We need to talk

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Amy ran down the stairs shoving the envelope into her bag then throwing it over her shoulder, when she got back in the car Billy greeted her with a smile, checking the car was in park she climbed onto his lap before kissing him, "god I love you Billy Hargrove", Billy's hands immediately found her ass, his favourite asset of hers, he reciprocated the kiss before saying, "mmm angel, that's cruel", Amy laughed at him complaining, "oh yeah?, why so?" She asked before climbing back into her own seat, "you can't do that when we have work, you know it makes me want to take you right here, right now", Amy planted another kiss on his lips, "in time baby, now come on, let's get this lock up over with", Billy smiles at her before putting the Camaro init reverse and pulled out of Amy's drive.

The afternoon shift went by quite quick, it was busy which made it pass really quick.
Amy had 3 classes this afternoon, she was getting really busy with all the moms and middle aged women.
Before they knew  it, 6pm came around and everyone was getting ready to leave, everyone except Billy and Amy, Billy hated the lock up, picking up all everyone's rubbish, cleaning the pool and worst of all cleaning the showers, he had a phobia of bandaids left on the shower floor.
He had just finished cleaning the pool and thankfully Amy offered to clean the showers for him, all that was left to do was lock up the changing rooms.

While Billy went down to lock the changing rooms up Amy waited by the pool, her stomach in knots, she had a huge surprise for Billy, the only thing is she didn't know wether he was going to love it or freak out, she was hoping he would love it.
She sat waiting patiently at one of the tables, after what felt like an eternity she saw Billy walking back up the stairs and putting the padlock on the gate, "All done babe, lets get out of here" Billy called as he walked over to the table.
Amy stood up and grabbed Billy's hand as he was going to walk by her, "actually, Billy, could you sit down for a minute I want to talk to you", Billy scowled at her, "what the hell Amz!, if you want to break up don't do it like this", Amy Held onto his hand a little tighter, "what?, no!, Billy no, I'm not breaking up with you!", a little laugh left her mouth, causing a sudden calmness to take over Billy, "oh, good, Jesus", Billy said running his hand through his hair, "well, what is it then?", He asked her.

Amy took a deep breath before pulling the envelope out of her backpack, "before you open this Billy, just know that no matter what I will always love you ok? And don't feel like you have to go along with this ok, it can totally be done alone, if your not ready it's ok...", Billy's mouth dropped, "holy shit your pregnant! .. I can't do this, oh my god", again Amy let out a laugh, "Jesus Billy! No, will you sit down!", Billy looked at her confused, "so your.. were not having a baby?", Amy shook her head, "no Billy, definitely not yet, I'm not ready to share you just yet", the two of them smiled at each other.

Amy slid the envelope closer to Billy, "ok so we've broken up and having a baby so far by your guessing, how about you actually open it and find out?", Billy smile and her, he did love her attitude.
Slowly his finger slipped under the lip of the envelope and tore at the paper, he reached inside and pulled out two pieces of paper, he held them up and began to read....
"air Indiana confirmation, two passengers.
Mr William Hargrove and Miss Amy Myers, flying from Indiana to CALIFORNIA!!"
Once he read those words he flew up from his seat and into Amy's arms, "you paid for us a trip to California! Baby that's amazing thank you so much", Amy pulled back from the embrace. "Not just a trip babe .... it's a one way ticket, we're moving there, that is if you will let me tag along?".

Billy was in such shock, he felt tears fill his eyes, "what!", he asked confused, "were leaving this crap hole town baby, me and you, iv already secured us an apartment, it's not much but it will be fine to begin with, I just need to confirm with the letting agent once you decide what you want to do", Billy lifted his love up into the air spinning her around, "holy shit Amz! How did you do all of this?", he let her down softly, still keeping his hands on her hips, "actually my mom helped me, I started the day you asked me to get a place with you, I knew Hawkins wasn't permenant so why prolong it, right? ...so what will it be?", She asked, staring at his face for any indication of what he was feeling, "Amy, Iv wanted to go back to California since the minute we pulled into this shit hole town, then I met you and you made life bearable again, and to think I could go back to my hometown but with the love of my life!, that is an opportunity I couldn't pass up, when do we leave?".

Amy jumped into Billy's arms wrapping her legs around his waist and planting kisses all over his face, "Billy Hargrove, you are amazing, thank you for letting me be a huge part of your life, I love you so much",She told him, Billy placed his forehead against hers, "your not a huge part of my life Amy, you are my whole life, I can't be without you, not even for one day".

He made her weak at the knees, in every way possible, "we leave in 2 weeks Billy, we better get all our stuff together ...but right now...", she leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I need you, so so badly", she began kissing from his earlobe down to his chin.
Billy gave her a deep hearty laugh, "fuck! you drive me insane Amz", his hands began squeezing her ass as he walked over to one of the sun loungers and sat down with her in his lap, "right here!", Amy asked in shock, "fuck yeah babe!, I want you now and I don't have time to drive us home". Amy laughed at his confidence, "ok if you say so", she told him as she slowly slipped off her dress revealing her pristine white panties and bra.
"Never mind the California view babe, this is a view I could get used to", Billy pulled her closer to his chest and covered her chest in kisses.


So sorry it's taken so long to post this update!
I hope you enjoy it
Thank you so much for voting and commenting it means the world to me!

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