Big news

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It had been 2 months since Heather had made a truce with Amy and Billy, things were looking up, she hadn't been a problem at all, the couple were inseparable still, Billy had even begun hanging out with Amy's friends, he didn't really enjoy it but he knew it meant the world to her.
Nancy and Jonathan had moved away together for college but came back on weekends, Jenny was working for her mom at their family store, the group were excited because it was the weekend and they have all arranged to meet up at the diner.

Amy was just finishing her hair when she heard the door bell, she began smiling like a kid on Christmas, she knew it would be Billy, seconds later she heard her moms voice "oh Billy! Hi! Amy is just upstairs go on up", they were really cool with Billy and Amy been alone, Amy and her mom had a good relationship and they had spoken about 'being safe' which they were, it was just the sheer amount of time they were been safe she didn't know about!.
Seconds later there was a knock on Amy's bedroom door, "come in babe", Billy walked in smiling at her, "wow baby you look beautiful".

Amy walked up to her boyfriend and kissed him gently on the lips, "thank you baby, you looks amazing as usual, I missed you!", Billy picked her up so she had her legs wrapped tight around his waist, she kissed him like she hadn't seen him in month...

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Amy walked up to her boyfriend and kissed him gently on the lips, "thank you baby, you looks amazing as usual, I missed you!", Billy picked her up so she had her legs wrapped tight around his waist, she kissed him like she hadn't seen him in months, "mmm so do we have to go on this thing?" Billy asked breaking away from the kiss, "I'm only asking because you seem like you need some ... I don't know... relief", Amy bit her lip at Billy's comment, "oh baby you can relieve me any time but tonight I need you to come with me to meet my friends, pretty please" she begged him, "ok then only for you baby", Amy wiggled against him doing a happy dance, "fuck... if you want to make it out with that dress in one piece babe I wouldn't do that", Amy laughed at him before placing a kiss on his neck and whispering into his ear, "il just have to finish my dance off later huh", she jumped down and grabbed his hand leading him out of the house and into Billy's car after saying goodbye to her parents.

"Nancy!!!" Amy and Jenny shouted across the diner as they saw their best friend, this was the first time her and Jonathan had been back since starting college, they said they were busy "settling in".
"Guys I have missed you so much!" Nancy said as she group hugged her two best friends.
After lots of hugs and a few tears the girls joined Johnathan and Billy in their booth, "so tell us all about college life, how is it?" Jenny asked, Nancy looked at Jonathan before she answered "it's really good, so busy with classes and moving in", Jenny looked at Amy causing her to shake her head, "no, no Nanc, what's that look about?", Billy looked at Amy in confusion as he obviously saw no look, Jonathan laughed and Nancy covered her eyes before saying "told you ...she's like Colombo!".

They sat in silence for a second before a Jenny broke it, "Ok, I'm just guessing here, so, you either dropped out of college, you're on the run or......OH MY GOD YOU'RE PREGNANT!", everyone's jaws dropped and Nancy started waving her arms, "No! God no I am not pregnant", "then what?" Amy asked, Nancy slapped her hand on the table, "were engaged!".

Amy and Jenny's jaws dropped, Billy just rolled his eyes, "whats brought this on?" Jenny asked, that girl had no filter, it just comes out, "we're in love and we just know it will always be us two against the world" Nancy smiled at them, "yeah modern day Rome and Juliette right" Billy commented, earning a snigger from Jenny but an elbow to the ribs from Amy, "were so happy for you guys!, what they mean is, don't you think it's too soon? I mean we only just left school guys, there is so much to do and see, I mean don't get me wrong I believe in love at first sight" she smiled at her boyfriend, "but there is so much time for all that settling down and kids, you know what I mean?", Jonathan spoke up, "I know what you mean Amy, a lot of people will be skeptical about it, but all I know is I love Nancy and she loves me and that's all that matters to us", their friends eventually congratulated them and they enjoyed a fun night together, although Billy would word it a little different than 'fun'.

When it was time to leave Jenny asked, "could anyone drop me at home? My car is in the shop.", Nancy shook her head "sorry Jen we're going to see Joyce", everyone looked at Billy, "uh yeah I mean we were going for a drive out of town but we could drop you off then loop all the way back here" he answered reluctantly, "no, it's fine don't be doing the whole town for me....I can walk".

"I can drop you off, you live near me" the group all turn around to see Steve Harrington standing at the cash register, "oh I couldn't ask you to do that Steve, thank you though, like I said il walk" Jenny smiled at him, "you didn't ask Jenny, I offered, and I couldn't let you walk when I am literally going that way", Jenny looked at Nancy and Amy for help, Amy raised her eyebrows and nodded, Nancy just looked at the floor, "ok ... sure thank you Steve, il speak to you tomorrow guys!" Jenny called out to her friends as she left with Steve Harrington.

The rest of them said their goodbyes and got in their cars, "god that guy is still a dick" Billy complained, "Billy! He didn't do anything wrong, he's taking Jenny home so she isn't walking the streets in the dark", Billy rolled his eyes at her, "yeah well, as long as he keeps away from you", Amy scooted closer to him, "aww you jealous baby, don't be, I'm all yours" she kissed his neck, "to do with as you please ... remember, I hear the quarry is quiet at this time of night", Billy licked his lips at her suggestion, "oh you have no idea what's coming beautiful".
The pair drove off towards the Quary to finish off their deal from earlier.

So sorry it's taken so long, lock down is having my life!😂
Hope this was ok guys, more twists and turns to come ...
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