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with you, i need no place to hide.

emily christine williams had always been a pretty girl. at every school she had been to, she had always been the popular girl. the cheerleader. but she decided to go for something different this time.

her dad moved around a lot for his job which meant their whole family, consisting of her dad, emily, her mum and her two brothers, had to move cities an awful lot. emily wasn't sure why her parents bothered putting her in school anymore, wouldn't it just be simpler to homeschool her?

emily wasn't the sweet girl she had portrayed herself as at avonlea high. if you asked anybody who went to her previous schools, you would find out she was actually a notorious bully. she had decided to follow a different route at this new school, due to the close knit community. the day she met gilbert, she knew that was bound to change.

gilbert was the sort of boy a girl like emily was expected to be with. she wanted to try and make them an item, but there was a certain someone in the way. emily had only attended avonlea high for a week, but she already figured out anne's feelings for gilbert. and she had a strong feeling gilbert felt the same, so all she had to do was cut the connection between them. it was easier than she had thought it was going to be.

"hey, gilly." said emily as she sat down beside him at the lunch table. everyone exchanged looks, raising their eyebrows at the new nickname. even gilbert looked shocked.

"oh, hey emily." said gilbert, glancing to his side for a second. she had never called him gilly before, and he wasn't sure whether he liked it or not.

anne rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her water. she had decided she didn't like emily. something about her didn't seem right. nobody believed her though, because to everyone else she was the perfect angel.

truth be told, emily had never actually done anything wrong. anne just got this feeling from her, and anne's feelings were usually right. she just didn't seem...genuine.

"so, what are you doing tonight?" emily asked gilbert, her elbow leaning on the table as her chin rested in the palm of her hand.

"oh, nothing." he responded, using his fork to move his pasta around the plastic bowl it sat in.

"do you wanna hang out?" she asked him, smiling sweetly. anne watched closely, nervously playing with her hands under the table. she hoped that he would say no, but he was gilbert blythe, and he was too polite for that.

"oh, sure. what do you wanna do?" he accepted, turning his head to face her. she smiled widely, moving her head away from her hand.

"oh i don't know, i was thinking maybe we could dress up a little nice, go for dinner then go see a movie?" she suggested. that's a date. thought anne, still watching the two. in fact, everyone was watching them.

"you mean, like a date?" he asked her, his eyebrows raised.

"yes, gilly, like a date." she said with a giggle.

"oh, okay. sure." he said with a smile.

gilbert felt someone kick his leg under the table, he looked across to see diana giving him a look. a look that said what are you doing?! you like anne and she likes you back! you're going to ruin everything! but of course, gilbert didn't receive that message.

"i have to go." anne suddenly said, standing up from the table and leaving her untouched food. gilbert suddenly looked up, confusion plastered across his face.

"wait, where are you going?" he asked her. anne glanced at him for a second.

"i just forgot i have to do something." she said, before walking away from the table.

"yeah, i have to go too." said diana, standing up and taking her food away along with anne's and throwing it in the bin before running to catch up with anne. "anne! wait up!"

"what's up?" anne asked casually as diana caught up with her.

"are you okay?" asked diana, linking arms with her best friend as they walked down the corridor.

"yeah, i'm fine. why?" anne said, refusing to look at diana.

"anne. i know you. you're not fine." said diana. the two friends stopped walking, and sat down on the same bench they had met emily only a week prior. "what's wrong?"

"everything. i don't like that girl. there's something off about her, and i know nobody believes me because she seems so sweet, but something just doesn't feel right. i mean, what? she's been here a week and she's already asking guys out on dates? she barely even knows him." anne rambled, scoffing at the end. diana smiled softly, she knew it had been bothering anne.

"you mean asking gilbert out on dates? you're hurt, aren't you?" said diana, her voice soft and sweet. anne looked at her, biting her lip nervously. "anne, it's okay to admit it. you like him, you're allowed to be upset."

"okay, yeah. i'm upset. it's just...i like him so much, di. i know that you already know this, but god it feels like my feelings only get stronger every time i see him. it was so easy for emily to get him to go on a date with her, he obviously doesn't like me the same way i like him." anne said sadly, looking down at her hands in her lap.

"anne. he does like you. anyone with two damn eyes knows that boy likes you. he obviously thinks you don't like him. this is probably his way of trying to get over you. but he's going to realise that he can't get over you, because there's nobody else in this world quite like you, anne shirley." said diana, a warm and reassuring smile on her face.

"thanks, di. i love you." said anne, pulling her best friend into a hug as she grinned.

"i love you more." said diana.

"okay, let's not talk about this here. i'd hate for someone to overhear and find out about my stupid crush on gilbert." said anne, a small giggle escaping her lips as the two girls walked away.

little did they know, someone did overhear their conversation. billy andrews. and he was prepared to tell everybody.

A/N: i'm sorry, IM SORRY
but it's okay, shirbert is coming so soon u aren't even gonna know what hit you !!
thank you for all the love!!
don't forget to comment & vote!

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