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let's drive around town holding hands.

the first day of school rolled around eventually, bringing summer to an end. senior year. the year anne had been waiting for, the year she could finally apply for colleges and strive towards her dreams of being a teacher. or an author. she wasn't quite sure which she would prefer, but she thought maybe she could do both.

she climbed out of bed, grinning from ear to ear. she could hardly wait to get back to school, back to learning. she had missed it.

she pulled on her outfit, and decided it was the year she would stop putting braids in her hair and begin styling it like diana would. she hated her red hair, she was always tormented for it. but, she knew there was nothing she could do to change it. marilla refused to let her dye it, and matthew always told her how much he loved her hair.

(anne's outfit)

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(anne's outfit)

she wandered down the stairs after deciding she was satisfied with her finished look, and sat at the table where marilla had just finished setting breakfast on.

"good morning my beautiful family." anne gushed as she smiled widely, taking a piece of toast from the plate in the middle of the table.

"i don't understand why you have to extend your sentences. wouldn't a simple 'good morning' suffice?" marilla asked, smiling towards the young girl across from her.

"oh no, it wouldn't. you see, if i didn't extend my sentences, they would be boring. i want people to know how i feel when i talk. and i love you guys, so, good morning my beautiful family." anne rambled, buttering her toast and cracking open the egg on her plate. marilla simply smiled and shook her head. she wouldn't ever admit it, but she adored anne's rambling.

"are you excited for the school year?" matthew asked, taking a bite of his toast. matthew cuthbert was a quiet man. he was nothing like his older sister. he kept to himself, but he made sure everyone knew how much he adored anne. he begged marilla to keep her when they saw her at the orphanage when anne was just eight years old. obviously, it worked, because nine years later anne was still sitting at their breakfast table telling them all kinds of stories.

"yes! i can't wait. i'm going to ask miss stacey for extra english lessons after school so that i can make sure i am prepared for college interviews and that i do well on my final exam." anne explained, finishing off her breakfast and drinking her orange juice. matthew nodded in response, flashing the loving smile that anne adored.

anne stood up from her chair, clearing the table and making her way to the front door. she bid her goodbyes to her family, and made her way to the place she met diana every morning before school.

diana barry was anne's best friend. anne's first friend in fact. they met when they were both eight, a week after the cuthberts adopted anne. they've been inseparable ever since. diana was a very pretty girl, with her long brown curly locks and her warm, inviting brown eyes. anne had noticed that diana's eyes turned green in the sun, which is something she thought was so incredibly beautiful. diana was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful girls in avonlea, along with ruby gillis and josie pye.

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