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if i were a rose, maybe you'd pick me.

anne wandered around the school halls. she hated free period. none of her friends ever had the same free period as her. it was quiet, too quiet for anne's liking. she sang to herself, quietly, as she slowly wandered through the corridors.

"cause i'm a sunflower, a little funny, if i were a rose, maybe you'd pick me." she sang, softly but perfectly. she tugged at the bottom of her shorts, twirling around in the corridor. it's not like anyone could see her anyways.

(anne's outfit)

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(anne's outfit)

"i know you don't have a clue, this sunflower's waiting for you, waiting for you." she finished, smiling softly. she suddenly heard clapping, which made her heart almost stop as she jumped.

"wow. that was beautiful, shirley." said gilbert. how is he always lurking every time i'm singing? thought anne.

"god, gilbert! you really need to stop doing that." she said, laughing slightly. she was beginning to warm up to him, kind of.

"i'm sorry. i didn't want to disturb you. plus, i almost fell asleep. i think i'd fall asleep a lot sooner if i had you lulling me to sleep." gilbert joked, grinning at her.

"shut up." she said, playfully hitting his shoulder. he chuckled lightly, enjoying this side of her. "so, you have a free period too?"

"sure do. i was almost certain nobody else did, i mean there's nobody even around. apart from you." he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"ugh, i know right?" she agreed, folding her arms over her chest as they walked.

"wanna go sit on the field?" he asked suddenly. she nodded her head, smiling slightly as they made their way to the field at the back of their school. it was always full of daisy's, so anne already knew she was going to make daisy chains.

they sat down opposite each other on the grass, crossing their legs as anne picked some daisy's.

"what are you doing?" gilbert asked.

"making daisy chains. want one?" she asked, already half way through making her first one. he smiled as she watched her. god, she's so shut up gilbert! gilbert had a mini argument with himself in his mind. he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was.

"sure. why not." he accepted. she grinned as she glanced at him for a moment. she finished the daisy chain, which she had turned into a flower crown, and put it on his head.

"looks cute." she complimented, not even realising she had just used cute to describe something about gilbert. he grinned widely, something inside him went wild when she called him cute.

"oh, so you think i'm cute, huh?" he said, grinning cheekily. she looked up from the daisy chain she was making for herself, shaking her head as she laughed and kicked him gently.

"shut up." she said, trying to hide the fact that her face was turning pink. she finished her daisy chain, sticking it on her head.

"wow. you look pretty." he said, she found it difficult to joke about that one. he called her pretty. not many people have said that about her before.

"you think i'm pretty?" she asked him, the same way she had once asked him if he really did like her hair. he nodded his head, smiling at her.

"of course i do. what? you don't think you're pretty?" gilbert asked her. she shook her head. he thought she must be crazy, how couldn't she see her own beauty?

"no. i mean, with this awful red hair? and these freckles all over my face? not to mention how skinny i am, and how pale my skin is." she said. he couldn't believe what he was hearing. did she really think she was that awful?

"woah, shirley. what? don't say those things about yourself. you're so beautiful. your hair is my favourite part. and i'm fairly certain your boyfriend finds you extremely beautiful." he reassured her. she smiled at him, a real genuine smile. she knew in that moment that diana was right, he was a really good guy.

"thank you gilbert. that's so sweet." she said, adjusting the flower crown that was on her head.

"so, tell me dear anne, what music do you listen to?" he asked her. she smiled widely, this was a topic she could talk about forever.

"well, i think i like a bit of everything. my music taste varies a whole lot. some of my favourites are rex orange county, wallows, blondie, queen, lany...uh...the smiths, the police. i like lots of small artists that nobody knows." she explained. she did have good music taste, she was very good at finding new music.

"wow, you have good taste. rex orange county are great, and blondie, and queen...and the smiths. i've never listened to wallows before. maybe i should." he said. he never realised how similar they were music wise.

"yes you definitely should. listen to let the sun in, or remember when. two of their best." anne said with a smile. she was passionate about music, and she could probably give him endless music suggestions.

"we aren't so different you and i." he said, grinning at her. she giggled slightly, nodding her head.

"you're right. we're not." she said, smiling widely at the boy in front of her.

anne regretted being so horrid towards him. she didn't even know why she acted that way. yes, she was bad at making friends. yes, she didn't know how to talk to new people. but she didn't have a clue what came over her whenever he was around.

"gil...i'm so sorry for the way i've treated you. i've been so awful. i truly don't know why, i mean you are so kind to me. all of the time. i've been such a bitch. i hope you can forgive me." anne said, sincerely apologising. she didn't know how he had stayed so calm around her. but she remembered not everyone had the same fiery temper she had.

"anne, it's okay. all is forgiven. i thought it was quite endearing to be honest, you never talked to anybody else like that. i felt special." he joked, making her laugh.

"oh so you want me to keep being mean to you?" she asked, giggling softly.

"oh, god, please no. i may have found it endearing, but my god you are scary when you're mad. i prefer this, just talking and laughing." he said, smiling softly.

they talked a little while longer, before realising the time and running back into school to make it to their next lesson.

anne liked the conversation they had out on the field. gilbert was nowhere near as awful as she first thought. sure, the way they first met was creepy, but she now knew he really didn't mean to be creepy. in fact, he only ever wanted to be her friend. and now, they were friends. kind of.

they were getting there.

A/N: friends?! thank god!!
also when gilbert called her pretty....uwu
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