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*** smut warning. ⚠️ **
If your are not comfortable with this please feel free to skip I will always warn of smut before it happens.

When the movie ended Billy grabbed a hold of Amy's hand "come on beautiful" he said kissing her knuckles and leading her out of the theatre and to he's car, He turned the car on so it was warm for her while he stood outside and had a smoke.

Amy was sat inside waiting for Billy to finish, she was watching he's every move, the muscles in he's arm tense when he ran he's fingers through he's hair, hes Adam's apple bob up and down when he swallowed, the urge to touch him was becoming too much for her to handle.

'Fuck it' she thought, she got out of the car and looked at Billy, who was rather confused "you ok babe?" He asked throwing the end of he's smoke on the floor, Amy started walking around the car to him "just perfect" she answered.
As soon as she got in front of Billy she stood between he's legs and her lips crashed into he's, he's hands instantly finding her ass, he grabbed hold and pulled her even closer so their chests were touching.
Billy broke the kiss for air "holy shit Amz" he stood up and ran he's fingers through her hair tugging on it a little bit to make access to her neck for he's lips, he began sucking and kissing along her collar bone, once again Amy let out a whimper of pleasure "mmm Billy, god I need you... now!", he instantly stopped kissing her neck and looked at her, "your sure?" He was secretly hoping she was sure because he didn't want the tent in he's pants to go to waste, "yeah I'm sure, your parents out?" Amy was scared at her question but pleasure was taking over her senses, "yeah they are actually, you wanna go to my house?" Billy asked giving her a mischievous smile, she nodded and ran around to the passenger side of the car.

The ride to the Hargrove house was tense, Amy wanted to pounce on him but didn't think it was safe, Billy on the other hand couldn't keep he's hands off Amy regardless how dark it was outside or how much attention he was paying to the road.
He's hands roamed up her legs and under her little denim skirt, more soft moans left her lips, this was like a drug to him as soon as the sound left her lips he felt he's member throbbing in he's jeans.
How he managed to contain himself the rest of the journey to was a miracle.

They pulled up outside the Hargrove house and both Billy and Amy jumped out of the car and ran to the front door, Billy fumbling for he's keys, once the door was open they went in and he locked it back up, throwing he's keys in the dish on the side, he turned to see Amy bent over takin off her shoes, now this he couldn't resist.
Billy stood right behind her grinding himself against her ass, Amy gasped when she felt he's hard cock against her ass cheeks.
She shot up and stood facing Billy and bit her lip in lust, Billy couldn't wait any longer so he picked her up making her to wrap her legs around he's waist, he carried her into he's bedroom and turned around and closed the door with her, he pushed her against the door and began attacking her neck again, leaving hickies all down her collar bone.

Amy began grinding into his waist signalling that she wanted more from him, picking up on her sign he carried her over to the bed and gently put her down before climbing on top of her. Their eyes locked and the pleasure in Amy's eyes nearly pushed Billy over the edge, "fuck me angel, your so damn sexy" Amy licked her lips "take me Billy, I want you to fuck me, I'm ready" Billy threw he's head back and bit he's lip "oh it's coming babe but first I need to show you something".

Billy moved down the bed and spread Amy's legs "ok babe?" Checking she was still ok with this, she simply gave a quick "mhm" in response.
Billy moved her panties to one side and began rubbing on her clit, she instantly jumped with the sudden surge of pleasure hitting her, after a few seconds Billy upped he's speed, this time making Amy grab hold of the bedsheets at either side of her.
He kept this up for a while and when he felt she was ready he moved he's fingers down and slowly inserted one into her slit, but this time Amy let out a loud pleasurable "FUCK!", Billy looked over at her and smirked, he was making her feel this much pleasure for the first time.
After a few minutes of Billy slowly finger fucking her she was soaking wet, he had to have a taste, he wanted to warn her he was going down on her, "angel your pussy is so fucking wet, I need to taste this shit, your going to love it, ok?", Amy made eye contact with Billy again and nodded, this time
She didn't take her eyes off of him, she watched him move further down the bed, he took off her panties completely and began kissing up her leg not breaking eye contact, he reaches up to her thigh before slowly leaving kisses on her clit and tracing he's tongue between her slit, once he was in the position he wanted he began sucking hard on her clit and licking up all the juices from her previous finger fucking.

"Ah Billy Jesus! Yes!" Billy couldn't contain himself anymore, he unbuttoned he's jeans and shuffled out of them all while not moving he's mouth from her pussy, she was still moaning from pleasure and arching her back, she was close.

Billy removed he's lips from her clit and sat up on he's knees, "you sure your ready for this Amz?" He asked her again, "fuck yes" Billy laughed at her eagerness, he leant over her and grabbed a condom from he's drawers, ripping the packed open he put it on and lined he's hard cock up with her pussy before making eye contact again, slowly he inserted himself into her, she gasped, a mix of pleasure and pain, "holy shit your so tight babe, Jesus" he's moves got a bit faster making Amy grab hold of Billy's shoulder her nails digging in he's flesh, he didn't mind, he just wanted to make her feel good and reach her high.
"Oh shit Billy yes... yes..oh god" Billy followed behind her after a few more pumps "oh shit I'm going to come Babe, oh... fuck yeah"
Billy kissed her before collapsing on her chest, "god damn it that was good babe" Amy laughed "yeah it was, I didn't come out expecting that to happen but I'm glad it did".

Billy rolled over so Amy was sat on top of him, "thank you for trusting me to do that" he told her, "I trust you with my life Billy Hargrove" Billy pulled her down and into he's side and they cuddled naked on he's bed for what felt like 10 minutes but when Amy looked at the clock it was 1am, she sat bolt upright "shit Billy look at the time!" Billy was already half asleep, "just stay the night babe and il take you home super early your mom will just think you got back late" he pulled her back down and into he's side again, "you better hope she didn't wait up for me or this won't be happening again" she laughed before snuggling back into Billy's side and falling asleep.

This chapter flowed a lot easier I hope it's noticed.
I hate doing smut I don't feel like I do it justice but this book needed it.

Thank you for reading 🥰

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