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this is the day, your life will surely change.

day two of senior year. to anne it had already felt like a whole year, even though it had only been one day.

she got out of bed, walking over to her wardrobe and picking her outfit for the day.

(anne's outfit)

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(anne's outfit)

she repeated her morning from the day before, making small talk with her adoptive family before bidding them goodbye and walking to meet her dear friend diana.

"oh, don't you think gilbert is dreamy?" diana asked her during their walk to school. anne rolled her eyes at this, he really was one of them boys.

"no. i think he's creepy. he listened to me sing, then nearly scared the life out of me afterwards. at night. in the woods. that's just weird!" anne protested, linking arms with diana. her friend let out a giggle, shaking her head.

"anne, i don't think he meant to be creepy. i think he just wanted to compliment you." diana said, still giggling softly. she knew how stubborn anne could be, even when there truly was no reason for her to be stubborn. she was just so headstrong.

"well, i don't care. still creepy to me." anne said with a grin, letting go of diana and running over to cole as soon as she spotted him standing outside the school with the other girls. she almost jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist, pulling his best friend into a hug. he laughed, shaking his head at anne's craziness.

"good morning to you too." cole said as anne pulled away, smiling widely.

"i thought you might enjoy a hug. you never know what could make someone smile!" anne said with a warm smile.

gilbert blythe stood across the car park of the school, watching the whole scene between anne and cole play out. were they dating? of course they were. someone as beautiful as anne wouldn't be single. he imagined she was a kind person, even if she tried to hide it whenever she talked to him. he got the impression she was very headstrong, and independent. but still, he wondered what it would be like to be her friend.

"hey, man. what's up?" a boy asked suddenly from gilbert's side. gilbert looked at him, a blonde boy with blue eyes and what seemed like a friendly smile.

"hey. uh, nothing really. who are you?" gilbert asked the stranger, furrowing his brows slightly.

"oh, sorry. i'm billy, i know you're new here so my friends and i were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us." the boy, now known as billy, offered.

"that would be great, thank you so much. i'm gilbert, by the way." gilbert introduced himself, following the blonde boy inside the school.


as it turned out, gilbert was also in anne's english class. she was hoping he wouldn't be smart, as mean as that may sound. she didn't know if she could bare it if he were smart, because he seemed like the type who would want to compete. and if anne ever lost, she was afraid she would begin to doubt herself.

"okay class, we're going to have ourselves a little spelling bee. i want to see how much you've remember over the summer, seeing as i'm fairly certain most of you will not have written a sentence on paper all summer due to the dramatic amount of phone use." miss stacey announced, earning laughs from the students. "today, we will have billy, carly, anne and our new student, gilbert."

anne stood up immediately, ready to beat everyone. she was awfully good at spelling.

"okay, carly, spell imminent." miss stacey began, allowing a few moments for carly to speak.

"imminent. i, m...i, n, e, n, t." carly said, extremely unsure on whether or not she got it right. she couldn't remember if there were two m's or one.

"sorry, carly. but that's incorrect, please go take your seat." miss stacey said with a sympathetic smile as carly made her way back to her chair. "anne. spell euphemism." miss stacey requested, knowing anne would definitely know how to spell it.

"euphemism. e, u, p, h, e, m, i, s, m." anne said proudly, smiling towards the cheery face of her best friend, diana, who watched from her desk.

"that is correct. well done, anne." miss stacey congratulated with a warm smile. "billy, spell vicarious."

"vicarious. v, i, c, a, r, i, o, u, s." billy concluded, earning cheers from the rest of the classmates.

"that is correct, well done." miss stacey said. "gilbert, spell magnanimous."

"magnanimous, m, a, g, n, a, n, i, m, o, u, s." gilbert finished, perfectly. anne couldn't help but look at him. she wouldn't admit it to anyone but he was awfully handsome. and he had good sense of style, and she guessed he probably had good music taste too. but still, he was still the creepy guy from the woods.

(gilbert's outfit)

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(gilbert's outfit)

"that is correct, well done. looks like you could have some competition, anne." miss stacey said with a small laugh, causing anne to look away from gilbert immediately.

after another few minutes of spelling, billy got one wrong which meant it was only anne and gilbert left. and anne was more than determined to beat him.

"anne, spell clairvoyant." miss stacey requested. gilbert was watching her, impressed with how smart she was. he was right when he thought she would be smart.

"clairvoyant. c, l, a....i, r, v....o, y, a, n, t." she stumbled slightly. she could feel him looking at her, and it made her uncomfortable. she couldn't concentrate on the word.

"correct, well done anne!" miss stacey said with a smile. "gilbert, spell abstinence."

"abstinence. a, b, s, t, i, n, e, n......s, e." gilbert said. he knew he had spelled it wrong, he did it on purpose. he saw how uncomfortable anne looked, she looked like she could breakdown at any second. so he got it wrong, so that she would win and could finally go sit in her seat.

"sorry gilbert, that's incorrect. well done anne! you're this weeks winner." miss stacey congratulated, causing all the girls to cheer for anne as she walked back to her seat.

"well done, anne." gilbert said with a smile. anne only nodded her head, glancing at him for no more than a second.

anne sat back down, letting out a sigh she didn't know she had been holding in. so he was smart, and he liked a competition. she was adamant that she wouldn't let him win.


A/N: sorry this chapter was a bit boring! it will get better soon :)
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