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you know that i want to be with you all the time.

ruby gillis had developed the worst kind of crush on gilbert blythe. the kind of crush where you can't get over them, at least not for a long time. the kind of crush where you actually believe they may like you, until you see them around someone else.

at first, she thought gilbert had liked her. especially after that day in the field when he offered to walk her home. or at the party when he promised her a dance. she was certain that maybe, he could like her back. but then she saw him around anne. she didn't understand, anne was awful to him when he first arrived in avonlea. ruby adored anne, she truly did, but she was jealous.

ruby didn't understand gilbert's interest in anne. sure, she was beautiful and all, but she was strange. ruby loved her for how strange she was, but she knew others didn't. although most people in avonlea adored anne, nobody could deny she was a very strange little thing. she used big words, she never stopped talking, she read more than most people do in their whole life, she had the wildest imagination. she was just strange.

"hey, gilbert." said ruby as she approached him. she smiled sweetly at him.

"oh, hey ruby!" said gilbert, grinning at her. gilbert was probably the most oblivious boy in avonlea. he hadn't noticed ruby's crush, even though she always complimented him, she always stared at him, she always smiled whenever he talked, she laughed at everything he said. could she be any more obvious?

"i was wondering if maybe you wanted to do something friday?" she asked him, her usual innocent, adorable smile across her face. ruby was never usually this bold, but she had to make her move before he tried to make his move on anne.

" mean like...a date?" gilbert asked, looking confused. he had hung out with ruby before, but it was never usually just the two of them.

"yes gilbert, like a date." ruby responded with a giggle. gilbert thought about it for a moment. he thought about how much he liked anne. then he thought about how anne would never feel the same about him. maybe going on a date with ruby could help him get over anne. ruby was a nice girl, she was never anything but kind and sweet. what he said next, surprised both him and ruby.

"okay, sure. let's do it. i'll pick you up at 7?" he accepted. he wasn't sure how to feel. he was hoping it would help him get over the crush he had on anne.

"wait, really?" asked ruby. she widened her eyes, raising her eyebrows. maybe he doesn't like anne. thought ruby.

"yes, really." gilbert said with a chuckle. "so, 7?"

"yeah. yeah, 7 sounds good." ruby said with a grin before walking off to find her friends.


"wait...jerry? my friend jerry?" asked anne in disbelief, looking at the face of her best friend, diana barry.

"yes! your friend jerry! god, i've had the biggest crush on him for the longest time but i never told you because he's your friend and i didn't know how you'd react. i can't believe he actually asked me out." diana gushed. it turned out jerry had finally taken a chance and asked diana out, only 4 years after initially meeting her.

"okay, first of all, was painfully obvious that you had a crush on jerry. i've known since you first met him when we were fourteen. and i can't believe he asked you out either! i knew he liked you, but oh my god that boy has grown some serious balls!" anne said with a smile. "how did he-"

"oh my god, guys! you'll never guess what!" ruby yelled, interrupting their conversation. both girls turned to look at her expectantly, raising their eyebrows.

"what is it?" anne asked, smiling at her friend.

"so, you know how i told you i had a crush on gilbert?" ruby began. both girls nodded, eager for her to continue. "well, i got tired of i asked him out! and he said yes! we're going on a date on friday night!" ruby said with a giggle. anne smiles widely, she was happy for ruby. so happy. but something felt weird. she didn't know what she was feeling. she wasn't angry, and she wasn't upset. she was...jealous? but why would anne be jealous of ruby and gilbert going on a date?

"wow, that's great ruby! i actually have news too!" diana said excitedly. ruby and diana began talking about their dates, but anne wasn't listening. her thoughts were somewhere else — somewhere so far away from that. why was she so upset about gilbert and ruby going on a date? what was it that was making her feel that way?

maybe it was because her friends had dates and she had nobody, because her boyfriend just broke up with her. maybe it was because her best friends were seemingly happy, and she didn't feel all that happy.

at least she knew now that her friends were wrong about gilbert having a crush on her. he obviously liked ruby. is that why i'm so bothered? because he likes ruby and not me? anne thought to herself, but quickly shook off those thoughts. no way.

anne did not like gilbert blythe.


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