sat forward on the couch, "sure where shall we start? The part where you are sleeping with my Billy or the part where you pretended to be my friend to get closer to him?!", Amy held her hands up in defence "first off Heather, I am your friend, second, I didn't know about you and Billy until after me and him started talking, plus you both told me that it stopped when I started here, I didn't mean to hurt you Heather", Amy genuinely felt sorry for Heather, been her usual over caring shelf.

"You didn't mean to hurt me! You gotta be kidding me right now Amy!, Don't play dumb with me, I let the flirting slide because he is the biggest flirt in town it's what he does, and we technically weren't together but then for you to go and sleep with him! Shitty move Amy, real shitty!", Amy was shocked at her outburst, "look Heather you weren't together and Billy perused our relationship knowing about you and him messing around, I didn't know, We are genuinely happy Heather, we are really happy please don't make it like this", Heather growled at Amy, "god! Your so selfish, as if you are only thinking about yourself! Iv just had my heart ripped out and you want me to be happy for you! God, fuck off Amy go whore your self around Billy, you seem to better at that than been a good friend".

With that Amy stormed out of the break room slamming the door in frustration on the way out, people around the pool had heard the commotion and noticed Amy's dramatic exit and turned around to get a good view, Billy being one of them, he was on the lifeguard chair when he laid eyes on Amy as she stomped off into the locker room, without thinking he left the pool area and followed her down to the locker room.

Amy was laid across the bench cursing to herself thinking she was alone, "selfish? I'm selfish, fuck you! ......Ahh what a whore! ...Jesus Christ....ughhhh I should have punched her!" Billy stood in the door way smirking at this side of Amy he had never seen, she got up and kicked the locker before crying out in pain "aahh! god damn it!".
Billy had to intervene before she hurt herself even more, "hey, hey, calm down tough guy, what happened?" When Amy noticed Billy she stood up and ran over to him wrapping her arms round he's neck, "I hate her Billy! I hate her so much!", he tried to calm her with a soothing "shh" as he rubbed her back.

After a few sobs she calmed down enough to tell Billy the whole story, he was fuming but he stayed quiet, until the end, he kissed Amy on the head and started walking out of the locker room. Amy grabbed he's arm and pulled him back, "Billy leave it, it's not worth loosing your job for", Billy placed he's finger under Amy's chin and lifted her up to plant a small kiss on her lips, "Amy, I get it I do, but you gotta move angel" he gently moved her out of he's way and headed up the stairs to find Heather, he was seathing when he found her still in the break room, marching in he pushed the door so hard it made a loud bang and probably a crack in the wall, "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!" He yelled at her, "I'm sorry? Billy I don't know what you mean" Heather stood up with a confused look on her face, "I warned you not to bother Amy or me! And less then a day later I find her crying and kicking the shit out of the lockers because of you, you got a problem l, you come see me! If I have to tell you again Heather I swear to god it will be more than me yelling at you, we're done for the day, il let you tell John why",she lowered her head and nodded with a sad expression.

Billy walked out of the break room and met Amy outside the door, planting a kiss on her forehead he said "il grab our things babe, we're leaving, meet me at my car" and he headed back to the locker room.
Amy looked in to the break room where Heather was still stood, suddenly she lifted her head and looked directly at Amy and gave her a cocky wink, as she wiped away a fake tear, "I should get an Oscar, right?", Amy took a deep breath and walked to the parking lot to wait for Billy.
This was not going away anytime soon, she had to play dirty if that's how Heather was going to play it, but she couldn't tell Billy because she would go bat shit crazy, she was going to handle this on her own and fight for her man.

Hi guys I hope you are enjoying this!
Sorry my updates have slowed a little, my life is hectic at the minute but I am still on with this story.

Thank you so much for reading, love u!!

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